I'm a casual Cage fan. I've loved some of his stuff. Face/Off comes to mind. Thoroughly enjoyed him as Roy Waller, in Matchstick Men. There are others too. When "Unbearable" was announced, I was thrilled. The concept sounded perfect for Cage. I'll go as far, and say, this to me felt like an epic role for him.

Finally I got a chance to see the film.

Truly enjoyed it. Especially the first two acts. I didn't mind the twist that's introduced halfway.

The last 30 minutes, in my opinion, catapults this movie, into meagerness. There is so much potential that's left on the table. I'm surprised, the film makers got sloppy.

Regardless, it's great fun. Don't miss it. The bromance that unfolds before our eyes is well played. Excellent chemistry.

Could there be a sequel, hmm.. ?

Rating: 6.8/10

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