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The Creator 2023

AI based Baby Yoda movie with a twist :) Worth your time.

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If you like well done classic USA=BAD propaganda films, you'll love this.

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Hard to get into the film. Not a lot of emotions, but good time

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the start is promising but then it is going downhill

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bad, bad, bad, terrible.
Don't have any other words for this.
maybe Awful too

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Almost an ideal science fiction action movie in a fresh setting. Easy to watch, beautiful picture, good soundtrack, interesting world. Why such hate? Essentially one remark. The reason for the conflict between people and AI is only briefly explained. Lore deserves more, can a prequel fix this?

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World building at its finest. Digital effects seamlessly integrated into a film and has never looked so real and believable.

Some of the decisions made by the characters is daft and only in place to drive the story and challenges believability. Some of the messaging a bit in your face but the Vietnam parallel was an interesting slant.

Would love to see more stories in this world and would watch anything from Director Gareth Edwards...

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TL;DR waste of time.
Mildly entertaining from the psychological perspective, albeit unoriginal. Otherwise, the whole film is completely unrealistic, blatantly ignoring science and technology, full of plot holes and people behaving like caricatures of themselves. Maybe would've fared a little better as a cartoon, but not much better.

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Stupid shit show. . .I don't even want to rate it. Their is 0 logic in this movie. After the first wave of Army dies they just let them board the Nomad...and the acting is so poor, their emotion feels so made up. Couldn't connect and joy any character. After reading the reviews here I realized the whole white, black and Asian agenda. I myself a POC but this is shitty behaviour from hollywood.

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Would have given it 8/10 if it wasn't for Beirut. Solid story.

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The whole movie does not make sense, how can AI be so weak? The whole city was AI how are they not caught by the AI that makes no sense and how can a robot die? This movie is a waste of time.

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I seriously think this is the dumbest, stupidest movie I've ever watched. Writers, directors and producers haven't read a single book in their lives. Movies for people who don't read, by people who can't write.

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Had zero expectations. Boy did this movie did not disappoint. It was awesome! You HAVE to watch it in a home theater environment to do it justice. The sound effects were on point. The story could have been better, but it was great nonetheless. Better than a lot of the Star Wars movies TBH.

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This type of movie is right up my alley. Anything with anthropomorphic robots and I'm in and will overscore it vs the avg viewer. This featured a ton of plot choices that didn't really make sense, but Alphie is phenomenal so who cares? Some good humour here and there and the emotion comes in droves. It can be considered cheap at points but I enjoyed it quite a bit so it all gets a pass. Beautiful to look at and thrilling to watch. Easy 7.9 for me.

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I found the screenwriting to be quite weak as well as the others here that commented about the story missing this or that.

The point is that even being a weak story, it's simple and it's enjoyable in most parts, but visually speaking it's just stunning... 5 or 6 for such a visual masterpiece is an injustice I'm sorry.

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Shout by ketu

I am not quite sure, if that is an anti-USA or western world propaganda movie.

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I had great expectations for this movie. When will I ever learn that expectations lead to disappointment?

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Yeah the plot is pretty generic and predictable but I enjoyed this nonetheless. Also the visuals are stunning.

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I am sooooo bored watching this movie. It has everything I'm interested in but somehow they managed to mix this into the most bland movie I've watched in a long time.

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Shout by Jos

Some kind of robotkid that can start and stop machines by her mind. What has this to do with AI ?

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Visually great, but seemed like a bunch of unexploited ideas. Reintegrating into simulant as you’d do in Altered Carbon? Underexploited. Human-like AI as you’d have replicants in Blade Runner? (Or Westworld) Hence giving a sense of tension and paranoia? Nope. Laws of robotic? Nope. There’s just no tension or thrill, visually pretty but doesn’t make sense on some designs, so quite a let down.

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What would you get if you crossed Aliens, Platoon, Artificial Intelligence and Bladerunner together… despite its lack of originality, The Creator is a solid 7/10.

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Good visuals, boring plot with stupid characters and stupid dialog.

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Somehow, I felt like I've seen this movie before. The story itself was simply uninteresting (at least to me). Visually, however, it was really good. But great visuals do not a movie make. The story itself - we've seen it before in many other SyFy movies. In other words I was sadly disappointed. But you might enjoy it.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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One of the best science fiction movies I've ever watched. It was very original, and the ending is not what you would expect.

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The writing is one of the worst ever. So much wasted potential.

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The setting and visuals are great. Taking on a relevant subject during relevant times. However the plot is just extremely familiar and safe with very predictable twists if you could even call them that.
Could have been so much more!

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Excellent movie with outstanding visual. Acting is also very good.

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I enjoyed this movie it was so good and original i wished if they would have done it in a two movies so they wouldn’t rush everything.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 7

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California IS a threat, should’ve been happy they blew it up. But then there’d be no movie.

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Well, I've seen a lot of movies in 2023, from all genres. This is easily the best sci-fi movie I've seen in 2023, period. The cgi are simply breathtaking, really well done.the story is actually very good. I won't even get started on the acting of the little Hollywood star that has been born with this movie.

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I'm a huge fan of sci fi and this one is solid original movie. Need more of these, thank you Gareth Edwards. A refreshing spin on the AI/human relationship. Really interesting world with one side embracing AI and one side dead opposite of that. Mad respect after knowing what they achieved with the budget. This is how you integrate quality CGI, it does not require a huge budget. You just have to care about what you're creating.
Alphie :heart:

Sadly, the backward audience will fail this one as well and that is a tragedy.

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Shout by 020202

loved it, the setting was amazing, and the story had a good balance, not like most a.i ones lately, thats how it felt to me
but anyway, east asian setting, combined with the futuristic aspect of the world, i loved it

Hans Zimmer's music never misses, and it was great in this one too, but i didn't exactly feel it's... presence, it was good, but it was missing... something

Joshua getting separated from both his wife and then his own child, in the span of one hour, was heartbreaking, especially when one of them was him being forced to practically end her life, aaaaaaaah

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The best sifi picture I have seen in a long time really captures your attention. When I saw this movie, there were a dozen kids talking and running in and out of the theater, but I was so into the movie that it really didn't bother me like it did the guy behind me. I just think he just wanted attention.

A definite must-see.

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