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The Matrix Reloaded 2003

A confounding maze of garbage, The Matrix Reloaded is full of bad code. Taking the series in a completely new direction, the story picks up with Zion, the last human city, preparing for a massive assault by the machine army: meanwhile Morpheus carries out a daring mission within the Matrix to end the war by getting Neo into the Source. The writing is rather weak, with cryptic, nonsensical dialog that sounds extremely pretentious. And the CGI is incredibly bad, looking more like video game graphics. The fight choreography is also remarkably poor and fake looking; as it’s over reliant on the conceit that the laws of physicals can be bent within the Matrix. Still, the slick visual style is extraordinarily impressive and is incredibly imaginative. While there are a lot of interesting things going on in The Matrix Reloaded, it’s just too out-of-control to really enjoy.

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Nowhere near as good as the first but not bad. The action is fantastic and the highway scene and Smith fight are the highlights of the movie. The story is messy and what really brings down the movie.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2019-09-02T09:19:38Z— updated 2022-09-11T13:51:45Z

The visuals and some of the action sequences (like the highway chase) still hold up to this day, but this is overall a highly self-indulgent sequel with a discombobulated plot and even more wooden acting than the first one. Also, it marks the point where the Wachowskis started to go completely overboard with their use of CGI. They made a huge mistake by focussing on the philosophy for as much as they did, it’s bound to be way too complex and abstract for a lot of people, and even if you can kinda follow it, it’s not nearly as deep and profound as it thinks it is. Using the word ‘ergo’ doesn’t change that.


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Bane: Oh God.
Agent Smith: Smith will suffice.

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The highway scene alone makes this one of the best Action movies of the decade. Hell, I think it's my all time favorite car chase scene in a movie.

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Living up to the first was always going to be an uphill struggle but I enjoy this sequel.
I like the characters so it’s fun to see them again whilst the universe is expanded in an interesting way.
My main criticism would be the CGI in the Neo vs Agent Smith scene but it’s not as bad as I remember,
The freeway chase sequence is completely bonkers, in a good way.

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People seem to hate this one the most. And then people also seem to hate me for saying it's the only one I sorta like.

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An obvious follow-up to the original Matrix, still holds true to the same formula. A must see (and the finale after this)

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Shout by Reiko LJ
BlockedParent2021-01-30T22:27:50Z— updated 2021-04-06T20:00:19Z

Even as a 13 year old seeing the Matrix for the first time I had the sense to know that I didn't want any sequels. My imagination was better than having something concrete. 4 years later we had this film and it just bolstered that opinion. Rewatching now as an adult I can appreciate some aspects a lot more and actually follow the dialogue with The Architect but it still feels like a massive divergence from the original.

Still, its entertaining and visually pleasing.

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Although still a very good movie, it suffers a bit from the usual problems of sequels. By that I mean that more of the same does not automatically translate into a better movie. The action sequences / fights are too long. It is mainly a show of what was technically possible. The length of these sequences does not contribute to the progress of the story. It was great to watch, but at some point I wanted to continue the story.
Since the second and third movies are essentially a long one, I wonder if the tempo would have been better in a three-hour movie than in a couple two-hour ones.

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Makes me wonder why Brinks doesn't use Cadillacs.

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If you liked the first Matrix, then you can enjoy this one too. This movie feels dragged out though. The fight scenes, while great, but were just too long. The storyline feels too simple to compare it to the first movie. The first one messed with your mind, but his one was just an enjoyable action movie.

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The sequel to "Matrix" is a huge disappointment for me!

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As a sequel to the Matrix, it didn't live up to the original, not by far.

It has become pretentious instead of interesting, and the gradually developing user-friendly philosophical approach of the first Matrix has made way for straightforward philosophical speeches (e.g. from Morpheus, the Merovingian and the Architect) that could have come from my lecturer. It's a good thing I'm a bit of a nerd and appreciate the references, but the philosophical presentation was not entertaining.

However, purely as a visual action spectacle it is incredible. The highway chase is incredible, the visual style is beautiful, the costumes are great, the fighting scenes are amazing (except for the 1 against 100 cgi fight). Also the new characters are interesting, as long as they're not having philosophical monologues.

Basically: as a standalone action movie with a standard lousy story, it is an amazing visual feast and serves as a great popcorn flick!

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If you took the blue pill, please call your doctor immediately if your erection lasts longer than 2 sequels

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The Matrix Reloaded is the second installment in the Matrix franchise and the last good movie in my opinion. This Movie is a fun presentation of the all cool things Neo, Morpheus and Trinity (Perfect Characters) get to do as a fully developed team against the agents in the matrix and the machines in the real fallen world , this movie is just filled with awesome action sequences and just a cool story adding onto the perfect first film. I highly recommend this movie if you liked the first.

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The Matrix film series
The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
The Matrix Resurrections (2021)

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Matrix Reloaded’:

  1. I rated The Matrix a 10. I gave this a 5. The potential for the story, for the world-building, was immense. And they dropped the ball big time. I remember this being an incredible disappointment in the theaters, and it still inspires that same reaction.

  2. It simply did not have to be this complicated. It was maddening. Everything was explained so effortlessly in the first film, and it reaches an echelon of ridiculousness here. It reached peak absurdity when Neo meets The Architect. My eyes couldn’t have rolled any further listening to that character speak. It didn’t need to be that pretentious.

  3. I don’t remember the CGI being so bad. The heavy reliance on it here also hurt the film. The first fight with all the Smith clones was epic… until it looked like a was watching a video game cut-scene. Took me completely out of it. I know they wanted to “up the ante” and that there were only so many technological resources at the time, but it was extraordinarily-disappointing for a series famous for its next-level visuals.

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Not as good as the first movie.

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While mostly others thought The Matrix Reloaded didn't live up to its predecessor I thought it did and exceeded it. Again like the first one the acting wasn't special but at the same time I thought the story line got a little better and the action in the film was ramped up to a new level compared to the first. Like others has said that chase scene was the best I've seen in an action movie that I can think of; which should have been a no-brainier because they built their own stretch of freeway to film it. Matrix Reloaded is an excellent sequel to The Matrix.

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Though the action scenes drag on and there's a weird bacchanal orgy scene that lingers a little too long... This is a very good sequel.

The fact it is 2 of 3 makes for an unsatisfying ending but that is to be expected.


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Too much explanation. Maybe it was necessary but it wasn't entertaining.

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This part is mostly unforgettable for its fight scenes... after almost 20 years they are still breathtaking. ;)

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[HBO Max] Less valued than it should, it is a logical sequel that indulges in the spectacular nature of the action sequences, and a reflection more focused on the ambiguity of the prophecies and who really controls our destiny. It is surprising how many of the sequences in this film are part of our memory of science fiction cinema, how much the Wachowski sisters managed to transcend the fantasy universe.

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Only worth mentioning for the spectacular chase scene in the second half. It takes forever for things to get started, and when it happens, it’s all left for the sequel. I appreciated that they tried to find a deeper meaning for some of the gimmicks of the first film, changing the way destiny had been conceived up to that point. Still, it all eventually feels confusing for its own sake and ultimately overshadowed by the clumsy love story. My biggest problem here is the limited scope of the action, though. Despite Neo being finally able to morph and twist the Matrix in unthinkable ways, it always goes down to shootings and kung fu.

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Typical of so many part 2's that already know there's gonna be a part 3. Lots of set-up, no payoff, and all the fight scenes in the world can't save it.
Story: 4
Script: 5...none of the subtlety or humor that made the first so good. And the architect? What movie did he think he was in?
Performances: 5
Misc.: 6...I did like the ghosts
Influence: 4
Overall: 5

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Well, I fell asleep somewhere between already-seen fight scene #3 and #4 and nothing/nobody could bring me to finish this movie while awake - same with The Matrix Revolutions (2003). I'm done.

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OK sequel . Apart from the idea of the matrix itself and the effects for the time these movies don't have much original story telling ideas. More terminator like action. The kiss of life is more or less back. A key master. Superman flying. Use the force Neo? A traitor again! The cheesey ideas are still somehow acceptable to me. The action is great. The heroes journey of the first is re;aced by the story of zion. The story threads can be hard to understand. Not because they're complex but because they're unclear at time.

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The strongest of the sequel films, this builds on the mythology of the original and the plot develops in interesting ways. Its strengths lie in developing the world of the Matrix itself, as Neo looks to understand his role and issues of fate and free will are again front and centre. The film also continues to develop the action that the original was known for, culminating with a sustained action sequence that moves across different locations and takes in fights, chases and gun battles that are brilliantly choreographed and edited. It’s a shame then that for all the positives of developing the world of the Matrix, the less said about the world of Zion and the “real” world the better. It is here where the film’s pacing becomes problematic and the characters introduced are barely realized and largely uninteresting. Plot beats in this world are rushed and it becomes difficult to care about anyone outside the core trio of Trinity, Neo and Morpheus. It’s a flaw that becomes even more problematic in the next film, but here with the focus on the Matrix itself, these flaws don’t quite negate the films strengths.

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Matrix has a systematic error.

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not too far from the first one. anyway, i enjoy the action.

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When I watched the original for the first time last year, I wasn’t really compelled to watch to rest. Decided to give it a try anyway. This one… is about the same for me. Still shows his age quite often, but still entertaining. Most of the action is cool, but the fighting feels more like dancing sometimes, way too choreographed.

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Plot felt lost midday into movie

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The Matrix Reloaded is a major step down from the rather good first entry in the trilogy. Lack of consistency, major plot holes, way too drawn out, and even a bit boring in places.

Don't get me wrong... There are a few redeeming factors. Because it took them so long to make this, the effects had an upgrade, and the same can be said about the fight choreography

...and you got Carrie-Anne Moss in leather, of course. Who in their right mind would forget that.

It's too bad the Wachowskis didn't manage to make a better follow up, but in all's watchable. Just don't expect anything special.

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A very disappointing continuation which probably could have been saved by shaving out a lot of unnecessary nonsene early doors.

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How did they get it so wrong

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Worse than the original, but still good. They really try to sell you this whole Trinity-Neo love plot until it becomes a bit annoying. Basically one big movie with Revolution

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It's a bit too long, gets a little convoluted and some of the CGI is spotty at times, but otherwise it's a damn satisfying sequel. It further builds the mythology up and replicates the things you loved from the original. And the action. Oh man, the action is constant. It is loaded. I wonder if the criticisms for this draw down to bring overwhelmed by the action... I could've done without the cliffhanger ending though.

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Shout by Deleted

How is it possible that this film is so weak? After the first part was wonderful! Totally empty inside. Nicely run and fight, nicely. And that's it. Oh, and Link.

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