While this movie is still an enjoyable ride, it surely misses some important stuff that makes The Hobbit, The Hobbit. On the positive side: the side-story that connects the dot to Lord of the Rings was impressive, and it has better action sequences and well-paced combats. But in place of that it pushed aside a lot of The Hobbit's sense of adventure and excitement.

The visuals are a lot darker compared to first and it has more Lord of the Rings vibe to the atmosphere. It's understandable and actually a well-made decision considering the way the plot is written in a more serious tone, however that seriousness sacrifices a lot of its original source material. Rather than being a stand-alone depiction of Bilbo's adventure, Desolation of Smaug serves more as a prequel to Lord of the Rings.

This sequel also invest quite a time to one of the dwarves' romantic relationship with one of the elves, which doesn't seem to have a significant impact on the overall plot. As a subplot, this doesn't work well though I'm sure it is intended for a several portion of the targeted audience.

Another minus point was the soundtrack. It lacks the feel of continuity from the previous movie. Rather than building upon the theme from Unexpected Journey, it created a whole new different composition for the movie. As a stand-alone soundtrack it's actually a good one - even better than the first without the repetition - but considering it's a sequel it could've been done better.

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