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Peter Pan & Wendy 2023

Well, I certainly found plenty of people to add to my block list from the comments on this movie :rolling_eyes:

No, the movie is nothing special, but anybody who thinks they're making a real criticism by using the word "woke" needs to come back to reality.

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Wow. Save your time and dont watch this. There is no magic in this movie. Changed a lot of aspects of the storie for a check list and it shows. Nothing new or good here.

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Just an absolute fantastic live action of Peter Pan finally made by Disney after all the others that have been made throughout the years. The casting is truly perfect, especially for Peter Pan and Wendy. The CGI and sets help make this film a great spectacle of a coming of age story that brings the audience to tears. The plot development other than the beginning being a bit rushed and some plot points being glossed over, was good. But it doesn't matter that some points were glossed over as the story is so well known that there is no need to make this film for an audience that knows nothing. The insight into Peter's and Hook's relationship was a great touch as well as Wendy being the motherly figure that all lost boys ran away from. Just all in all nothing short of perfection for Disney with pixie dust sprinkled on top in an incredible way.

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Great new version. Don't listen to the haters.

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I completely agree with Sopherian van Ettinger's review, on all points, so won't repeat them here. Additionally, I think Alexander Moloney's acting was very poor (or maybe it was just the script and direction he had to work with) but he came across as wooden and lifeless, with no real emotion most of the time. He certainly didn't make Peter Pan in any way a likeable or identifiable character. Jeremy Sumpter did far better in the 2003 film - which was altogether a far superior production. Forget this weak woke travesty and watch the 2003 film instead if you want a far higher quality Peter Pan film to watch with your children.

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New cgi and thats it. The characters changing according to USA mental issue of woke. Nothing new, nothing to see. Those kind of movies that if you dont see, nothing lost.

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It really must blow your tiny little right wing 'anti-woke' minds when I tell you Peter Pan was always played by a woman originally lol and J.M. Barrie was totally cool with that.

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Peter Pan & Wendy" is a decent adaptation, but let's be real, it's nowhere near as good as the original. That said, it's still a lot better than some other Peter Pan adaptations, like "Pan." It's true that we've seen so many versions of the story that they start to blend together. While it doesn't capture the magic of the original, it's a reminder that some classics are best left untouched. :sparkles:‍♂:star2:

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Changed most of the story, poor writing, hook and pan were boring, tinkerbell literally what was the most pointless character just Disney being Disney inclusive garbage.

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I'm giving this a 2 because the movie itself is decent, the cgi is good, the sets and costumes are good, and the script is not actively cruel to us.
I'm trying to watch this as child me and I really don't see myself liking this. The colours are so bland, the pace is very slow and the story is so boring.
Although I am a fan of these live action versions, this one wasn't necessary. It felt forced and completely pointless.
Change up afew things, make it peterpan unrelated, and I'm sure this would have been a hit rather than the flop it is.

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there was some potential,but it was wasted. captain hook had no closure.. the story in general had no meaning and closure. Peter Pan and hook will fight Forever. it's really a children movie.
it wasn't bad ,I could watch it until the end and the VFX were very good. I hate to put the VFX the same level as pirates of the Caribbean,but that was a 2002 movie and this is 2023 movie. i should have been this way.

Tinkerbell was not so important in the movie and it looks like she's another character entirely.

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Lacks character development.
Nothing new. Does not feel as magical as the original Peter Pan.

Characters 4
Story 5
Pacing 5
Visuals 6
Rewatchability Factor 1
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 4
Average Score 4.16

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Well here is some forced inclusivity for you. If it helped the story some it would have been nice. If you want to see a good Peter pan movie go watch 'PAN'. This was utter crap, the actors just didn't fit the story.

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[Disney+] It's not so much that it doesn't add anything to previous versions of J.M. Barrie's story, but it loses the magic that the P.J. Hogan and Steven Spielberg, and even Joe Wright's bizarre proposal, had. This one further explores the relationship between Peter Pan and Captain Hook who, by removing his usual famous accessories, seems even more a reflection of the adult that Peter doesn't want to become. But the film doesn't find the balance between being a children's story, a mature and dark tale, and a reflection of empowerment and sorority. In the end, a dissonant mix remains.

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Shout by Deleted

never expected “faith, trust, & pixie dust” line would be given to capt. hook

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This movie is being targeted by the far right across the internet. Don't take any ratings or comments as useful information, you're on your own for this one. Maybe just watch it and find out. It's perfectly fine for children to watch, so maybe just put it on and find out. The only way it's not suitable for children is if you have a middle-aged man shouting at the screen behind them.

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Disney is worthless anymore, everything is put out there to propagandize and they have done their level best to destroy the beloved story of Peter Pan! This movie is total garbage.

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More revisionism from the Marxist Disney, it gets so boring.

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