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The Creator 2023

Honestly don't think I want to watch the film knowing they used real footage from Beirut...

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I'm half tempted to give this full marks just for daring to play Radiohead's Everything in Its Right Place during your typical military in dropship scene. Anyway my boy Gareth knocked out another cracking piece of scifi. You really don't mind when a director takes a few years off and comes back with something like this. There's certainly a fair amount of Rogue One, Blade Runner and Terminator in the mix, the latter of which he takes the Judgement Day plot and turns it on its head defying expectations where I assumed it was going just due to the tropes of the genre.

There's also a lot of stuff on screen for 80mill in comparison to other recent effects heavy films. Gets you wondering if budgets elsewhere escalate to $200 mill mark due to talent demands or that something like this has less behind the scenes VFX artists but take longer to bake? I dunno. Either way, check it out. The trailer gives too much away (as always my opinion) however there's plenty more that isn't shown.

NB. Watch out for the Scarif Easter egg

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I wanted this movie to be good so much! Unfortunately, it fell short. While visually stunning (minus the grainy filter), the story is predictable and dull. I struggled to care for the characters due to the confusing time jumps and abrupt transitions, making it a disappointment overall.

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It's not like this movie is bad, it's more like it's so mediocre there's not much to it. They took a whole bunch of old cliches from other sci-fi-ish movies and put it all together, but it doesn't work. It's more like a soapy love drama in sci-fi entourage. And all that woke agenda doesn't help either - all good characters are either black or asian, and all bad people are whites.

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Really wanted to like this film but it really fell flat. The premise is great, the cinematography is excellent, but the story telling is disjointed. You are left with a lot of questions about the AI and how they operate, but not in a mysterious way, just a lot of WTF.

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Yet another human vs AI movie. Visually it’s pretty good but very disjointed. Not once did I feel engaged with the story at all and getting to the end of it was a slog. Although the story line has been done to death in movies that did it way better I do feel this could have been better too if it wasn’t for the lifeless direction. I’ve never rated Washington as an actor and his performance in this does nothing to change that. Overall, meh.

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Shout by CinemanicBonkers
BlockedParent2024-04-27T20:27:11Z— updated 2024-04-28T22:17:46Z

Gareth Edwards you've done it again with another well made sci fi, loved every secound! fun, emotional and enjoyble with lots of great action/effects with some good actors that did well in their roles, it was like a mix of chappie and star wars, I want more! P.S nomad is just another name for deathstar ha

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1970s called, they want their plotholes and plot devices back.
How there's only one such weapon in the sky, how easy it is for one guy with a mech to get up to it and destroy it like it's nothing.
Then there are human size bombs on the legs that can barely destroy a small house, when they have more efficient aerial warfare used previously in the movie?

Then where the hell is background story for what happened? Motives behind the AI doing what they did.

The kid actor is talented, but that's about it.

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A very realistic portrayal of Americans.

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Bland and derivative in every aspect, even struggling to leave the slightest impression visually. The fragmented pace of the narrative also made me nauseous. The progression is so uneven and mechanical that it felt like they have randomly chopped pieces out of it. Not that I wanted the movie to be any longer, quite the opposite…

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A wonderfull story about a family, forget the AI, forget the type of film, and focus on the story behind.
If you are just gor an action gilm, and something with Ai, you don't understand the base of everything.

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I admire the visual effects and the grand scale, which director Gareth Edwards is so good at.

But anything else, it didn't work for me. I didn't connect with it emotionally, as I felt like I was seeing so many things, such as the themes and visual influences, before in other movies.

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The story has its flaws but the visuals are breathtaking. I mean 80 million The Marvels cost 270 million and look at both films in comparison.

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TL;DR: Not worth the two hours, just go to Wallhaven.

While this is visually a very interesting movie, being at over two hours long in the end it just feels like each long scenic flight over a vista is just a rehash of all the previous ones that the viewer has already seen. It gave the feeling that someone had collected a lot of concept art from Wallhaven and really wanted to cram all of it into the movie.

The story is very firmly in the 'Meh' (or worse) category. Dialog is incoherent, character motivations are all over the place, behaviour is floaty and feels non-consequential. And the main story arch revolves around a "father-figure-protecting-a-child" trope, which can work (see the recent 'Last of Us' or 'Children of Men' as an example) but here it completely falls flat. I was so divorced from the characters that some of the final scenes between the two protagonists, that were obviously meant to stir emotion in the audience, completely missed their mark.

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Me gustó, rollo star wars

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Couldnt even finish the bad

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With all the hype around AI and the advertisements of this movie I thought it would be a tech heads dream. Instead the AI robots are nothing more than humans with fancy spinney things in their ears. The focus is more on USA vs Asia instead of trying to battle advanced intelligence with higher capabilities from less reliability on earth's natural resources and built to perform at A higher rate. Instead these robots eat ice cream, have built in tear ducts to cry, and love the idea of religion and Asian fashion. Cgi was great, action scenes pretty good, but very poor ideas when we have more interesting AI stories happening in real life.

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I enjoyed this a lot more than I was expecting. Gave me real Blade Runner vibes.

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I knew I was in for a questionable movie the moment John David Washington shouted "Stop, you'll blow my cover!" in a small ass house, with his wife still not out of the house.

The film was visually stunning from start to finish, but the script, dialogue, JWD's acting were all flawed.

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I enjoyed this. Much better than I was expecting. The first time I got real Blade Runner vibes.

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A decent first half with beautiful CG that completely gets destroyed by the rushed ending and aweful writing.

Long story:
First 80 mins :
- Believable really good CG
- Somewhat decent plot
- Somewhat decent acting
- No rushing of the plot

Remaining 40ish mins:
- Plot falls apart with dogsh*t writing
- We're suddenly pushed in taking a side with robots for no other reason then her being a child
- In the entire escape sequence they traveled across an entire city, through multiple checkpoints in less then 5mins and somehow didn't come across a single law enforcement officer... Even at a literal airport.

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It was a good movie, but for me it was very hard to see how US bastards killed AI robots and destroyed their worlds but I was happy with end of the film :P

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  • Pretty terrible film
  • Lots of promise: dystopian, characters, potential worldbuilding etc.
  • Ultimately made use of none of them
  • Didn't care about any of the characters...
  • "New China" was a perfect example of something never explained, felt added just to seem cool/deep in terms of lore
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Although the CGI and the world-building was ambitious, ultimate the plot and character development didn’t hold up to the hype

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How much Film Grain do you want ?


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[Disney+] If production companies want to make their businesses profitable, they should cancel wasteful directors like the Russo brothers and focus more on talented filmmakers like Gareth Edwards, who are capable of creating great visual concepts with less than $100 million. That said, it is surprising that the script turns out to be so unbalanced that it fails to sustain a story in which there are such good ideas about the development of an emotional AI, almost more human than humans themselves. With Christian connotations of an existentialist nature, the film fails to convey too much depth in its proposals and in the choice of its protagonist, becoming involved in a somewhat facile romantic plot.

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Nothing new… robot’s fighting humans… humans loving robots…

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Same like any other movie last year; you don't miss anything if you skip it. Good enough for a background noise if you plan to sleep through the afternoon movie.

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Shout by kinky

It's just an OK sci-fi movie (but a surprisingly emotional one). As others have been saying, great world building, subpar writing. Still enjoyable, overall. Not worth a second watch, though.

I can only imagine how good this could have been in the hands of Neill Blomkamp, as it seems like something right up his alley.

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The idea and the concept was good also the world building , but because of that the realisation will be hard to follow .
althought i think that this kind of concept can be morelikely as show than a movie .

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Can‘t praise this movie enough. Its visual power is striking. The dynamics between the AI and humand thought provoking. And the acting of the girl is heartwarming.

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WTF? Many years I didn't watch a movie with so many plot holes and one of the biggest "deus ex machina" that I've seen in a movie in the last decade.
Why does a simulant with a old man face walks as an old man? Where the candies and ice cream go to? Do they shave?
The role of the man in charge of us army is so ridiculous...

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I really enjoyed this film.
Superb CGI, very realistic. A good watch. A cross between Avatar and Westworld

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The author of the script has ZERO knowledge of what IA is. And that's just the beginning of the problems, another is the lack of knowledge about robotics. This is in no way Sci-Fi (Science-Fiction), it's just fiction.

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Over 20 years ago, Spielberg's "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" premiered. Two decades later, A.I. is still not conscious, but this film makes us aware of how fluid the boundary of being is.

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Visually this movie is really stunning. The story was okay but could have been better in many ways. I still enjoyed the film just for the amazing cinematography though.

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It's been a long time since I've seen a movie with that many plot holes. I get that there was a certain path the director wanted to take, but there were so many people acting illogical and moronic.
It was so bad I couldn't wait for it to end.

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The trailer tricked me as usual.

This is the worst iteration of AI I have seen in movies. From the way they're portrayed to everything. There's no way humans get the upper hand like this in this scenario. The AIs were basically humans through and through even more so than the humans which is hilariously ridiculous.

Also, the main character was not it. I didn't even care what was happening to him from start to finish. Don't get me started on the young robot Child. For a character that the narrative revolves around the robot kid couldn't feel more out of place with the story.

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visuals and sound don't carry a movie on its own, the kid had more range than the son of Denzel Washington.

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Ok, watch preview much better. Big let down.

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No, it's not an original sci-fi story. It takes from here and there (Blade Runner, I, Robot, Logan...). But I still liked it.
I loved how real it looks. You can tell something was filmed with green screen backgrounds even in movies 3 times more expensive.
And the final shot might be my favorite of 2023, even though I loved other movies much more.

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Starts off really promising but the 2nd hour drags significantly. Not bad overall but John David Washington is still a charisma vacuum.

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Certainly looks good. Uses many predictable war/action movie tropes (maybe all of them); story doesn't go anywhere surprising.

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Shout by jmonty

definitely didn't cry at the ending :)

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it was fine for a 2023 release but not very memorable.

side rant: modern films have been lacking in depth and character, I hope more movies can pull off a Baldur Gates in the future

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Fun to watch no desire to rewatch ugh

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I’m not much of a sci-fi person, but I personally thought it was a pretty cool movie, especially for the visuals.

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Not sure I’ve seen a movie as silly, take itself as seriously. 5/10

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Not impressed with this movie at all. gave it a 5.

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A film with potential, however, the rushed execution compromised the depth of the story. The main characters lack charisma, making the plot somewhat monotonous. The plot sometimes seems confusing and uninteresting, with several holes and elements that don't fit together. However, the special effects are a highlight, featuring impressive detail. In short, an experience that could have been richer if it explored its theme better and developed more engaging characters.

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Beautiful cinematography, but a wasted opportunity. This film could have been so much more. Instead it's just a sci-fi retread of The Golden Child.

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Visually stunning. Stupendously absurd.

This movie is a love letter to AI written by a sixth grader. It's hard to express just how bad the writing is with its over use of stereotypes and clichés, but if you are still watching past to 90min mark you should get an award. It's an all out assault on your intelligence and ends up being nothing more than a popcorn movie with zero meaningful insights into actual AI.

I find it hard to imagine anyone with any sci-fi sensibilities getting any enjoyment out of this at all, but it sure is pretty to look at. Give it a go for a mindless couple of hours separated from any sense of reality, but don't expect anything more.

The list of absurdities is very long, but these couple really stood out for me.
Joshua was obsessed with figuring out where "Dian Dang" was, but couldn't be bothered to speak it into his translator?
Robots have a readily accessible Standby switch? (Really?)

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It can be clearly seen in this movie that America is making huge robots and weapons, no one is stopping them and whatever other countries will make weapons or AI, America will destroy them, it is not right.

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A new personal favorite of mine. Loved Washington’s performance— the storytelling, the cinematography, the complexities. An incredible watch.

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It's boring, slow, and boring, and you can't feel the beauty anywhere in the video.

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Maybe I was just too excited for this movie? I thought it was going to be great, but turned out to be a big "meh" burger. It wasn't horrible, but if I certainly had other movies I'd have preferred to watch in its place. It just wasn't that good.

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So on one hand, America is clearly portrayed as evil in this movie. On the other hand, it paints entire Asian block as utterly incompetent. Not a single Asian officer / soldier in the entire movie can complete a single task successfully. I kept track of that during the runtime. Trashiest example of this -> tens of Asian soldiers couldn't shoot and hit one American soldier running towards them on bridge; another American had to do that for them. Lol. Even covertly racist movies let the "enemy" win one or two rounds. Not here. This movie wants to portray that entire Asia is incompetent, and it's "'Murica, F-yeah!!" all the way.

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Good basic idea and world concept. Interesting hooks. Good CGI.
That's about it for the good parts.
Everything else is bad to say the least.

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This gets extremely high marks just on visuals and world building alone. I got a lot of District 9 vibes in that nothing felt CGI slick and instead was lived in and grimy. The story is not as smart as I'd have hoped and a lot of it is a linear road trip style plot, but through it all we get to experience a consistent mood and see a visually rich world. For a sci-fi action flick, this may be a tad too boring for some, but I loved it despite some of the derivative nature of the plot.

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Occasionally messy but for the most part, this is a visually imaginative and enjoyable piece of sci fi.

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AI based Baby Yoda movie with a twist :) Worth your time.

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My goodness, I didn't expect this to be so sad.
Finally, a movie that mixes special effects with practical effects. It's a rare occurrence but this does that very well. Reminded me of terminator alot, but it did have its unique quality's like the design, some characters and world building.
Also, I want to know the 'Maya' word count because David really likes to shout names.

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If you like well done classic USA=BAD propaganda films, you'll love this.

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Visuals and CGI were fantastic. Story was ok, but I couldn't get my head wrapped around why they were doing hand to hand combat one minute and them blowing up entire villages the very next.
Also, what's the purpose of child AI's when they supposedly don't age/grow up?
They eat, but plug themselves in at night to recharge - why?
Lot's of questions throughout the movie, but I still enjoyed it.

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Hard to get into the film. Not a lot of emotions, but good time

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the start is promising but then it is going downhill

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OMG what a big dissapointment. I'm all pro for this post-apocalyptic stuff especially with machines and nuclear destruction like a nice sci-fi genre but this was so bad in writing and execution it was not even worth saying it is a B movie in the cheesy '80s.

It lack of what wanted to be. An action movie with CGI and explosions, a more realistic and artistic approach on the AI and what if they are good ? they messed up big time. The movie really is not worth it, many e-rational bad decisions and bad directional approach with a lot of gaps. My favorite been they didn't know what to do with the explosions.
They send a R2D2 type of robot what will explode, it makes a small hole on a bridge. He attach a bomb the size ice puck and he destroys the mother ship! And my awesome of two bombs shoot and attach the same style on the backpack but none of them realize it.

Also talk about AI and robots yet he just approached one and just turned the switch from on to off :laughing:
At points it was laughable.

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bad, bad, bad, terrible.
Don't have any other words for this.
maybe Awful too

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Almost an ideal science fiction action movie in a fresh setting. Easy to watch, beautiful picture, good soundtrack, interesting world. Why such hate? Essentially one remark. The reason for the conflict between people and AI is only briefly explained. Lore deserves more, can a prequel fix this?

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World building at its finest. Digital effects seamlessly integrated into a film and has never looked so real and believable.

Some of the decisions made by the characters is daft and only in place to drive the story and challenges believability. Some of the messaging a bit in your face but the Vietnam parallel was an interesting slant.

Would love to see more stories in this world and would watch anything from Director Gareth Edwards...

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TL;DR waste of time.
Mildly entertaining from the psychological perspective, albeit unoriginal. Otherwise, the whole film is completely unrealistic, blatantly ignoring science and technology, full of plot holes and people behaving like caricatures of themselves. Maybe would've fared a little better as a cartoon, but not much better.

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Stupid shit show. . .I don't even want to rate it. Their is 0 logic in this movie. After the first wave of Army dies they just let them board the Nomad...and the acting is so poor, their emotion feels so made up. Couldn't connect and joy any character. After reading the reviews here I realized the whole white, black and Asian agenda. I myself a POC but this is shitty behaviour from hollywood.

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Would have given it 8/10 if it wasn't for Beirut. Solid story.

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The whole movie does not make sense, how can AI be so weak? The whole city was AI how are they not caught by the AI that makes no sense and how can a robot die? This movie is a waste of time.

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I seriously think this is the dumbest, stupidest movie I've ever watched. Writers, directors and producers haven't read a single book in their lives. Movies for people who don't read, by people who can't write.

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Had zero expectations. Boy did this movie did not disappoint. It was awesome! You HAVE to watch it in a home theater environment to do it justice. The sound effects were on point. The story could have been better, but it was great nonetheless. Better than a lot of the Star Wars movies TBH.

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This type of movie is right up my alley. Anything with anthropomorphic robots and I'm in and will overscore it vs the avg viewer. This featured a ton of plot choices that didn't really make sense, but Alphie is phenomenal so who cares? Some good humour here and there and the emotion comes in droves. It can be considered cheap at points but I enjoyed it quite a bit so it all gets a pass. Beautiful to look at and thrilling to watch. Easy 7.9 for me.

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I found the screenwriting to be quite weak as well as the others here that commented about the story missing this or that.

The point is that even being a weak story, it's simple and it's enjoyable in most parts, but visually speaking it's just stunning... 5 or 6 for such a visual masterpiece is an injustice I'm sorry.

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Shout by ketu

I am not quite sure, if that is an anti-USA or western world propaganda movie.

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I had great expectations for this movie. When will I ever learn that expectations lead to disappointment?

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the writing is so boring and most of the time it makes no sense
when shoting they have worse aim than star wars (HOW?!)

the CGI is good tho that's where all the budget went

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Yeah the plot is pretty generic and predictable but I enjoyed this nonetheless. Also the visuals are stunning.

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The fighting scenes are off. The pacing is weird and some of the scenes feel rushed. I’m even more annoyed that the military actions don’t seem to make much sense: we’re attacking a base but we don’t do any recon up front despite having a huge drone in space, we’re sending in a single guy to do an extraction, we’re sending a walking robot instead of all the rockets. The world building is really cool, but for me I got distracted by how forced some of the innovations were that didn’t seem logical in many places

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I am sooooo bored watching this movie. It has everything I'm interested in but somehow they managed to mix this into the most bland movie I've watched in a long time.

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Shout by Jos

Some kind of robotkid that can start and stop machines by her mind. What has this to do with AI ?

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Hollywood fluff. Feels like it was made by a committee. The same story you've read and seen before many times.

I don't even understand the point of the AIs? They're basically just humans with a robot bodies? Why are they made?

You even see "old lady" robots waddling up the mountain like they're fat and have arthritis. Again, I don't understand what purpose they serve, they seem just as fragile as human bodies.

They don't even seem smarter. They're basically just as stupid as people?

Edit: I almost forgot, there's AI monks. AI that choose to be tibetan monks, walking slowly and meditating. Again, WHAT'S THE POINT? WHY PROGRAM THIS TO EXIST?

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Visually great, but seemed like a bunch of unexploited ideas. Reintegrating into simulant as you’d do in Altered Carbon? Underexploited. Human-like AI as you’d have replicants in Blade Runner? (Or Westworld) Hence giving a sense of tension and paranoia? Nope. Laws of robotic? Nope. There’s just no tension or thrill, visually pretty but doesn’t make sense on some designs, so quite a let down.

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I really thought it would be a good movie after watching the trailer, but just like avatar it is just endless war and a lot of special effects with a very weak story, it is like reading a book with an amazing cover but only 3 pages. So much potential lost...the only good thing was that for the first time ever the Americans are the bad guys.

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An amazing movie that I really wish had more time to develop the world and story. Edwards was able to do so much with so little in both the story and CGI. I really enjoyed this, but again I feel like a lot more could have been explored given more time.

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What would you get if you crossed Aliens, Platoon, Artificial Intelligence and Bladerunner together… despite its lack of originality, The Creator is a solid 7/10.

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I'm deducting One point for wokeness. One point for lack of script. One point for choosing this untalented protagonist only because he's black. One point for not making me care about ANY OF THEM if they live or die. One point for poor structure and storytelling. RATE : 5/10

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Good visuals, boring plot with stupid characters and stupid dialog.

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