Creo la versión extendida de nuevo completa y hace más redonda la historia. Un acierto el poder a ver al padre de nuevo, para explicar mejor la lucha de Gandalf y sobretodo el por qué iba allí.

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Weak and drawn out compared even to the first one.

Things I liked:
* Trippin' in Mirkwood,
* Barrel-ride,
* Lake-town,
* Dialog between Bilbo and Smaug

Things I disliked:
* NO SONGS!!1!
* 3 of the 5 major plot points are rushed through, culminating in a drawn-out battle/chase scene at the end that, after a while, becomes boring and stretches the suspension of disbelieve to its breaking point
* the added female lead is only motivated by her affaction for two members of the male cast. If you can't handle realistic female characters than leave them out.

Also: HFR+4K+3D makes prostetics look like what they are: rubber :(.

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the end left me thinking, I think that the dragon will kill everyone and how they will go stop it , and there cuts and the end :)

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you can't end a film like this :O

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Love the books, love the movies

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Shout by Lauren

gandalf takes up most of the space on the poster yet all he does is straight up dip from the quest unannounced just before the forest because he doesnt fuck with giant spiders. even in middle earth ian mckellan gives us relatable content

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A thrilling and captivating addition to the Hobbit trilogy that surpasses its predecessor. From the opening scene to the final credits, the film maintains a gripping pace, making the nearly three-hour runtime fly by. The addition of new characters, such as Tauriel and Bard, injects fresh energy into the narrative and expands the already intricate web of relationships. Their interactions with familiar faces like Gandalf and the dwarves add depth to the story, making it a truly ensemble effort. The highlight of the film, undoubtedly, is the introduction of Smaug, the awe-inspiring dragon, voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch. Overall, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug surpasses its predecessor, deepening the story, expanding the world of Middle-earth, and introducing us to compelling new characters. It strikes the perfect balance between action, adventure, and character-driven storytelling, making it a worthy installment in the Hobbit trilogy.

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Shout by Deleted

Missing alot of plot points from the books or just skipped right through them very quickly. This is true for most movie book adaptation. However as a movie itself disregarding the books it is still a good movie to watch

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8.5/10 - Yeah, quite some action and a pretty nice story :)

Bilbo's ring is becoming quite useful for his quest.

I was super happy when Legolas appeared! He's so cool and badass :) Tauriel is also as cool and badass - and she also has a huge heart and empathy (unlike that Elfen king who isn't even really honest... :o).

Gandalf also had a few cool scenes with magic. I hope his fight against Sauron will be epic!

Thorin: "If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together."

Smaug: "I am fire. I am death."
Bilbo: "What have we done?"

And then it ended with a huge cliffhanger... :o
At least we got "I see fire" from Ed Sheeran for the end credits - what a lovely song! <3

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I genuinely enjoyed this one quite a lot. I know lots of people have issues with it but I couldn't really find any major faults.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2022-03-15T23:57:48Z— updated 2022-03-29T18:26:01Z

Better than the first part of the movie and definitely more exciting and had a lovely flow to it. I definitely had a very good and fun time with this part of the movie.
For me as always the Elves stole the show and I could definitely watch a hole spinoff with the Elves as the main focus because they are totally frickin awesome and let's face it cool AF.
I could watch Hope/Kate being a badass as an Elf all day she stole every scene.
Smuag was Awesome and definitely was an
AVENGERS-LEVEL THREAT.... and the action and pacing in this part of the movie was Epic and relentless which definitely worked for me.

Side note the special effects are amazing and definitely worthy of the budget spent.

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-01-25T19:59:43Z— updated 2022-08-19T09:53:45Z

What a waste of time. And budget. I mean it looks fantastic for the most part. Especially the barrel chase scene is innovative (it's like the highway chase in matrix - just with barrels in white water). And the Scrooge McDuck scene ain't bad either (That's again Wagner basically - as if LotR were not enough Wagner already). And the elves' close quarters fighting scene are of dare-devilish quality. It's still stupid though. The dwarves are to often clowns - can't they be fierce warriors or wise sages? And they still travel from one repetitive adventure to another. It's not as bad of an itinerary that was the first movie, but it's still not awesome given the money they have have spent. It's way too long.

PS: it's as shame what they do with female characters here. These nerds just don't know how to feature an independent strong woman with an ambition on her own and freed from old-fashioned role models.

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The barrel-ride scene was awesome! Slow and stretched yet an enjoyable sequel!

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is an epic fantasy adventure based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary classic. Bilbo Baggins’ tale continues as his company attempts to navigate the dangers of Mirkwood Forrest and sneak into Lonely Mountain. The storytelling is especially good, and is able to interweave several subplots. Additionally, the ensemble cast is quite impressive, and includes particularly strong performances from Evangeline Lilly and Orlando Bloom. The action sequences are also extraordinarily well-done, featuring incredibly dynamic and exciting fights and chases. Though it takes a few liberties with Tolkien’s original story, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug delivers a compelling tale of action and adventure.

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Just like in the previous one there was only one great scene (the meeting with Gollum), this one's highlight is the last act when Smaug appears. The rest is pretty meh. A cover song, so to speak.

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You can start to see the cracks in this movie, but still worth a watch if you like middle earth

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It's beautiful, fun, exciting, funny, could have done with less goof rube goldberg action sequences, pretty much the same across the trilogy.... I think I've said this before.

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Just finished whole trilogy (TLOTR as well) latest release in 4K HDR and I've to admit it's outstanding... one of the best 4K releases I saw. Especially if compare to SDR version.

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Loved the sequence where they floated down the river being chased by the orcs!

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Smaug carries this film the rest falls a little flat

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Shout by Deleted

Can we all agree that:
1. Cumberbatch as Smaug is PERFECTION.
2. Bilbo is still the sweetest little cookie.
3. Ori is also a sweet little cookie - I wish he had more screen time, to be honest.
4. Thorin goes MAD BUT ALSO HOT.
5. Killi is sexier than any elf. Sorry, Legolas.

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Shout by Deleted

More good then the first one, and more action, more caracters.

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Tremendous rhythm in adventure after adventure in the magical scenarios devised by Tolkein and, in addition, with an evil dragon.b

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Seen it twice, second one as an extended edition. We can't say it's excellent part, but we can say it's good filling between beginning and the final part.

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Extended version, I liked it more than when I saw it in the Cinema, although it has too long scenes, if I know what is the extended

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Another good one from Peter Jackson but not has good has the first but comes close but definitely better than the first time watching.

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I enjoyed it more than the first one despite having again some CGI problems and an unnecessary romantic subplot. We begin to see the bad effects the ring has on Bilbo and we meet Thranduil and Smaug who are the best parts of this movie.

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Dragon Tales, Dragon Tales, it's almost time for Dragon come along, take my hand..Let's all go to Dragon Laaaaaaand!!!

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Smaug is by far the best part of The Hobbit Trilogy. The ending is so unsatisfying. I get you want him in more movies but they really should of done it all in one movie so they don't kill the momentum. Still the scenes with Bilbo and Smaug are some of the best.

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More excitement! More fun! This sequel is just as much of a blast as its predecessor. Some fans may be disappointed with the Empire Strikes Back-style cliffhanger ending, though.

Content Concerns: Fantasy violence throughout, scary creatures (goblins, orcs, etc.), one or two brief crude remarks, use of magic, etc. Take the "PG-13" rating seriously.

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The film that almost made 3 Hobbit films necessary.

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Again, not a bad movie by any means. I´ve read neither The Hobbit nor LotR so I don´t compare and demand. But I am just not feeling it the way I felt the LotR movies.

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Shout by Deleted

a good romp thru the imagination of tolkein but not up to the first lort #ShiftvW8

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After the superb LotR trilogy, Peter Jackson's three-parted "The Hobbit" cannot reach the same level of greatness: the movies are to intent on being funny and depend to much on the fact that they are shot in 3D to be anything better than good (but not great), fun and entertaining action flicks.

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Just watched the extended version and honestly here the extended parts were needed imao compared to in the LOTR trilogy. I liked this second part a lot more than the first for some reason. However, this just like the first one has parts that completely fall into the uncanny valley which really turns me off and makes it look like it was made in the same era as farscape(99). The lord of the rings did not have that problem of falling into the uncanny valley and never looked plastic/rubbery. Why this problem exists sounds like other people have a way better understanding than me so read their comments but when I watched this I could clearly see a set and not a living real environment in some scenes :| In this one in the woods when they are crossing the river everything looks way too much like rubber and plastic which is such a shame. The spider scene however is one of my favorites. As I have posted on the first Hobbit they reuse sound effects too much here as well which also puts it down in the uncanny valley when I've already heard and know some effects from the lord of the rings. One thing that also put it in the uncanny valley and made it almost feel home made was the use of some kind of go pro type of camera when going down in the barrels as some sort of first person view. You know, those kind of detail errors I never found in the LOTR. I mean the worst i can recall from LOTR was that the supposed dead orcs moved in some shots but it was not as obvious as some of the visual problems we've seen in these Hobbit movies like others have mentioned as well.

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Shout by Deleted

Las escenas añadidas de la extendida aportan hasta por ahí no más. La historia de Thrain puede o puede no ser necesaria, dependiendo de los acontecimientos de There And Back Ag... perdón, The Battle of Five Armies. Pero sí hay un par durante el primer acto que son valiosas. Sobre todo se agradece que no den vergüenza ajena como las de la versión extendida de An Unexpected Journey, pero luego, toda esa película da vergüenza ajena. En términos técnicos, me da la impresión que ésta les quedó más tacky; hay escenas bien ordinarias, algunos efectos se ven malos malos, pero con Smaug salvan todo.

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Shout by Deleted

The extended version is way better than the theatrical one.

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Damn, all the clearly visible animation errors(characters clipping through the gold coins, bad liquid animation, white borders around greenscreened characters, clearly visible CGI-actors in the fighting scenes, unrealistic hair and character movement, shiny textures...) particularly in the final third are just sad for a movie with such a crazy budget. I hope they ran out of time or something and this wasn't actually a version of the film the director was satisfied with.

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A lot better than the first but holy crap did it drag on for way too long and there was a dumb romantic subplot that wasn't in the book they shouldn't have added.

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Shout by Deleted

Boring as hell. Smaug is a superweak villain.

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Shout by Deleted


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Shout by Deleted

I didn't like the end, I wanted some else....more suspense

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Boring is the word that defines this movie. The Hobbit was not a book with enough content to stretch it up to three movies, not even two. This is only being made to earn money from Tolkien's fans, but I don't think that even them will swallow this down without thinking it stinks a little bit...

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Autumn is entering its final days :o


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Shout by Deleted

these hobbit movies are great to make wallpaper out of, and thats about it. (and not even as much as LOTR) ive watched both so far and will watch the third but am seriously underwhelmed by them. the HFR really still freaks me out. everything looks too...real(?). idk im still trying to find a way to adequately explain why it dosent really do it for me. and yeah, i think part of the reason is because, like authmillenon said, the prosthetics look like what they really are, rubber. it takes enough of the illusion out of the equation to make willing suspension of disbelief not quite possible. it really takes you out of the movie.

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Enjoyed the movie but didn't really feel as a LOTR movie...

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Boring. Long. Overdone. Many many many inconsistencies.
Sure it had some great scenes, very good looking nature shots, but overall it was tedious. And the part with the dragon was..... zzzz.... It was as if I was watching a bad version of DragonHeart.
Maybe if they had merged Hobbit 2 and 3 together, it would have been better. But this...

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Shout by Deleted

seems like DeathWings got lost :o

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Great acting, voices, and special effects. Benedict really stole the show - great voice! I did miss Bilbo's perspective though.

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While this movie is still an enjoyable ride, it surely misses some important stuff that makes The Hobbit, The Hobbit. On the positive side: the side-story that connects the dot to Lord of the Rings was impressive, and it has better action sequences and well-paced combats. But in place of that it pushed aside a lot of The Hobbit's sense of adventure and excitement.

The visuals are a lot darker compared to first and it has more Lord of the Rings vibe to the atmosphere. It's understandable and actually a well-made decision considering the way the plot is written in a more serious tone, however that seriousness sacrifices a lot of its original source material. Rather than being a stand-alone depiction of Bilbo's adventure, Desolation of Smaug serves more as a prequel to Lord of the Rings.

This sequel also invest quite a time to one of the dwarves' romantic relationship with one of the elves, which doesn't seem to have a significant impact on the overall plot. As a subplot, this doesn't work well though I'm sure it is intended for a several portion of the targeted audience.

Another minus point was the soundtrack. It lacks the feel of continuity from the previous movie. Rather than building upon the theme from Unexpected Journey, it created a whole new different composition for the movie. As a stand-alone soundtrack it's actually a good one - even better than the first without the repetition - but considering it's a sequel it could've been done better.

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And that's the perfect example how film based on book missed with it ;)

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Shout by Deleted

Triumph of form over content. Sure, I enjoyed this very much, but I that's it. I expected many more. Smaug was awesome also Legolas Fighting and touching connect to LOTR. And of course Lee Pace! But generally "Hobbit" was just okej. Nothing more.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome stuff!

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Shout by strangekitty

in order to tell this part of the story I guess they had no choice but to focus more on the dwarfs as a whole instead of letting bilbo shine and also leave out gandalf... which basically took out most of the magic of the first movie which was bilbo & gandalf focused throughout the entire 2.5 hrs. :(

I was waiting to feel the same rush of emotions I felt in the first but nope :( still had great moments like everyone pointed out though! thranduil/lee pace was badass! the kili and tauriel focus was a little awkward and out of place really... a love story is nice and all but it doesn't fit in bilbo's quest and felt like just a plot device to let kili have his moment and a background for the elves. and also eyecandy.

still really bummed out that bilbo didn't have any breakthrough or fistpumping victories at all nor did gandalf said any magical or empowering lines, and the most important part missing: NO SONGS!!!! :(

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Some things stopped me of going to watch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug since December when it was released, today at the first visit to the cinema this year I finally saw it! I've been reading some mixed reviews about it but it my opinion it gave me the exact amount of fun that the first one did and it continues to be an extraordinary very well crafted film.

I never read any of the LOTR books or The Hobbit book so probably I am not so demanding as some of the people that read them because I don't have nothing to compare it with.

The amount of CGI is huge but I really don't mind with that when it's very well done and that's the case. The action scenes are absolutely amazing, even better than in the first Hobbit film and I have to mention especially the absolutely fantastic barrel chase sequence! It was awesome! Overall, an exciting adventure!

I absolutely loved it, it was excellent! I can't wait for The Hobbit: There and Back Again.

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fuck you Peter Jackson with this cliffhanger bullshit! nerdrage

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Shout by Gustav

First of all it's a good movie, although I wouldn't have been sad if they kept it as two movies. The story and characters are good and the actors do a fine job.

These are some of the things that annoyed me in the movie:
* Badly rendered CGI characters. (Skin patterns and reflections).
* More extensive use of (notable) CGI characters/creatures. Based on bad animations (read movements) many CGI characters are quite noticeable.
* Bad physics (I'm talking about that gigantic piece of falling cloth towards the end and not the fact that dwarves seems to be able to withstand the temperature of molten gold).
* Speaking of molten gold. There were no scene with molten gold in it which looked good.
* That this 3D movie like so many others had to have insects flying towards the screen. I liked the bouncing severed head better.
* Sometimes it looks like TV, not using good angles and the lighting looks a bit off. This movie feels compared to LoTR like the Star Wars Holiday Special feels to the Star Wars movies.

As I said it’s a good movie but some things could have been done better.

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Shout by Deleted

great movie

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Smaug is by far the best rendered character of the film, which isn't such a great thing. The film is overall quite pleasing and enteral raining, however.

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Never have I seen such an open ending 0_o

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Tolkien fans are in an odd situation when trying to rate Peter Jackson's work after Lord of the Rings. Personally, I have established two different rating systems to compare his work to. One rating is in comparison to all other movies on the market, the other rating is relative to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. This might be unfair as explained later. He did however inadvertently raise the bar for epic fantasy movies by creating a masterpiece like Lord of the Rings, so it seems necessary to separate his own work from the remainder.

Without a doubt, the first Hobbit installment fell short of the high expectations people came to have from Peter Jackson, with regards to the Tolkien universe, but people, and myself included, probably expected another Lord of the Rings movie, not a movie based on an entirely different book, originally written for children with obviously a very different pacing. Comparing it however to other fantasy/adventure movies, it's still an amazing film, despite it's slower pace and less epic dialog.

The second, much shorter, Hobbit installment was much more action-oriented and therefore had a faster pace, hence why people and myself included rate this movie to be, perhaps unfairly, better than the first one. We also see previously unseen areas of Middle Earth like Mirkwood and it's also explained why Gandalf is quite traumatized at the very beginning of "Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring" when Frodo tells Gandalf to take the ring himself, after which Gandalf tells him with great fear in his eyes, that this ring has even too much power for him to wield. The epic battle between powerhouse Gandalf and Sauron instilled so much fear and respect into Gandalf "The Grey", that this memory stayed with him all the way into the "Lord of the Rings".

In true Jackson fashion, "Desolation of Smaug" ended with a cliffhanger and left fans yearning for more.
Once the entire Hobbit trilogy has been released, I believe fans will judge the first part more favourably and history will smile upon him kindly. The third and final movie will set the overall tone and explain certain dynamics like pacing, which were not understood yet by the time the first movie was released. I trust Jackson to pull it off.

9/10 compared to other movies
9/10 compared to Lord of the Rings.

PS: One barrel to rule them all :D

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It was a good movie. I was enjoying almost all the time. But only the end of the movie I thought, this is Indiana Jones kkk haha but it is really good

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I loved the movie. The main quality is the quality :-). All scenes are just beautiful from visual perspective. It is amazing how detailed and alive some of the scenes are. The towns are just incredible.
I liked the addition of Tauriel (not in the books, but played by Evangeline Lilly from Lost :) ) i cant help it but the movie needed female character, and she was cool choice (but i admit i have weak spot for her :) )
Main disadvantage of the movie is the length and being 3 part. Which on other had lets you have longer time on those beautiful scenes, this is for me double edged :)

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Well this was definitely better than the first Hobbit film as there was no hour long goblin chase scene. I found the movie to be pretty enjoyable particularly the dynamic scenes between Smaug and Bilbo, and the extended character development of Bilbo and Thorin. The action was great fun although drawn out and unrealistic/ridiculous at times (like all Peter Jackson films). Someone just has to get Peter Jackson a damn editor already. I honestly don't know what other scenes he could possibly add on to a Special Edition version (but I know that he probably has a million). Still, I'll be ready for my final trip back to Middle Earth next year.

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Shout by Deleted

What an ending!!!!

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