The movie is bad, not unwatchable bad but bad anyways. It’s slow as hell, the acting is bad (“flat out”), the storytelling is dull, the photography is mediocre, everything is a mess. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME, DON’T WATCH IT.

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OMG this was so lame. So predictible, so weak. I don't get the hype about it.

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Based on the trailer this comment section is going to be a shit show. Trailer looks good, reviews are also good. Excited to see the film.

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The movie everyone should be forced to watch. Not just men for the obvious reasons, but women because everyone needs a reminder of how even the “nicest guys” can be absolute pieces of shit. There is not a single thing about this movie I would critique. It is perfect.

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It has a nice theme: There are no nice guys!
But I think they should have shown Nina's backstory too. Especially of her mother who seemed quite cool which is weird because how can you move on from something like this. I mean you can but not completely.

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I'm shocked. Definitely unexpected ending. This movie is both important piece of art and social commentary that we need

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The story is very touching, I understand the pain they tried to show during the movie, but couldnt recommend it for anyone. It's boring, slow and you get very tired after the first 30 minutes.
It doenst make any sense and I'm still trying to understand how some people are saying it's going to be a Oscar nominee.

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Nice movie and a solid performance from Carey. My mistake, maybe, was reading the overexcited reviews first and going in with my expectations too high.

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I wanted to like this movie, and I didn't dislike it, but I wanted to like it a lot more than I did by the time it was over. I was engaged in the plot, it was well acted, the story had me following it through every turn, in my opinion it just really botched the ending. I get Cassandra was going through a lot and that she was unhappy, but I don't think killing her off is the best way the story could've ended. I would've preferred at some point for the pillow to have been lifted and find out she was faking it just like she kept faking being drunk earlier in the movie. It didn't not make sense, you kind of just wanted to see her win without losing again too. In the end the guy could still get off claiming the whole thing was self defense. Overall it was a good movie still, I just think it could've been better if it ended stronger.

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I did enjoy this movie. however, some parts worked much better than others. I would say my favorite aspect is the character manipulation and development through the film. carey mulligan is spectacular and I can’t say anything more about bo burnham that someone else hasn’t said. I knew going into this that he’d be an asshole, and he still roped me in with that bicycle line. damn you, lanky brunettes!

that being said, the ending absolutely left something to be desired. as others have already mentioned much more eloquently than I can, cassie’s death and subsequent “revenge” felt more like a cheap audience emotion-grab than a fitting resolution. I truly think the film’s message would have been communicated so much better if the posthumous “revenge” was left out, because it really makes the storyline feel… cheapened. it reminds me of the ever-popular “bury your gays” trope of the 20-teens ish, except instead of LGBT+ members, it’s victims of sexual assault who seek justice.

overall, I commend emerald for what she attempted, but I’d like to see a piece with a bit more sensitivity and consideration in the future.

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Gonna tell my kids this is Wonder Woman 2.

What struck me during the second watch (in the theater, this time) was how incredible the writing is. The set up, scene placement and the intricate structure of the story is part of what makes this film so breath taking. Carey Mulligan is the rest...

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Bo Burnham's presence made me sweat throughout the entirety of the movie. Like, shit, he can't just be there for comedic relief. When I heard the voice on the recording I screamed, expecting some joker type stuff.
And then in the end it wasn't anything related. You have this interesting character you build around this unpredictable actor. Don't leave him in a field please.

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This is a nice movie with sensible topic. I respect women who suffer with the plot of this movie. The story is going on very well. Recommended...

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I can tell how this can be the holly grail for women but i think it was an excellent movie with a great story and impact. It can shake you to your core and the ending for me was a good ending. I prefer it better that way than a "normal" one. It gave more credibility and more accuracy.
A fantastic dark comedy with a great message.

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So many feels... the last ten minutes of the movie put a knife in my heart and twisted the blade. What a movie!

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Though it was brilliant. The end was satisfying yet disappointing at the same time.

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I loved it, and then i hated it... and then I liked it again... then I was mad... then angry.... then sad... 10/10.

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I don’t know how to feel about this, it was boring for me up until pretty much near the end, it didn’t make me feel anything? Idk something was just,, off,, about it

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For a fantastic description of the issues with this movie:

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Very unique movie. Acting was very good. Certainly a roller coaster of a plot making one think it's a thriller/slasher movie in the beginning that turns into a revenge/thriller with a twist of a plot near the middle. There are also twists including the ending that is shocking. Overall a movie that keeps you on your toes with a roller coaster of emotions.

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Carey Mulligan stars in the indie character drama Promising Young Woman. Traumatized by the death of her best friend who was raped, Cassandra becomes a vigilante; seeking out those responsible and preying on potential rapists. Mulligan gives a strong performance, and is backed by an impressive supporting cast that includes Alison Brie, Adam Brody, Clancy Brown, and Connie Britton. However, the script is a little weak and the character is a bit too enigmatic. Still, the ruses and punishments that she deals out are rather clever. And director Emerald Fennell has a rather raw and evocative style that heightens the material. It has its problems, but Promising Young Woman is an incredibly provocative and compelling film.

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This film summed up in one sentence: Feminist Revenge Porn.

You will probably like this film if you are a fan of The Handmaidens Tale, Sex and the City and the show Girls.

You will probably dislike this film if you are NOT a fan of The Handmaidens Tale, Sex and the City and the show Girls.

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What is delayed is not lost. Better to remember the moral of this movie. p.s. Carey Mulligan played her part brilliantly.

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Very great movie, the theme are well aborded and the acting is great !

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honestly so incredible. this did a good job of being a revenge flick, dark comedy, tragedy and cautionary tale all in one and that's a testament to the director for sure. 100% recommend, all the acting was incredible and carey mulligan honestly deserves a million awards for how versatile and believable she is as an actor.

also, the soundtrack was :fire:

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movie is very interesting and fun to watch. i would give 7 points because u can easily watch it with no guilty conscience. one extra point though for the soundtrack. it really fits the scenes and has some cool covers. overall def a mustwatch. at least one time!

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This movies hurts, and I've cried three times.

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This is great film!
The ending is all kinds of wow (sad and fuck you).
If I'd've seen this in a theatre, I would have stood up and applauded.

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Much more than the revenge thriller I was expecting. This was a twisting uncompromising surprise, and very timely in its subject matter. Mulligan is such an incredible actress and she gives a performance that will draw you in and shatter your heart.

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I had a bit of a weird personal experience with this one. When the movie finished my initial reaction was that it was fantastic and easily one of the best films of the year. I still think that way but after digesting the movie and seeing some of the criticisms of the movie I now see it in a slightly different way. On the surface this felt like a revenge thriller but when you look at the actions of the main character in some depth you start to realize that she was rather deranged and that casts a different light on her actions. For example, was she right to do what she did to the woman that simply didn't believe the story? There were a few holes and a few instances where the movie tried to have it both ways. That said, I really enjoyed it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Great film. Carey Mulligan is amazing in it. I just want to say: Death to the rapist patriarchy . Also, great soundtrack. Very cool all around.

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Shout by cage
BlockedParent2021-02-24T03:36:54Z— updated 2021-03-10T02:59:39Z

I went into this knowing nothing and was pleasantly surprised. Cutting of some dragging scenes would be beneficial to make the story more tight.

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interesting and for sure well made..It's excessive in some points but overrall it's a great movie and Mulligan's perfomance was the best in her carrer for me she deserves an oscar for this movie.7.8/10

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Shout by Carlos Luis Lopes
BlockedParent2021-02-07T03:33:22Z— updated 2021-05-16T14:36:40Z

It begins like an America psycho sequel, than moves to a romantic comedy that alternates with The Accused, to going back to American Paycho and then giving you an amazing twist that completely shocked me, to end in a very vulgar way. This is one of those movies that wasn’t comfortable with becoming an instant classic and had to put a trophy ending. If you remove the wedding scene, it is one of the darkest and funniest movies I have seen recently

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Brilliant, sharp film. Deals with rape culture with subtlety and nuance.
I was glad to see a movie tackling how 'nice men' see themselves as not part of rape culture or rapists.

And that ending!

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wow... that ending.... a must watch for anyone!!!!

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Shout by WastedCarbon
BlockedParent2021-01-16T17:09:44Z— updated 2022-11-19T21:31:56Z

I feel really bad for those who went through abuse. Hope you are doing okay. And I think it is really important everyone watches movies like this. I did not like how the movie ended, didn't want Cassie to die. Jesus Christ, this movie was a roller coaster.

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Batman suffered a trauma, used his anger as fuel take down scumbags and became a super hero. That makes Cassandra Thomas a super hero and Promising Young Woman the best Super Hero movie I've seen in ages.

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The best movie to come out all year

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My first number 10 of the year. A searing and uncomfortable journey through toxic masculinity and a tour-de-force performance from Carey Mulligan

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This is a nice watch.

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Controversial ending but overall impactful and really well made and well built narrative/tension/pace wise. Emerald Fennel has a thing for dangerous woman and I for one couldn’t be happier about it. Carey Mulligan front runner for best actress so far from what I’ve seen this year!

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Damn, how tall is Bo Burnham?

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Shout by Davezn

A great Physco Thriller. Cassie was excellent. Just when you thought she had met Mr. Right and gotten over Nina the Video brought it all back! A very disturbing ending, as I didn't think Cassie would make the ultimate sacrifice in the Name of Justice! Well worth a watch, highly recommended. :thumbsup_tone1:

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What stood out most to me with this film was the way it bounced around genres and still made it somehow work. It did make for a slightly inconsistent tone as we moved through the middle of the film, but it still worked. This is a revenge thriller at its core, but it takes a lot of the clichés and conventions of the genre and plays a bit to the side of them. This leads to some scenes that go just a tad left of how you'd assume they would, which kept me interested throughout.

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Really unpredictable movie with twists and turns enough for whiplash... performances are great and direction is on point. Loved the end... no spoilers

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You see hashtags like #metoo and #ibelieveher, you read and hear stories in the news. This movie asks questions of all the people who are complicit in perpetuating a system.

The movie is stylish and takes you by surprise. One minute you think you're watching a goofy lost girl, or a psychopath, or a disillusioned singleton and then who she is appears gradually. The pace suffers a little half way through and then picks up again soon.

A very satisfying watch that, without lecturing, leaves us with many different perspectives on culpability, responsibility, complicity.

So much better than Saltburm.

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Wow! It was unsettling and unexpected. The romance between Cassandra and Ryan was cute though.

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Carey Mulligan ohh myy babeee
I lvv you

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Really good but I took 1 point off for sloppy writing when it came to when she was caught walking out of the bar with the other bloke. The only reason she didn't explain what she was doing was because of plot. Cause had she explained to Ryan what was going on, the story wouldn't work. But in the real world this wouldn't work.

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Stunning, truly. Everyone should watch this film…and watch it again, whilst taking notes

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I want to rate this higher, but the damaged woman with a tragic past dying at the end is a cliche that needs to be done away with. You can't tell a story like this, and then do that...

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All men are assholes, not very subtle message...

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It's been a while since I've seen such a good movie. It touches a heavy subject and starts the conversation. Well performed by Carey Mulligan. It's intense. oof, and that ending. I was shocked to see Cassandra die like that but you could feel that this was not in vain. This woman planned it out perfectly and the ending was therefore bittersweet but satisfying.
I will recommend this movie to anyone everwhere from now on out.

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Shout by Nyh

All men are bad. Women win. All works out. With all the men being terrible and women awesome. :cowboy: Bo burnham was good tho

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I've just watched this for the second time, and I enjoyed it just as much. Though I think I'd like to have seen more on Nina's story

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Okay, we guys are slobs. We knew it.

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Shout by Agent24

Great movie with an unexpected and unique story. Brilliant acting by Carey Mulligan and the rest of the cast. The ending is good but really would have hoped for a different outcome.

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Did not go where I expected. Halfway through I thought it was almost over. Everyone needs to see this movie. I wouldn't advocate for the ending, but some people like to shove their heads in the sand and pretend rape isn't rape. This movie is your wake up call. Too many women are the so called friend and the Dean as portrayed in this movie. You need this movie most of all.

AND REALLY NICE to see the majority of men that commented thus far (excepting only 2) got it. Be very wary of any man that doesn't get this movie. It's likely, he's one of them that this movie is about.

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FYI she does zero bodily harm to r:pound_symbol:pists, so if you came here to watch that for almost 2 hours you will be disappointed

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What an awful movie. Beourk.

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What destroys you is always your concern

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Shout by johndrinkwater

Such relief at the conclusion, I had felt just before then that the previous event had ruined my opinion of the film, but rethinking it I guess that’s the point? That she’s another promising young woman that will be forgotten by these guys in weeks and never thought of again.
Ryan could have had the police walk over to him before the fade to black, imo.

My only slight complaint was the audio mix, the background tone was too often in the foreground - which I can understand, they really want you to notice Toxic being played orchestrally. Would’ve pulled it down a notch.

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A good movie. Worth watching. Seems dark at first. As the story progresses we realize the basic human nature against rage, emotional exploitation and what it can do to a person's life. It sows the seed of thoughtfulness in the watcher's mind.

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This movie is well-schemed and brought to life by brilliant performances all around. The ride of the plot is empowering, hilarious, heart-breaking, and DARK, but the discomfort of watching the movie speaks to its subject matter most profoundly.

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A roller coaster of emotions, screen play is amazing and the script is tight.
One of the best movies I've seen in quite a while.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
.5 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
1 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

6 / 10

I don't think Emerald Fennell knew what she was trying to say with this movie.

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Graag movie, lots of unpredictable parts. That’s hard to pull off these days. Definitely recommend movie to watch. 8/10.

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WOW!! There is simply nothing I can say about the plot of this movie that won’t mislead you or give away its trajectory. It’s uncomfortable, unpredictable, inevitable and intense. It will be a different experience depending on your gender and intensely evocative for 81% of women. Be prepared! Carrie Mulligan is superb in this role. She defies chronology. I give this film an 8 (evocative) out of 10. [Thriller, Drama]

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I'd never heard of this, so had no expectations.

At times, the story wasn't that original, but it was understated and clever.

Don't be put off but the stupid movie cover - this movie is a gem !

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Wow, this was a trip

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A good movie, I was so excited because of the reviews, just low your expectationsa and It will work fine.

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Could have been much better, but it's not so bad. The soundtrack instead is almost top class! Shines! A 'mismatch'...

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I was expecting this to be more murdery - but it was not. And that was fine. I think not being all maimy and murdery actually made this a better movie.

Of course, a lot of questions are left unanswered, and somehow I didn't mind.

The ending was a little unexpected.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Disguised as a black comedy, Emerald Fennell's debut raises very interesting questions about sexist superiority. Especially when the bullies are reflected in the female mirror, when the victim becomes an executioner. Some details show the insolence of the harassment (the workers), whose guilt is not exclusively male (the blow job lips makeup tutorial). Revenge blames the witnesses as well as the assailants.

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An important film with twists and a point, if not enjoyable. Challenges fundamental notions about male identity and privilege.

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It was a great!! The ending was really good, I just wish there was MORE of and ending after that. SPOILER QUESTIONS Like, what happened when they arrested him? What happened to the case after they found Cassie's body? Did Daddy manage to cover it all up? Did Jackass Joe actually manage to run away? I NEED ANSWERS!!!

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A pretty solid must-see, but going ob the trailer, the expectation was really that of a more black-comedy revenge film in the vein of Hard Candy.
Definitely still worth the watch, but would advise managing expectations.

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I Loved this movie. Pacing was excellent, the cast was fantastic (Laverne Cox, Alison Brie, Carey Mulligan...the list goes on!) and the dark twists and turns kept you entertained throughout. Ok sure some of the plot lines were a little unbelievable but overall the concept and realization was a success. Yay Emerald for a fantastic debut (and a cheeky cameo too :wink:).

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This movie is a punch in the guts. And that ending!!

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Pretty good, enjoyed the watch. Provides what it shows in the trailer, solid 8.

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That was a decent film, enjoyed every second of it and that ending was very unexpected...great performance from cary mulligan..

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Well worth the absolute AGE that I waited to see it. That final act really took me on a rollercoaster.

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Great movie, even the controversial ending, I really enjoyed watching it. PS: Carey's performance is brilliant

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i love when women. it's completely predictable only because i've maybe thought of doing what she did many times. the ending though was very... sad yet satisfying.

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A whiplash of genres, Promising Young Woman is as unpredictable as its protagonist, a woman hell bent on seeking vengeance for her best friend. Surprising and thought provoking, a complete romantic-comedy-thriller-horror.

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