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San Andreas 2015

the initial earth quake was pretty brutal but it had been determined that all the aftershocks were caused by Alexandra Daddario running without a sports bra on.

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I honestly tried to like this movie, mostly because of its great cast. But I couldn't stand their shallow motivations, egocentric attitude and silly, sentimental dialogue, that actually made me hate most of the characters (not to mention the cameos from known stars). What entirely lost me as a viewer and made me feel uncomfortable, was a rescue pilot that flees a disaster zone to fly to a far away location to rescue his daughter. I'm a medical professional and I have been a first responder in several critical situations, and I just can say that I truly hated The Rock's character so much after that stunt. After that, I couldn't enjoy the movie, despite the CGI, that I felt as outstanding. DON'T MAKE A FIRST RESPONDER THAT FAILS TO STICK TO ETHICS AND RULES YOUR MAIN CHARACTER. It's such an insult. If you disagree, I'll remind you whenever you need medical assistance and your paramedic, doctor or nurse has to leave the scene of your accident to check on her/his daughter.

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:heart::heart: - A complete waste of time. Nothing exciting about this film

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Most people will probably dislike this movie tremendously. Full of clichés and corny dialogue. Full of CGI-filled over-the-top action scenes. Full of reality defying physics. Check, Check, and Check. Which is why...I like it!!

Disaster movies have become somewhat of a guilty pleasure of mine, and San Andreas really got what it takes. I felt thoroughly entertained for almost two hours, and don't really feel bad about it. ;)

My advice is If you like disaster movies, go watch it. Preferably with a good surround sound system so you can really feel the earth moving. ;)

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stupid plot, especially going for "what else can we do". I started laughing when that freighter appeared on the crest of the wave.

And let's not mention the lack in morals in a first-responder who absconds with a helicopter that could be used to save a lot more people than just the wife and daughter... the same goes for the boat, by the way.

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the only thing I kept thinking about were that dust and fumes and shit from the collapsing buildings... bruh the amount of cancer

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absolutely loved it, awesome movie and my fav actors Alexandra & Dwayne I just read there will be no San Andreas 2 :( so disappointed

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So the first CGI effect makes you think, made for TV. After that they are great but was still a shock. The script thereafter makes you forget about the horrible CGI though. Cheesy lines galore. And I still do not know if The Rock is a good actor. With lines like these I feel embarrassed for him. Fremdschämen kinda... Good action but you will never want to see it again or even mention it.

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It would be better without the divorce drama, totally irrelevant for the story.

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I give it a 3 just for The Rock but take away a half for yet another implausible action flick with bad lines and a serious lack of consequential dying

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This was a fantastic movie, although some parts were unrealistic. Great acting and edge of seat parts. Made it into my top 10.

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Actually much better than I was expecting. Just a loud, brash, action packed disaster flick. Don't expect great acting or character development. But plenty of explosions, destruction, and just-in-time escapes. I liked it!

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This movie is basically a plot hole in itself. Worst thing I ever saw… it makes no sense at all what people do and how the heck is there only a single family looking for the other family members? So much stuff floating around but no dead people? How weird do the building collapse? It's just amazingly bad…

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Ridiculous, unrealistic, bad acting, etc etc....... and still very entertaining :)

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The visual effects are the only thing that makes this movie worth watching. The rest is predictable, superficial and not interesting.

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Disaster movie. Well done but very blend in term of story with the same forever trop of the divorced father saving his kid while reuniting with the ex-wife who seem to have decided to move on with a selfish new husband (possibly rich). Sounds like every other disaster movie. Still, remains entertaining if you are into that kind of movie. There is worse.

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2016-03-11T19:39:25Z— updated 2017-03-22T00:27:24Z

Pretty terrible dialogue and acting nearly sink this disaster movie. But its okay because The Rock will surely save the day. Oh wait.. he didn't. A disaster movie that really is a disaster.

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This is clearly of the "turn your brains of before you press play" category. If you expect anything else stop right there.

So no complaints about storylines and logic, the whole movie is build around the usual blueprint for this genre. Which isn´t meant purely as critic, it is just the facts. But CGI is 2nd rate at best. This would have been OK a couple years ago but it´s below standard for today. If you make a doomsday movie you need to have convincing effects. A lot of the shots the objects feel/look weightless and unnatural.

So take this for what it is or don´t take it at all. That would be my recommendation.

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Found myself laughing most of the time because of all the over the top massive destructions happening. With a strong quake follows a weak plot...

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Shout by Mounir

with divorced parents felt it was 2012 (movie) all over again but still pretty great movie i wish San Andreas disappeared at the end and more tsunami!!

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Well, the earthquakes were the best of the movie, that and Alexandra Daddario running, and swimming, and wet, I'll give it that. But in general it's pretty cheesy and not a good story.

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The only good thing on the whole movie was CGI nothing else

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I expected this movie to be bad and an indulgence in mindless action. I was worried that it might actually be good in some way and thus much scarier for me as someone who lives in San Francisco. It turned out to be simply and truly awful. The sorts of badness were so predictable as to undercut and ruin even the mindless action. It ended up for me being a simple reminder of why, as a fan of mindless action movies, I avoid Hollywood craptastic, blockbuster action flicks.

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I expected this movie to be bad and an indulgence in mindless action. I was worried that it might actually be good in some way and thus much scarier for me as someone who lives in San Francisco. It turned out to be simply and truly awful. The sorts of badness were so predictable as to undercut and ruin even the mindless action. It ended up for me being a simple reminder of why, as a fan of mindless action movies, I avoid Hollywood craptastic, blockbuster action flicks.

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When i watched this movie i had to laugh more then feel sorry.
For me it was more a comedy then disaster movie.

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the babe saved the CGI and the cliche script.

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There's nothing astonishing with the plot, but hey, it's the catastrophic movie... we can't expect more ;>

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Nothing new.
I felt like a fortune teller, knowing everything that is about to happening.
But the visual effects make it a good movie.

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Reccomended, you know waht you are going to watch, destruction, destruction and more destruction.

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Shallow, egocentric crap. Brilliant effects ruined by a clichéd script delivered in a Team America f#ck yea style. Total bilge.

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what a piece of crap

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The CGI team takes the cake on this movie. Outstanding job in the effects department. Unbelievable work!!

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This movie is just another disaster movie. The characters are very shallow with at times very very bad acting. If you like a simple plain disaster movie you should watch it. If you look for good acting then skip this movie.

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Just a good destruction movie. Great CGI and no plot. Just sit back with pop corn and enjoy

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Shout by Deleted

the bad CGI ruined a bit the movie, but it delivers what it has to. forgetful popcorn movie.

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no good story or actions, but the scenes of destruction and flooding are ameanzing. A. Daddario very pretyy and "Kalinda sharma" reporter , there make things very imposible

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When your daughter is about the get drowned (especially when you are parents who lost another daughter) you stare each other with love and kiss with love; well, eventually causes your daughter to get drowned...

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It went from a maybe not so bad "Le-end-of-the-world" kinda movie to a "Are you for real?!". At first it did seem entertaining, like the plot could actually happen, but then it turned out to be about a firefighter saving four people, people kissing each other and turning the earthquake into their own romantic night out, and a magical "oh wait! That bitch ain't dead".

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we could live or we could die but idc lets talk about love and marriage now

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Shout by Deleted

(via Movie Blaze for WP)awesome

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Firefighter only thinking of his own family, his own needs? IF a better, deeper manuscript, THAT would have been very interesting to watch - the actual realisation that most people are NOT heroes to ALL, but only to some. But the focus remains on Wayne Johnsons and his daughter's ability to keep a focus and keep calm in the face of absolute disaster - only one aim: Always Move To Safer Ground. And then the quib about USA and UK (Europe) embodied in the relationship between Wayne and his soon to be son-in-law (who is English) - who is protecting who...

SO much good CGI wasted on SUCH a crummy script!

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LOVED It! Such a fun popcorn flick. The Rock is the man!!!

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The great thing about this movie is that it knows what it is, a mindless destruction flick, and rarely tries to be something more. Most of the effect are great, and the Rock... Is the Rock.

Absolutely recommended if you want to shut down your brain and have a lot of fun.

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