Pedro Pascal and Nicolas Cage is a friendship I didn’t know I needed in my life. :sparkles:

Such a fun movie, with lots of comedy and laugh out loud moments.

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Why is Nicolas Cage so good at playing himself. Honestly enjoyed the first half more than the second half, but still a fun watch.

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This was so much better than it had any right to be, I’m very impressed both by the quality of the story and the acting on all parts.

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Shout by Deleted

It's a great Cage ouroboros plot. The metalanguage in the script is well constructed, as is the friendship built between two insecure men. The film fails to develop secondary narratives, but shines in not taking itself seriously.

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Great movie !!! Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal are hilarious.

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This is a great movie! I’ll definitely watch it again. It’s artistic, funny, has beautiful scenery, and the list just goes on. If you haven’t seen this, than you’ll be in for a treat with this one. It might be a little slow at first, but once it gets going, it will suck you in.

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Probably my 4th favourite movie of all time… right after Paddington 2.

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To my surprise I actually enjoyed it. Very well done on how the movie does not take itself too serious, but is still not too cringe (except for the piano scene, that was just too much).
All in all, entertaining and Nicolas Cage is superb, great chemistry with Pedro Pascal.

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Pedro Pascal's talent doesn't cease to amaze. And Nicholas Cage? I mean, a legend. They were a great duo here, so fucking funny. I loved this, it's one of the most entertaining movies I've watched in a while. It's silly but well done and well balanced, just great.

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Unbearable Weight is a decent comedy. It centers around Nick Cage's massive talent, but Pedro Pascal provides the better performance. This film is good for a chuckle but not a second viewing.

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What an absolute parcel of shite.

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Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2023-04-18T17:07:35Z— updated 2024-04-27T12:47:11Z

The good part of the movie was where Nic Cage talked about himself and his career. But that was a 5 minute joke, not a whole movie.

This would be better as a short Saturday Night Live sketch.

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For all the hype surrounding this, it was...fine. Beyond the meta-quirk of having Cage be Cage, the plot was pretty simple and was really there to service the interactions of Pascal and Cage. There was a lot of fun commentary on stardom, and Cage in particular, as well as some meta moments about storywriting, so there is some fun to be had, but I think I had my expectations a tad too high.

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Who edited this piece of shit? Everyone involved in this movie should be ashamed.

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I haven’t been as pleasantly surprised by a movie in a long time. Incredibly creative, fun, brilliantly acted, self-depreciating and flat out hilarious. Cage and Pascal are brilliant. This movie deserves to be more known than it is.

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The idea of Nicolas Cage portraying himself and reveling in his quirks and over-the-top acting is enough to warrant a viewing, and his chemistry with Pascal is superb. If you're a fan of Cage as a meme machine, you might find the movie enjoyable, but unfortunately, the execution falls a tad short. The humor comes across as somewhat forced, with many jokes falling flat without anything particularly fresh or memorable to compensate for it. Additionally, the action sequences lack the excitement one would expect from a film with such a ridiculous yet potentially thrilling premise. Overall, it's a passable comedy that will likely fade from memory in a few years.

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Nick Cage takes on the most challenging role of his career as…Nick Cage in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. While attending the birthday party of a rich businessman, Nick Cage is recruited by the CIA to spy on him for information about a political kidnapping. Cage gives a strong performance and is a good sport about poking fun at himself and some of the movies that he’s made. And the script has a bit of cleverness to how it works in some meta elements and plays to the Cage motif. Still, not all of the comedy works, and some of the jokes are tailored for the diehard Cage fans and don’t really play for the casual viewer. Yet while it has a few problems, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a fun and entertaining comedy.

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An unexpectedly great movie about friendship as an adult.

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Very entertaining movie, with a plot that could scare you off giving it a chance honestly, but a very interesting and funny meta-movie, with tons of references from all the filmography of the amazing Nick Cage, I really loved it and love seeing Nicholas Cage in kind of "big movies" again, I really loved a lot of his before!

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Despite not being a Nick Cage fan, this was a great film, with an absolutely fantastic friendship between Nick and Pedro. A good few laugh out loud moments, but not quite enough to warrant a re-watch.

Nick fans will love it. Everyone else will enjoy it.

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Obviously, the movie wasn't that good, but it can be a fun choice to spend free time. I'm not a big fan of Nicolas Cage, but I watch everything for Pedro Pascal. Literally everything. So I was able to take the time to watch it after a long time. It's a silly comedy. It's not too bad, but expectations shouldn't be high. I can recommend.

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Silly & fun. Just like it's supposed to be.
Some aspects were phenomenal (acid trip) and others were weak (no spoilers). Overall an entertaining and worthwhile adventure. 6.5

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Another one of those movies that if you have seen the trailer you basically have seen the whole movie. Furthermore, it was a good bromance between Cage and Pedro Pascal. I believe the presense of Nikki was silly and spoiled the whole movie, as it made it seem more stupid. Generally not much to expect. Honestly it is what you see in the trailer, if you like it then you will like the movie and if not then you will not like the movie. The first act was better, with crazy and silly humour, while the second act turned into a Nikolas Cage action situation with a twist that was expected from the beginning and the end was also not a surprise. Generally the movie i think is a bit overrated, surely one of the best movies Nikolas Cage has participated in the last years after his downfall. And I haven't seen Paddington 2 yet, which I will do due to this movie!

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Good stuff!

'The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent' is what I expected it to be. A breezy, comedic and extremely meta story with Nicolas Cage - sorry, I meant: Nick ... f*cking ... Whoa! Cage! Talking of whom, it's amusing seeing two Cages, especially the de-aged one!

Cage is great throughout. Away from him, Pedro Pascal is good value too. Overall, it's not a film to be taken serious - the opposite, in fact - but I had a positive time watching it. The calls to Cage's prior work, e.g. 'Con Air', is fun.

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Pedrito as always stealing the show. Nic was really good, though.
I didn't know I needed a friendship like Javi and Nick until now :100:

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For what it is, it’s decent, but man this could have been much better. I feel like it's missing something. I mean, imagine if this was directed by someone like Spike Jonze. Other than that, both Nicholas Cage and Pedro Pascal are entertaining together, so there's that.

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Hilarious movie ends up having the perfect bromance

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If Nic Cage is going to continue to make films like this, he may just take over as my favorite living actor. It's hilarious, while still being a wholesome heartwarming flick. And despite being all that, it takes the time to pack in some fun action sequences and metric fuckton of meta references that'll keep movie fans geeking out. This was one of my favorites of the year.

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I'm a casual Cage fan. I've loved some of his stuff. Face/Off comes to mind. Thoroughly enjoyed him as Roy Waller, in Matchstick Men. There are others too. When "Unbearable" was announced, I was thrilled. The concept sounded perfect for Cage. I'll go as far, and say, this to me felt like an epic role for him.

Finally I got a chance to see the film.

Truly enjoyed it. Especially the first two acts. I didn't mind the twist that's introduced halfway.

The last 30 minutes, in my opinion, catapults this movie, into meagerness. There is so much potential that's left on the table. I'm surprised, the film makers got sloppy.

Regardless, it's great fun. Don't miss it. The bromance that unfolds before our eyes is well played. Excellent chemistry.

Could there be a sequel, hmm.. ?

Rating: 6.8/10

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This is high art. Truly amazing.

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The cage has been unlocked! This was very entertaining; a real treat, especially for fans of the actor.

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I don't wanna like this movie, but I do

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Thoroughly funny and completely refreshing.

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What a great movie,only for this movie I will watch paddington 2

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It wasn’t as good as i thought it would be but it had it’s good moments and did love the nick and predro chemistry, did make me laugh but also had it’s cheesy negatives too.

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I love it!

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Nick Cage has found himself and embraced all the tropes about himself and the movie industry.
The result is a movie that is a pleasure to watch, is bad in the greatest way possible, and still manages to have story and feelings.

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I kept thinking, Damn, Nick Cage looks so much like Steve Carell in this film.
Anybody else?
that's it.

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The most Nick Cage movie of all Nick Cage movies! It was a fun little action flick, despite not quite being as good as I had hoped it would be. Maybe that’s more of a fault of my expectations than anything. It has its moments (cough cough the acid trip) that are highly entertaining. All in all, very much worth watching and I probably will end up watching it again even if I didn’t love it as much as I wanted to.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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Just let the Cage'ian vibes wash over you like the ocean waters on a warm summers day. Love him or hate him, he is nonetheless indeed a MASSIVE talent, which is precisely why this DOESN'T veer completely off into parody, but, actually feels like an authentic buddy / action flick that is indeed fun to watch, but is not so "on the nose" as to be saccharine or off putting. The supporting cast all do a yeoman's job of doing just that..... supporting the "stars" and making them, and the movie, look good. Could Nicolas and Pedro perhaps be the new Mel Gibson / Danny Glover duo we had so much fun with in the 80's and 90's? Perhaps, if proper storylines could be written, and they wanted to take another go at it. We really need that now. Nothing "woke", "preachy", or cramed with SFX driven silliness, but just, good old fashioned cinemagic fun. Well worth the watch!

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Shout by TheRealKerel
BlockedParent2022-07-01T21:35:55Z— updated 2023-03-29T20:40:46Z

An intelligent film for grownups

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Great. A Nick Cage takeoff of JCVD making a comeback / spy movie

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Absurd, Comical, Nostalgic 

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a absurdly entertaining , sharp witted homage to Nicolas Cage. With an amusing chemistry between Pedro Pascal and Nic Cage, the film rides through nostalgic career of Nicolas Cage and it delivers sufficient wits to evidently pronounce itself a chuckle some experience. The screenplay is linear and fast paced, and even in the most serious of moments you can't stop but giggle out. Performances are exceptional from both the leads which make it a sparkling comedy.

Check my page

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Nicholas Cage ... What were you thinking ? Just because they offer you a film doesn't mean you should take it . Your better than this.

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Haven't seen Nick Cage's movie in a while, this was refreshing provided you are a Nick cage fan.

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Shout by dnzt
BlockedParent2022-06-27T06:00:36Z— updated 2022-07-02T09:07:51Z

Just wow! Respect Nicolas Cage. I have seen recent shitty movies of Cage and now he has made a movie like this. He has the guts to make fun of himself. Really, I respect him. The movie is entertaining and he deserves some credit. Kudos to him. 8/10

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I really wanted to love this movie. I really did. I know it feels a bit derivative of a few other films but whatever. It was fun to see Nicolas Cage be both himself and a caricature of himself, all while in the context of characters that he has played throughout his career. Add in Pedro Pascal and you've got the makings of a really good buddy comedy. But that's where the problems start - the movie is great when it is working in the context of their friendship. It falls off of a cliff when Cage takes on a new "role" in the middle of the movie. I love that Cage has had a late-career- comeback (Pig was phenomenal) - this movie just left a lot on the table.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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"This is why I must trust my shamanic instincts as a thespian."

I must confess, I never even for about a second thought about watching Paddington and especially Paddington 2 but damn, after seein The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent I feel like I have to by the end of the year and now especially Paddington 2 has a bar set really high.

Anyway The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is one hell of a fun film. Pedro Pascal especially knocks it out of the park and his chemistry with Nicolas Cage is amazing. I'm really happy the film had some sort of buddy-cop feel to it. I wish these films would be made more these days. I also really enjoyed all the references to movies especially The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. That was one of the first silent films I have ever watched. And all those references to Nicolas Cage's career. Fun stuff. I also really loved that he was credited as Nicolas Kim Coppola.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a fun film for any Nic Cage fan who wants to see him play Nick Cage.

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Buhahaha... Classic Cage embracing his ecentrisim

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The only bad thing about this brilliantly funny movie is that the trailers showed too much. With that said. We need a sequel but with Nicolas Cage as a character who is obsessed with Pedro Pascal and the Mandalorian.

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funny, pathetic, unbelievable at the same time. great comedy mr. cage and javi are the new duo for real for real. gladly recommend it to everyone.

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Funny and entertaining to spend almost two hours with some good laughs. 7.1/10

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I want to know who paired up Cage with Pascal! Genius move.
This movie is quirky, goofy, charming, and just plain fun.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Nick Fuccccckkkkkkkiiiiinnnmggggg Cage is back. Love it. Great ride full of entertaining. Stop reading the comments and go watch the movie.

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The movie is kinda unbearable, especially at the beginning! Pedro Pascal saves it a little but, ultimately nothing to write home about..

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Nic Cage playing himself in movie where he ends up making a movie about himself... It's so Nic Cage

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made me laugh my ass off a few times

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Thought it wasn’t going to be good but well well, it was a pretty solid watch

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Funny, witty, and definitely not shi-

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This really started out great, an awesome parody of Nick Cage by Nick Cage, but it dragged on and instead of a funny plot about Nick Cage it became a super stupid pseudo action flick.

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Funny af! I wish I had seen it on theaters with a crowd.
The only thing I disliked was the score. Super generic.

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Tom Gormican's intelligence is to make the movie that Nicolas Cage seemed to be looking for a long time: one with Nicolas Cage playing Nicolas Cage talking to Nicolas Cage. The result is fun, a bit messy but less crazy than it should have been. Pedro Pascal brings humor and vulnerability, Paco León is a good villain and Croatia looks like Spain. It's everything so fake that it even ends up being good.

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It was stupid and it was ridiculous but my god was it enjoyable.
I’d say this is my third favourite film, pushing Paddington 2 into fourth.

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I got trolled by the reviews and watched this movie. Took me 3 days. Third day was the best.

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I missed this Cage! Wonderful movie!

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Lots of cringe scenes tbh

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I had no expectations and it turned out to be greatness. Was it a bit cheesy? Yes. Was it hilarious? Abso-f'in-lutely! What a fun ride. Probably my favorite movie so far this year. Reminded me a bit of 'True Lies' vibe.

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A love letter to Nick Cage fans! The chemistry with Pedro Pascal is flawless and I laughed a lot.

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did not expected this! absolutely brilliant!!!!

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Shout by Paul

They overhyped the meta aspect of this I think, I was expecting him to have to "channel" characters from his past films in order to beat the bad guys or whatever, like actually become Stanley Goodspeed to disarm a bomb, but there's not really any of that in there. It was okay.

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This is essentially my dream movie. A self aware Nicolas Cage movie with Nick Cage playing himself the movie star. I’m not sure how this idea came to light but I’m so glad it did. This was a movie I didn’t know about until I saw the trailer and I instantly was so excited for it. I was very excited to watch this movie I even found a list of movies of cages that would be referenced and watched all of those and after all those expectations they were still met. I honestly am surprised I was not disappointed at all with how much I was looking forward to this. Nicolas Cage and Pedro Pascal are both amazing and as a duo carry this movie. Everybody on the cast does their part but those two carry. This is just a good time with plenty of laughs and even heart felt moments I highly recommend.

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I think I was the one on acid during this movie.

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Acting: 2/3
Cinematography: 2/3
Story: 2/3
Enjoy: +1

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A brilliantly composed creatively unique film surrounding Nicholas Cage to personify the "superstar actor's" way of life in a comical sense. This movie has everything from comedy to drama to action to even a little bit of romance. Somewhere in the middle of all of the high intensity action scenes is a story of a how a man (Nicholas Cage) with a high demanding job that has him under a microscope finds his way, emotionally, back to his ex-wife and teenager daughter, all while making a new unexacting friendship. The appearances of several other famous actors to support the role of Nicholas Cage playing himself just adds to to creative comedy portion of this movie. Lastly, if there is any film that does comical action, this is it.

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If you are a fan of Nicholas Cage, this movie is a good performance by him, with an honest plot and good acting overall. If you, like me, do not care about the star protagonist, it quickly becomes a lackluster experience.

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Massive disappointment in this film. My own damn fault as I built it up in my head too much. When it was character-centric I enjoyed it a lot more, but the more action and generic it got my interests waned exponentially. Also too much 'hey this cage movie, memba that' moments

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Like a mediocre fisherman, it had me on the hook at the beginning but let me go when when it lost tension in the lines.

This buddy comedy where Nicolas Cage goes to meet a rich, Spanish fan (Pedro Pascal) in Majorca works best in the beginning with its self-aware, meta humor. But then it gets stuck in the same joke (a set up when you think something serious is about to happen but then, surprise!, a left turn -- only it's not a surprise because it was so obvious that something serious was never going to happen) and takes itself too seriously in the 3rd act with a twist we saw coming at the outset.

Not bad for a Nicolas Cage movie, but not a great Pedro Pascal film.

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Watching this film is like picking a fresh and original zucchini out of a stand at the farmer’s market and savoring it’s flavor while eating it, only an actual zucchini doesn’t include two Nick Cages kissing each other or a hilarious running gag about the greatness of Paddington 2

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A hilarious and wholesome buddy action comedy. I was expecting it to really go outlandish and over the top with its meta narrative but this was actually more restrained than I would've hoped and ended up being a straight blockbuster action film by the third act, which I'm not a big fan of. It still offers a ton of fun though and the first two acts are solid. Nic Cage is fantastic as usual, as well as Pedro Pascal who gives a really charming performance. There's just so much to love between their chemistry. Go watch it.

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There is no longer any reason to continue making art. Perfection has been achieved. Best thing since Paddington 2.

In all seriousness, this reminded me a bit of Pig in that Cage isn't remotely as over the top as you'd expect. He has a couple scenes where he leans full into the exaggerated performance we are there to see, but the movie caries itself on a clever, self-aware script that is genuinely fun and with good character arcs. It's not incredibly deep, but I do suspect a lot of this fictional Cage mirrors the experience that the real Cage has lived. That shows, and it was a thrill to watch.

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There’s a Mandy for normies

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So much better than I expected. The most Cage movie you’ll ever see.

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Shout by Kiki

I’m sure Cage fans will love all the references this movie has to offer about other Cage movies. Simple and to the point yet still humorous.

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Funny and ridiculous. So good.

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This movie is very much what you see in the trailer.

If you see the trailer and think it’s going to be shit, you probably won’t like it.

If on the other hand the trailer excites you due to the actors involved & potential stupid comedy levels, seeing someone get giddy about Nic Cage the way you do, the perfect level of knowingly over the top to make you laugh out loud, you’ll love it.

I loved it.

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This is what Nic's fans have been waiting for. Doesn't get more Cage than this.

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