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The Pale Blue Eye 2022

I love me some Christian Bale. I’ve always been intrigued by all things related to Edgar Allen Poe. That’s about where this one stops for me. It’s well acted, and a cool mystery, but it’s a slow drag. Some people will really love it, but not really for me.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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I don't know why, with such wonderful performances of actors and beautiful scenes and landscapes, it was a constant struggle for me to stay awake.

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I don't understand how people can call this thrilling and suspenseful when it's monotonous, unimaginative and lacking substance.
The cast is doing an amazing job, cinematography's impressive but it falls short on writing/directing in my opinion.

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Perfect Story...

Dark scenes look stunning on OLED.

I saw the most interesting personality and great performs of Act,
First half goes slow but just be patient, you will be nourished by Art of Dramma.

Because it made me wish to watch again immediately.

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Some of these comments, jesus. A dialogue based murder mystery isn't boring as long as the acting is good, as it is in this film. So a movie is boring unless it has a gazillion explosions and 30 minute MCU fight scenes? smh

Melling was the real standout here, and his performance alone held my attention. Bale's performance was more subdued, but that was also the character he was playing. The film lacked some depth since we know next to nothing about Landor, except the tragic story of his daughter and a really brief rundown of his past as a constable. It would have been better to consolidate some of the investigation and provide more background on Landor and his family so that the end has more weight. But otherwise, I thought this was certainly must-watch if you like literature, mysteries and historical set pieces, and Melling was totally compelling as Poe.

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It was a pretty good movie. Melling played an excellent Poe and worked really well with Bale's character. And had a good twist.

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very forgettable... watched only for Christian Bale

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It was a shame that such wonderful performances by Christian Bale and Harry Melling went to waste on such poor source material.

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Other than spectacular cinematography, this movie lacked almost everything. First, given the amount of death that followed Poe around, this story not by him but written about him, this story opens more doubts of Poe's writing being fiction than the memoirs of a killer.

Bale is good, but the story is just so bizarre. Devil worship, Poe notoriously anti-church, but then a killer who's the investigator, it just twists too much and is overkill in its attempt to make Poe seem like the innocent.

The true reasons Poe was dismissed from the USMA were always pretty vague and this fanciful story could be one, just adding to the folklore. Perhaps that's why I think it sucked, but gave it a 3 for the cinematography. Skip it unless you really love a poorly written, boring murder mystery with fairly decent acting.

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Christian Bale as amazing as always, he just embodies every character he plays, and he plays them very well every time, i also loved the Edgar Allan Poe character in this movie

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An honest thriller, with excellent performances by Bale and Melling. Indeed, the pace is a bit slow in some passages, but overall, in my opinion, it is a well-written script, with a final twist that is not entirely obvious. Landor's role as father and teacher to Poe also gives the movie that touch of humanity that makes it less cold and detached.

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Great atmosphere and moving story. Sometimes quite slow but catches up in the second part.

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The color palette of this movie are very nice along with the musical score brings a vibe to this movie that is very befitting for this type of movie. However, the main plot of this movie didnt really grasp me. It wasn't until the end that peaked my interest.

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I'll be the first to admit that I'm dumber than Patrick Star, so I'm not sure if the clues were obvious to others, but I did NOT see that ending coming. It hit me right in the feels, damn.

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It looks beautiful and gothic with great performances. But other than that, it didn't do it for me. Also, a missed opportunity not to include the song Pale Blue Eyes by Velvet Underground, somehow.

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A descent good movie with great editing and landscapes.Also i liked the perfomances.better than i expected 7.3/10

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Loved the way the scenes were set with colours and atmosphere, as well as there were a few Poe-motives snuck into it here and there.
And what a fun fellow Poe was! Enjoyed every minute of his and Landon’s exchanges.

I liked how the mystery keeps deepening, how you start suspecting about everyone until you get set on a path, question everything and in the end still get a completely new story.
I did suspect that everything was connected, would just have been too many loose threads in a good story, but it wasn’t obvious for me how until the end. I did also suspect that maybe the main character we are being introduced to and put ourself into his shoes might not be as innocent and maybe have something to do with it, but the plot quickly distracted me from that thought.

Enjoyed this greatly

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Pale Blue Eyes offered just enough to hold my attention. Harry Melling was great as Poe but Christan Bale seemed to phone this one in. Ultimately, this film is forgettable.

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Hey, I was watching that!

Dad, you have been asleep for 45 minutes.

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i liked the ending, but the first half of the movie was so boring that i almost fell asleep twice.

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Good story, but too slow for my taste :yawning_face:

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Some would say it's a slow burner, but in reality its a match thats barely caught fire without tinder or wood and forever promises to flicker into a burned-out flare that would extinguish if you looked at it sideways.

Blah blah blah lots of dialogue with no purpose broken up with more blah blah blah.

Tedious and painful to watch - made me want to fall into a large pile of sharp knives and sharp pointy metal bits, then stab myself with blunt butter knives and paper cuts.

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Just another overrated film in my own opinion. Though the cast delivered their performances very well, and cinematography was above average, the plot itself fell short for some reason. It was unnecessarily long which i think could've been shorter yet more insightful and creative. Overall, at least for me, it failed to hit the mark, but sill watchable, just keep your expectations low so as to not overly disappoint.

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This is a very watchable movie. Even though I found it to be a bit mundane. The acting is very good, as is the cinematography.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Home is where the heart is...

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Skip it its a boring movie

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yeah, as everyone else mentioned, slow build up and the solution wasnt a dundunDUNNN ending, but it was definitely unexpected. ive never read the book but considering the story from the movie, it seemed appropriately slow-paced.

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Pale Blue Eye
Slow to build, but I've grown patient with age. Yes, it's not Emily in Paris, but we can't always have life in sound bites and bumper stickers. I thought the story rewarded my patience, especially the ending.
Interesting characters too, such as Poe, with such a haunting face. Played by Harry Melling. of Potter fame as Dudley. He quoted the phrase 'pale blue eye' as being from his poem Lenore, but I think it's from The Tell-tale Heart. No matter, but are these true moments from his life, or just educated guesses? Gillian Anderson is there too, as Mrs. Julia Marquis, with that same halting delivery as she used for Maggie Thatcher in The Crown.
It was a sombre, monochromatic setting, in the grey depressing days of winter, which fit the subject and the tortured characters quite well. I liked it.

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Like the title itself the film felt pale, lifeless and bleak. With some fine ass
performance from Christian Bale & Harry Welling the film, helmed by Scott
Cooper couldn't hold much to itself as i thought it would. Started off steadily
and somewhere along the way the film lost it's footing but the final 17mts of
the film was something that i was not expecting, but the twist alone and Bale
couldn't be the saving grace of this Pale Film...

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I quite liked it. The work of Bale and Melling are amazing. But it felt a bit slow, and too lengthy for the pace. Chop half an hour or so, and it may have been better. Still, a very decent 7

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18 min in so far

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Great photos & scenography, Christian Bale and Poe's dark thriller. What can go wrong? Well, Netflix can faak up even that!

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Even the surprise twist was boring...

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A slow start that dragged a little but in the end was alright film and nothing amazing with an unpredictable twist that’s something new and made it more interesting and all cast did well.

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A decent crime story with a detective thread that keeps secrets to itself until the very end.

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A bit too long for my taste

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Slow-burn period piece mystery with beautiful landscapes, decor, costumes and snowy weather. Great acting from everyone, it has atmosphere for days and the dialogue was elegantly written. Unfortunately the mystery is unengaging, it's wayy too long and the intrigue got lost somewhere in the middle. Good luck to you all trying to stay awake!

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Amazing cast. Beautiful costumes. Well-crafted sets. Interesting story. But with all this, I'm still not enjoying it. I'm sure if you enjoy period movies, this'll be right up your ally.

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All the ingrediants are here for a great movie but it just falls flat. One of the first major disappointments of the year.

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plodding and dull unfortunately. just didn't work at all for me.

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Wait till the end to find the "MYSTERY" after Mystery.

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