3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Matrix Reloaded’:

  1. I rated The Matrix a 10. I gave this a 5. The potential for the story, for the world-building, was immense. And they dropped the ball big time. I remember this being an incredible disappointment in the theaters, and it still inspires that same reaction.

  2. It simply did not have to be this complicated. It was maddening. Everything was explained so effortlessly in the first film, and it reaches an echelon of ridiculousness here. It reached peak absurdity when Neo meets The Architect. My eyes couldn’t have rolled any further listening to that character speak. It didn’t need to be that pretentious.

  3. I don’t remember the CGI being so bad. The heavy reliance on it here also hurt the film. The first fight with all the Smith clones was epic… until it looked like a was watching a video game cut-scene. Took me completely out of it. I know they wanted to “up the ante” and that there were only so many technological resources at the time, but it was extraordinarily-disappointing for a series famous for its next-level visuals.

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