Review by Matthew Luke Brady

San Andreas 2015

So I just watch "San Andreas" and I had a lot of fun watching it. It's not an amazing movie, but if you look at it closely, and yes the movie dose have it's flaws, but really what was I expecting from this movie? Well I was expecting Dwayne Johnson character saying really cheesy one liners that are bad but funny. Big cgi environments, dramatic music from every disaster movie out in the 90's, and everyone being dead serious. And I got some of that, but not the cheesy one liners, which I'm glad it's not in the movie.

Who ever says Dwayne The Rock Johnson can't are right, but this guy has been acting for a while now and it's getting pretty old saying he's acting wooden, same with Arnold Schwarenegger. Both have something in common, both can't act but at least both of them have that likability to them that every time they are on screen I'm happy to see them, because they both really likable in real life. Dwayne Johnson in this movie pulls off the action hero very well and at least he had fun with the role and he didn't take it way way too seriously.

Now it comes to disaster movies you got to have good visual effect's and for the most part this movie did have good effect's. It really helped to set the scale of a big disaster and it give the action scenes that solid concrete impact that a movie like this needed.

Now for problems: When I said some of the CGI was good, well there was some noticeable and fake looking cgiat times. The opening of the movie which involves a car crashing and hanging off a deep hole in the background. Some of the effect's worked and some didn't.

The character's in the movie are so freaking dumb and I don't mean Dwayne Johnson, Paul Giamatti or Carla Gugino character's, but the supporting character's. This isn't really a spoiler for the movie, but there's a scene where Dwayne Johnson daughter (played by Alexandra Daddario), is stuck in the middle of this disaster and then she finds out about a tsunami that's on it's way due to all of the earthquake's, and what does she do? Goes into a unfinished building that's not even close to being finished, and she thinks that would save her from the tsunami. Nope, that building couldn't hold the power of a giant freaking waving that's more power then other wave (the movie made that point out about the tsunami and earthquake's) and it starts flood the whole building and soon falls over.

I got nothing against Alexandra Daddario, but she wasn't all that great in this. She kept doing that boring looking face even when this big disaster is happening around her.

Overall rating: San Adreas was an enjoyable action movie. As I said before, it's not flawless, but it's better than most disaster movies that we have gotten today. I thinking if this movie came out in the 90's this would have been a smash hit and this could have been the next "Independence Day", just think about it.

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