I had intentions of this movie being cliche when looking at it. I. Thought the movie was going to be another one plot exorcist like movie with a devil and a preacher, but this is much more than that. This movie has no direction, yet is action packed and filled with different plots, that intertwine towards the end. The first part of the movie relates to God and how relying on religion can lead to consequences, with multiple deaths happening in the beginning. The reliance on religion and god relates to the “devil” which is a concept I don’t get but don’t want to understand. I was worried of this movie relying too much on the inner parts of the Bible, and I’m glad the second part focuses on the consequences, although it starts to become a revenge plot at the end which is slightly annoying but is only related with two deaths. The ‘devil” doesn’t make sense to me, and who is the devil, unless it is spirit that is the devil. This movie exceeded my expectations because it didn’t follow a one story plot line, and every scene was enjoyable. Robert Pattinson did an excellent job, and carried the movie very well. Bill Skasgard also did a good job. However, Tom Holland’s character is unexacting and is vague, but works. You understand his motivations, and his character works for this movie, no need to learn more about him. I don’t think this movie is supposed to have deep symbolism, and I would rather it didn’t, because it works better with the little connection it has to Christianity to be different. The ending was surprising, ending at a pleasant note.

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