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The Christmas Chronicles 2018

is it just me or was Santa vaguely racist in this film?? like he got mad at that guy in the restaurant even tho he wouldn’t speak English to him, and then he assumed that random Black guy in prison could play the trumpet. Like it was so weird he was doing all these microaggressions for some reason

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Kurt Russell did an amazing job as Santa and the kids were great!

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Bit unhinged, cheesy but feel good and fuzzy.

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Shout by FilmHorde
BlockedParent2023-03-24T04:14:04Z— updated 2023-03-26T00:32:36Z

A movie that belongs on the annual Christmas watchlist alongside classics like Christmas Vacation and Home Alone. This film truly feels like a next generation Christmas classic, with a heartwarming plot that follows the adventures of siblings Kate and Teddy as they help Santa save Christmas. Kurt Russell's performance as Santa is delightful and brings a fresh take on the character. The young actors who play Kate and Teddy also deliver excellent performances, making it easy to connect with their characters. Overall, The Christmas Chronicles is a movie that is sure to become a holiday favorite for years to come.

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This is being added to my Christmas rotation. It was fun and different. Santa wasn’t your typical cheesy Santa and the music was nice. The message was good too.

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An interesting change from those repetitive Christmas rom-coms. Kurt Russell and Santa's little helper further enhance the film. :)

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Truly magical Christmas movie. Humour and the spirit of Christmas both on one movie. Kurt Russell makes a great Santa.

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I will rate this film Santas Hat/10

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I did not know what to expect when my wife suggested The Christmas Chronicles as our next Christmas movie this year. The only thing I knew about it was that Netflix made it and Kurt Russel was Santa.

Well...after a surprising amount of laughter later, I'm rather glad she chose this one. I had fun! Will it be something we will revisit next Christmas? Probably not, but it's certainly more likely than with those Hallmark movies we watched yesterday.

Anyway...Since it has to be my turn to pick soon, I might actually go with the sequel. Yes...I'm surprised too.

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Shout by Deleted

It is most certainly a movie.

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This movie is Family movie and i include it in My Favourite Family movies List.

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Here's a challenge for the studio: How many film roles could you offer to Kurt where it involves having a beard.

Because I can't think of any man who rocks facial hair than Snake Plissken himself.

Kurt Russell as Santa Clause is a wish I never knew I needed.

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Fun film, perfectly suitable for the festive period.

I do enjoy Kurt Russell, I like most of the films that I've seen him in and this is another one to add to the list. He's great in the lead role, very much carrying the film. The other actors could've been better cast, but are still passable in their respective roles. There are also cameos for Goldie Hawn and Steven Van Zandt.

The special effects are pleasant, the reindeer look alright but it's the elves that look the best. Plot-wise it's fine, nothing to shout about but it still makes for more than satisfactory viewing - they get the Xmas vibe right. There's only one scene I didn't rate, it involves a jail, yet it still kinda worked - in a cheesy way, of course.

Without Russell I'd be rating 'The Christmas Chronicles' lower, admittedly. Still, an enjoyable film.

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Very very good christmas movie.

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Kurt Russell gets to clown around in a Santa suit, as he drags two irritating children around Chicago in search of a few misplaced magical accessories. It's basically a Hallmark Channel movie with the added lure of Snake Plissken guiding a hovering sleigh through the sky. I was hoping it might function as something more than that, maybe a winking satire of that breed of neutered, smothering, saccharine family flicks. Nope, what you see is what you get.

Russell is truly the life of the party, magnetic in most every scene, but his enthusiasm only shines a beacon on the weaknesses of those around him. The kids are especially bad; no warmth, spirit or flavor to their parts. They might as well have been reading from a teleprompter. Poor effects, a drab plot, holes big enough to ride a reindeer through, a heavy-handed message and one loud musical number that leans way into cheeseball territory. As vacant and empty as the most generic greeting cards.

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From Netflix comes the magical holiday adventure The Christmas Chronicles. When Teddy and Kate Pierce try to capture Santa on video they accidentally cause his sleigh to crash, putting Christmas in jeopardy. Kurt Russell leads the cast and gives an excellent performance as Santa Claus. And, newcomer Darby Camp is pretty good too and has tremendous screen presence. However, the writing is a bit uneven; switching from a family comedy to a kid’s animated film whenever the elves show up. Also, the animation and creature designs for the elves are really poor; sticking out in the scenes like a sore thumb. Still, there are a lot of fun comedy bits and the Santa Claus mythology is rather interesting. The Christmas Chronicles has its problems, but overall it’s an entertaining Christmas film that the whole family can enjoy.

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It's Home Alone meets Santa Clause in this warm, action-filled adventure filled with childish magic and delight, almost to an extent. Classical elements with new twists, all elevated by an iconic Russell. Cliched & over the top but filled with Xmas spirit & entertainment. One of the stronger Netflix-movies so far!

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One of the few new Christmas movies this year thay actually has some originality to it. It is somewhat predictable and not completely original, but at least its different than every other cheesy, Christmas romance. And Kurt Russell's Santa is really what makes this movie. His Santa was quirky and fun and made the whole movie that much more enjoyable. Not to mention that this movie reunites Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn (even if only briefly), something that I haven't seen since overboard.

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Instant classic. I was expecting a quality production, I was not expecting the wistfulness and humor for its own sake of a family movie made in the mid-90s. Nothing could be more timely than a movie demonstrating the importance of positivity and faith.

The jailhouse blues session really put it over the top for me. I miss live-action musicals.

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The idea is innovative and the graphics are excellent!

The only drawback is the performances of the kids which are not to the best. However, since this is only noticeable by adults, children will love the movie and laugh with their hearts!

Personally, as an adult, I had a really good time watching it!

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Santa is real so stfu

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Santa is Elvis...or at least Kurt Russell's version of the big fella. This is a mix of "The Santa Clause" and "Adventures in Babysitting" with pretty darn fantastic CGI effects, a crackling quick pace, and some legitimate laughs. Don't miss this new Santa movie...better than most of the Santa adventures out there. 9/10

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When I saw the wrapping, I was sure this was going to be another generic present like you get at your bank or dentist's. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up to find a genuine, sincere and heartfelt gift. The Christmas Chronicles won't be my favourite present this holiday season but it's certainly one I'll remember with pleasure and keep with me for awhile. Who knows, maybe I'll even try it again next year.

PS Kurt Russell is now my favourite Father Christmas ever, and the best in the part since Lord Richard Attenborough played Kris Kringle in The Miracle on 34th Street.

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Shout by Deleted

the only reason I have to give this movie a low rating is because it was wayyyyyyyy too much like Tim Allen's the Santa Claus only Kurt russtle knew he was santa the movie was funny but not hilarious and the heart of the movie has been used too many times to count I'm so sorry to give a bad review as i myself was excited about seeing this however definitely not what i expected

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Okay, for a family movie with low expectations. Kurt Russell was cool, and it had maybe the best sleigh action in Christmas movie history!

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I just tuned in for the hell of it. & I ain't really into contemporary Xmas movies or TV shows. But this was surprisingly very entertaining. I was kinda hoping Rudolph would participate in the reindeer games, but I think his red nose would be a plot shortcut.

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This movie was incredible! Definitely being added to our families annual Christmas must-watch list!

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Absolutely wonderful! I would give this a 20 out of 10 if I could. It was refreshing to see a new Christmas film with emphasis on the story and characters. (I know I always waffle on about that, but it is important. It's what makes a film tick for me.) There were moments that could be quite hard to watch, especially for anyone who's lost someone close due to death. However, don't let that put you off, because the overall film is a feel-good, uplifting family movie with a true Christmas spirit throughout. About time they made such a wonderful film like this.

Of course, this film is also guaranteed a 10 from me, simply because they have not one - but TWO Christmas songs recorded by Elvis Presley. It didn't surprise me to learn that Santa is played by Kurt Russell, who not only starred as Elvis in a 1979 biopic, but he also starred WITH the great man himself as the shin-kicking boy in "It Happened At The World's Fair."

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Kurt Russell as Santa Claus is all I needed to know to watch this movie. He is a great Santa and really carries the movie. Everything else is pretty cliché but that's not necessarily a bad thing, it just feels familiar. A solid Christmas movie to bring you lots of Christmas cheer.

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Fun Christmas movie. A little different than others, but not much. Seeing Kurt as Santa is... interesting. It won't be one I watch as part of the season ritual, but still fun.

PS: where the F is Rudolph?!

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This modern Christmas take on Santa is a lot of fun, with a great turn from Kurt Russell as Santa himself. Worth a watch, especially if you're running low on Christmas spirit (and no, I don't mean the alcoholic kind).

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It was fun.

Seeing Santa sing is cliche, but the actual "Elvis" tribute associated with it brings back when he actually Played Elvis in a made for TV movie way back when (1978)...and funny enough directed by John Carpenter. The beginning of their fun adventures.

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Finally a good family Christmas movie with a cool plot,I really liked it.

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Very well done loved it.

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A modern, but magical Christmas movie. It's very enjoyable, but nothing new. Personally, many themes and settings reminded me of Rise of the Guardians (which I prefer), but there's joy in familiarity as well.

Note that I'm not a fan of when Santa is written as kind of mean just to seem "modern", the lines about Santa's weight are never necessary and just gives it a bad vibe. Wish they had skipped them as it just feels so out of place, there are other ways to make a family movie relatable to adult viewers.

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Really liked it. Specially the ending.

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I never realized I needed Kurt Russell as Santa until now. Well first you have to enjoy Kurt Russell just being Kurt Russell. If you found him entertaining in anything like I have. You will like this movie.
It’s magical but flawed when there’s a scene where the sleigh is in the middle of the street during daylight. Yet no one even notices.
It’s also cliche that Santa is arrested and of course gets everyone in jail to sing. I also saw that in Ernest Saves Christmas and probably many others.

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