Absolutely wonderful! I would give this a 20 out of 10 if I could. It was refreshing to see a new Christmas film with emphasis on the story and characters. (I know I always waffle on about that, but it is important. It's what makes a film tick for me.) There were moments that could be quite hard to watch, especially for anyone who's lost someone close due to death. However, don't let that put you off, because the overall film is a feel-good, uplifting family movie with a true Christmas spirit throughout. About time they made such a wonderful film like this.

Of course, this film is also guaranteed a 10 from me, simply because they have not one - but TWO Christmas songs recorded by Elvis Presley. It didn't surprise me to learn that Santa is played by Kurt Russell, who not only starred as Elvis in a 1979 biopic, but he also starred WITH the great man himself as the shin-kicking boy in "It Happened At The World's Fair."

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