Shout by Jeremy Styron

The Pale Blue Eye 2022

Some of these comments, jesus. A dialogue based murder mystery isn't boring as long as the acting is good, as it is in this film. So a movie is boring unless it has a gazillion explosions and 30 minute MCU fight scenes? smh

Melling was the real standout here, and his performance alone held my attention. Bale's performance was more subdued, but that was also the character he was playing. The film lacked some depth since we know next to nothing about Landor, except the tragic story of his daughter and a really brief rundown of his past as a constable. It would have been better to consolidate some of the investigation and provide more background on Landor and his family so that the end has more weight. But otherwise, I thought this was certainly must-watch if you like literature, mysteries and historical set pieces, and Melling was totally compelling as Poe.

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