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The Devil All the Time 2020

Takes its time to construct the many characters and delivers a satisfying payoff. The narration helps greatly in keeping the story focused and grounded, while it builds up to its strong finale.

Deputy Lee Bodecker: “Some people were born just so they could be buried.”

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Great performances especially from Patttinson, worth a watch, but something a little lacking. I would rewatch though.

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Not an easy movie to watch, with many unpleasant scenes. But so well played altogether… slow rhythm that never gets boring with the tension building behind. And of course, amazing casting choices.
I would really highlight Bill Skarsgard’s, Tom Holland’s and Harry Melling’s performances. And Robert Pattinson’s accent!!!

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Cast 9/10
Storytelling 10/10
Characters 9/10
Video Prouduction/Cut 9/10
Environment 4/5
Conclusion 3/5
= 88%

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Good movie, good acting. But the story is very cruel, so if you aren't happy right now, watch it later ;)

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I will say I did not like it but still I kinda enjoyed it. It is wierd. I found it interesting and it made me go till the very end but I think it is too long. Maybe with half an hour less it woulda been fine.

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amazing cast, wonderful plot and overall CRAZY MOVIE!

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really did enjoy this movie

But the trailers for this movie were very misleading

The trailers have you think The majority of the movie will be spent following Tom Holland and interactions with the preacher

which is really just a small portion of the movie The movie goes back and forth between following different characters eventually the story lines of the other characters clash with Tom Holland's storyline

really lovely atmosphere of the movie the old school deep South aesthetic really helps with the storytelling

pacing is a little over the place with any kind of movie like this that follows different characters throughout different years of their life you are going to have some moments that are more boring that you care less about

overall though I did like the movie I like a lot of the performances the music atmosphere and themes are just really creepy and unsettling in the best way possible

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Who’s watching right now? 9:44 EST

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A film that captivates and surprises atmospherically (despite the foreseeable sequences) and shows all possible human abysses and their consequences.

With a running time of 138 minutes, it is certainly a little too long, but the dramaturgy, staging and presentation in The Devil All the Time are simply great and worth recommending.

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Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2021-05-28T18:23:12Z— updated 2021-05-30T19:56:03Z

Christians: are you waaaashed in the bloood of the laaaaamb AMEN
Also Christians: what, your tradition used to sacrifice goats and sheep and whatnot? You filthy pagans will go to hell!

Well, just a thought that hit me on the way.
A tough and rough film, brutal, violent, and a lot of that which is wrong with the institution church.
A really worthwhile watch though, despite all the dark themes.

Sitting here wondering on what kind of camera Carl used though, I didn't recognise it, but the negatives were middle format so I was like oh.
Anyone know?

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I liked it :ok_hand::100::heavy_check_mark:

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yes awesome cast but the movie? boring af what was the point of this film anyway.

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Absolutely loved the movie, not a cinephile or anything, but I love those kind of movies, depressing but kinda realistic nonetheless. Loved the narrator that gave a contrast to the super depressing environment. I am usually quickly bored if the movie is slow, but I didn't felt anything like that throughout the movie. Would definitely recommend, but it's not for everyone. Would definitely recommend to people.

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Entertaining film; keeps you interested with a nice (although sometimes messy) mix. Non-linerar story with a coral cast expanding two generations. Themes include religion, family, murder... All put together in a way it reminds of many previous films with a similar vibe. Good perfonances by Holland and Pattinson.

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Felt a little bit like a prolonged Fargo episode, but I generally enjoyed this, although the ending might have had some more depth in it.

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Patience is essential for watching this film. It's a very moody 2.5 hours long with a few time periods covered and a couple of stories that only weave together near the end, but it's well worth watching. It shows the darkness that was simply everyday life in these small towns, and it also has some things to say about the evils of organized religion, especially the abuse of power and rampant gaslighting that leaders of the church employ. The cast is also quite solid with a wide array of actors given a chance shine.

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Oh. I finished the book today. Not just so I could watch this.

The Devil all the Time is a southern gothic drama about a group of people living their best life in 1950s America. Like the novel it spans a bunch of years but isn't structured in a linear fashion. There was so much character development that was cut out. It felt like an echo of the novel. Unfortunately I couldn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the book. It's definitely a dark movie, it's so traumatic to see people shot and die instantly. You never think about that really.

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This movie shocks you since the start.Lot's of characters involved and this made it more interesting but i was expecting more in the end.7.0/10

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I absolutely hated Robert Pattinson so much in this film. His characterization of the Preacher made my skin crawl and I knew that he was going to be someone who I loved to hate. Tom Holland and Sebastian Stan were very good in their respective roles. Their supporting cast also were very good. The actress who portrayed "Lenora" stole my heart :sob:

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Now that was a decent film what was well made with a fine cast specially Tom Holland with a great performance, definitely got a lot of potential in him for the future. I feel the film should be called death all the time. ha

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This movie felt like it should have been something... more? The cast drew me in, which I think is what most people like about this, and they didn’t disappoint. Hearing Tom Holland’s newfound southern accent was an amazing experience. However, the plot was a little shallow. It’s like they tried to make something very deep with all of the religious tones and symbolism, but what I came out with was a spoon-fed “this pastor is bad and represents everything fucked up that people have done in your life in the name of Christianity”. I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t get it, which is a very real possibility considering I’m the farthest thing from a film critic. I enjoyed it as something to pass the time and swoon over the cast with, but nothing more.

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I actually did enjoy the movie as a whole, but I will say some of it was rough to get through. Amazing acting though.

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The first hour felt like 2… or 3 hours but keep on watching. The second half is better paced and has some Tarantino movie vibes.

The cast is amazing and the build-up really interesting. The back and forth in time is well done.

I really liked the narrator’s flow and spirit. I was happy to find out he’s the book author the movie is based on.

“They's a lot of no-good sonofabitches out there."
Arvin asks, "More than a hundred?"
Willard laughed a little and put the truck in gear. "Yeah, at least that many.”

― Donald Ray Pollock, The Devil All the Time

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Good movie with a stellar cast. The look and feel of the film is great and the soundtrack adds to the atmosphere. But definitely not a light watch.

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I really struggled with this one. For me it was way too slow. Great cast, though.

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Shout by Deleted

hummm how can i say this without being rude......


just no.


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Very good, one of the best of 2020, good acting, really good story and I was very entertaining.

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Shout by Lamba94
BlockedParent2020-09-27T01:11:14Z— updated 2020-11-05T13:40:03Z

An empty movie. A wasted talented cast for a plot that could have been resolved in very less time, being so poor its message. No memorable scenes, acting or technical wiggle. A very average staging (Netflix's standard), always on the fence between cinema and television. Predictability, verbosity and the omnipresent narrator's voice-over are counterbalanced by the crude violence of killings (that you start wishing to happen more often from half film to have fun at least), making it a 5/10 "meh": not worth your time.

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This would have been an absolute outstanding mini series. But unfortunately we only got this movie that just felt a bit rushed. But some very amazing performances all around. Worth watching just for that IMO.

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Uncomfortable with a cast so large and talented it can't keep up the pace with the script.

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This movie would really benefit from a release without the voice over narration. It is absolutely worth a watch but if you’re looking for skillfully executed southern crime grit go watch a Coen Brother’s film.

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Shout by Nikkie
BlockedParent2020-09-21T20:38:41Z— updated 2021-01-13T15:27:32Z

Great cast and great performances. Never expected Tom Holland in a movie like this, but he was fantastic. Quite dark and it builds slowly but I actually quite liked that. Definitely recommend!

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The movie was pretty good, it was slow at times, but really interesting. The beginning was a little confusing, getting used to the different story lines. The acting is what really stands out here; really outstanding cast.

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Loved the movie. Don't understand the people complaining about the plot. There doesn't need to be a happy ending or a cliched plot all the time.

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I almost three the movie off after watching the first half, because it seemed too boring. But I'm glad, I didn't. I really loved the second half. All actors are superb. But Tom Holland is just amazing.,

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The big problem is this : the movie delivered no message. Bunch of poor / wicked church-going country folks in worst case scenarios was the only theme in this movie, but nothing of a higher level are to be extracted from those scenarios.
Quite frankly, this movie's inability to find it's aim had taken a serious toll on the final result of the viewing experience, and wasted some really good acting from a stary cast.
What left me uneasy after the movie was not that the protagonist seemingly ended his revenge journey with no real consequences (he don't have much more to lose anyways). But that I was simply really hoping, the identity of the VO would be revealed as one of the characters who observed all along (say, uncle Earskell?), but sadly the reason for this movie to have a VO turned out to be nothing more but a clumsy cover up for a not very well written screenplay, that failed to tie together the diverging storylines of it's characters.
Overall, not a bad watch, just not quite worth the time and not any close to being the satisfaction it was starred to be.

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Dont believe the hype. Well acted but so what, the story drags on and on, its waaay too long at 2h20m and its relentlessly grim. I felt sorry for the dog, he's the only one who deserves the Oscar!

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The characters move in hell. The war takes place miles away (WW II, Vietnam ...), but evil is closer, perhaps where it is most feared. It is a study on morality, which has brilliant moments (the first part with Bill Skarsgård), but which gradually breaks down. There is a lack of fluidity between the stories, a more solid composition than the simple parade of characters and violent actions as the only ending. The devil wins.

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Poor dog man, I don’t like films where something tragic happens to a dog, I haven’t finished this yet I just saw the dog die. Sad. Also where’s Tom Holland man hurry this along.

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Not really sure what I was expecting from this movie, to be honest. Didn't even look at the description for it on Netflix. I watched it because I saw Tom Holland was in it, and was curious how he'd perform in a different role altogether. I'd say he was pretty good, and they made a great casting choice for his role.

Overall, definitely not a terrible movie by any means, although I wouldn't call it stellar or anything either. It kept me interested enough to keep watching till the end, at least.

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I saw the best review: “No country for Spider-Man”. That’s it. It was good but not spectacular despite the brilliant cast.

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Pretty good story with a solid cast. A little slow and long. It's great seeing Tom Holland doing something different.

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This was really a good movie. Yes it was dark, it was disturbing but also a mirror into the souls of many whom are evil and how it effects lives generations forward. Still thinking about this movie and how destructive some are and the hurt and pain that is carried through everything and everyone.... a great watch. Bows to Netflix

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I mean... Sort of wasted my time here but a bitch’s gotta watch at least some 2020 releases.. no, seriously, the performances are pretty good, but that’s about it. boring story with nothing but absolute misery.

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A film about faith and pain. Very good performances and surprising situations. A good movie.

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Of course the book is the better option, it's one of my favorites. The movie did a great job with the absolute darkness of the novel. Great acting as well, especially Robert Pattinson

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Far less complicated than the title suggests, just murder, revenge, suicide and basically death all around till the end.

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A sprawling gothic tale that just about holds together. Holland is good in a change of role persona, and the story is interesting throughout. A little long perhaps, but as the film is well made, that isn't a major problem.

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It’s an okay movie. Great cast, but that’s it.

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This was an interesting movie with great actors and actresses

Give it a watch

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