Shout by JackDinn

Peter Pan & Wendy 2023

More revisionism from the Marxist Disney, it gets so boring.

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@jackdinn You know that Disney is one of the most successful capitalist enterprises ever, right?

@jackdoddy Might have been at one time, but they became infected. Producing nothing but social engineering, divisive, destructive, propaganda. Such a pity,

@jackdinn They are more successful than ever. You have fallen victim to indoctrination that has changed your ideology, they haven't changed theirs. Disney has almost always produced media that is very slightly progressive - not enough to actually be progressive, but enough to not lose customers by being behind the times. They don't have a stance on anything political, they just produce value for shareholders by trying to reflect the views of its viewers without 'going too far'.

It's a little ironic that your ilk are accusing them of indoctrinating the world with some progressive worldview, when the political positions they might show in a movie - in passing, never as the sole focus - is always at least a decade out of date. It's a very calculated position that they've taken for at least the entire time we've both been alive.

Disney is still the same horribly exploitative, uber-capitalist, union/strike-busing, mega-corporation that churns out paint-by-numbers media with just enough skill and artistry to lift it above that and keep it at the top of the industry. It's a right-wing dream - a gigantic testimonial you could put on the marketing poster for capitalism.

I really want you to think about what has happened. Disney didn't change. You were radicalized. Peter Pan is not part of the conspiracy.

@jackdoddy If you can't see the wave of destruction of anyone over 35's childhood in all aspects of "entertainment" then i can't help you. I can't think of a single franchise or cultural anchor from my younger life that is still watchable (apart from the originals ofc). You can keep telling me not to believe my own "lying eyes" but meh, cant do that I'm afraid. I shall just keep my money.

@jackdinn What has happened is that you've grown up. You've also been red pilled by one or many of the online grifters that have created this panic. The various entertainment industries have always been awful in their own ways, but they have never, ever been hubs of progressivism seeking to shove 'their' (we all know who they are) politics down your throat. They do what's best for the shareholders - take a successful IP and stretch it and clone it and beat it to death, then move onto the next. After 20-30 years they try to revive the old IP for another round of flogging where they've changed it just enough to keep the copyright going and new audiences interested. That's your buddy capitalism, not some mind virus.

Ironically, selling the belief in the mind virus infecting the Hollywood jeelites or whatever it is your grifter is telling you, is specifically designed to get you to open your wallet to them. They take your money and instruct you to hate all movies on principle. It's not a good deal, you should consider trying something else.

@jackdoddy "They do what's best for the shareholders" You'll be telling me companies like Anheuser Busch are not "progressive", are not on board with the global agenda and I'm just misguided. Someone is living in denial for certain. I advise you just put down the seriously evil ideologies that have been tried so many times already, back away slowly and admit that the modern world was built by capitalism. Whatever you are alluding to is just for children and can only destroy and kill.
Anyhow, Im done now.
