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Molly's Game 2017

If Jessica is in it, it’s good.

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Molly’s Game has some great acting from Jessica Chastain, Idris Elba and even Kevin Costner playing the typical father character in the few scenes he shows up in. The poker scenes are put together extremely well and as someone who knows nothing about poker, it was rather captivating. However, the film switches from present-day to flashbacks as lots of characters are introduced in quick succession and I can’t think of a single one after the film finished (I think Steve from Stranger Things and Michael Cera were in there somewhere?), and the film begins to show its length as the 3rd act kicks in.

It’s a good film with a great story being told (and a great directorial debut by Aaron Sorkin) but it’s not necessary a royal flush across the board.

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This movie deserves a solid 10/10 rating from me because it keeps up an engaging pace from start to finish. Despite its 2 hour and 20 minute runtime, I've revisited it multiple times over the years, and it never feels long. Jessica Chastain delivers Molly's inner monologue and narrative with precision, while her on-screen chemistry with Idris Elba is simply flawless. The script, based on a true story, and Aaron Sorkin's direction are both outstanding.

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I saw this movie soon after it originally came out, but then I forgot what the majority of it was about. The fact it’s largely about Tobey Maguire being a real douchebag makes this movies very engaging and generally interesting. It’s a clever modern tale of a true story that is hard to look away from.

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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Never been a fan of poker, so this was kinda boring.

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I enjoyed the movie a lot. Hated the ending. Her story was definitely interesting. Journey from hurt Olympian to assistant to high stake poker games. It seemed very believable for a pretty girl in Hollywood and a rich New Yorker. My problem was how she screwed herself. I know she was working with this idea that she was better than the common thug but she didn’t seem to have any survival instincts. She should have gotten her money back and told them how she wouldn’t go public about them including her in those trumped up charges because they idiotically confused her with a street drug. That they took her money so she could be desperate enough to turn in information she didn’t have on the charges they were bringing up on the Russians. Made a mockery of the New York police and prosecutors publicly and then sued. But maybe she’s better than me and that was the point of her character. Idk.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Really enjoyed this film. Nice, snappy direction and storytelling. Some beats towards the end fell flatter and it didn't seem to stick the landing on the final notes though.
I've watched so much of Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent it was odd for me not to hear him in this too! Ever the fatherly speech maker these days.
Jessica Chastain was fantastic and an absolute vision. I wonder who player X was... I bet reddit will know. I'm off on a deep dive!

Edit - Okay that was easier than I thought. It was Tobey Maguire.

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I was postponing this movie because of the long runtime but was finally able to watch it. It’s fantastic, well played and very good narration and story telling. Loved it.

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Shout by Jack Webster
BlockedParent2021-03-25T19:19:17Z— updated 2021-03-29T16:48:43Z

Good film, holds many cards. But I did tire of the long narrations.

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one short drama scene reflected as an inflated and narrated story. But still, I liked the movie very much. I liked the characters, dialogues, settings, and also I don't mind at all it's narrated that much.

TBH I didn't like revealing Molly's psychological profile at the end though. The story already had pointers to that conclusion so it didn't have to be shouted out in such an obvious way. Indeed, the scene was not bad.

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If you wrote 'A Few Good Men', that's enough for a successful career. Add on 'The West Wing', that's pretty spectacular. And then a litany of other top quality TV shows and films... Aaron Sorkin is a genius of scriptwriting.

He's also a hell of a director.

This film is packed with style, intelligence (thankfully films do still get made that don't expect me to walk in to a cinema with dorito dust down my t-shirt), a stormer of a real-life story - and some fantastic actors plying their trade. It's also a little too clever and earnest for its good and that robs it from a pleasing finale.

But watch it not for the finale but for the journey.

Jessica Chastain is tremendous and carries the film with great poise. Idris Elba does a decent turn, let down by his accent but not his chops. And Kevin Costner puts in a rare and delightful turn as the father. No spoilers here.

It's a classy affair. It's just short of greatness though. I saw it in the cinema and liked it. I just rewatched it 3 years later and liked it a little more.


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The movie is decent, but I can't believe the people in charge did watch the final product and never thought there is too much narration. My God, EVERYTHING is narrated, and not in a very convincing way. It feels like listening to an audiobook, and narration is really what poor filmmakers rely on to tell a story.
On top of that, the story is not THAT compelling. Overall not worth my 2h20min

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2 words (and more): Daddy issues and her lack of self forgiveness about what hsppened decades ago. kidding aside. Didn't expect it to be good. felt like I just watched a 3 episode tv series, and binged it because you just want to know what happens next.

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Have been avoiding this film because I’ve seen more poker movies than I care to have seen and figured this was the same trope but with a female lead. Was elated to find that the film resembles more of The Wolf of Wallstreet in its use of narrative storytelling to expose a plot riddled with illicit activities. The film follows the story of a overachieving and very educated woman who enters the ‘high class’ business of illicit gambling and the series of events which led to her downfall. Overall pretty good movie and the female lead is badass.

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great performance and acting i loved it

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Extraordinarily compelling, Molly’s Game is a fascinating biopic about an Olympic-class skier turned gaming entrepreneur. The film follows the life of Molly Bloom who fell out of competitive skiing after a debilitating injury and moved to LA where she got involved with underground poker, and eventually struck out on her own and started running her own games until they were raided by the FBI. Jessica Chastain gives an excellent performance and is backed by a strong supporting cast, including Idris Elba and Kevin Costner. And writer/director Aaron Sorkin does a good job at explaining the inner workings of underground poker. Additionally, the flashback narrative structure helps to keep the film moving and builds intrigue. Molly’s Game is an incredibly captivating drama with an interesting story to tell and a positive message about standing up for ones principles.

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This is an interesting movie. This is a story lead film, with a fantastic cast and beautiful production. It's a high quality movie that draws you in deeper and deeper. This might be nearly 2.5 hours, but the film never drags or feels slow. If you enjoy true stories, this is definitely a movie for you.

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An excellent movie! The narration and dialogue was superb, both Chastain and Elba did a wonderful job, especially her. The story was well put, even though i have nothing to do with poker and its rules the whole narration during the movie really capture the moment and tense of the game. The flashbacks and the "now" was really good pieced out together. Thorough entertaining.

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Shout by Deleted

Great acting from Kevin Costner and Idris Elba, and some good acting from Jessica Chastain, mostly toward the end. Typical Aaron Sorkin fast-flying, high-impact dialogue, which is what brought me in, from The West Wing to The Newroom and steve jobs. I really have no interest in poker or gambling, so that part of the story didn't interest me. It was put together well enough, but beneath good acting and well written and paced dialogue, I just didn't find an enjoyable movie. The scenes between Molly and her father were the best, with some good work by Idris Elba, mostly toward the end.

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First 10 mins are cool, next 30 are so-so and everything else is boring. There is nothing special about this film.

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Jessica and Kevin’s scene on the bench left me a blubbering mess. Really wonderful film from start to finish. Every minute is captivating. Amazing storytelling.

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The story of a poker organizer of "high standing".

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I watched this on a plane. It sounded Ok, so I thought I'd give it a go. Really GOOD movie - enjoyed every bit of it. It's funny, entertaining and doesn't get bogged down or drag. 10/10

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The film's okay, but to be honest, Sorkin's penchant for long dialogue scenes does get wearying after a while. The film's overlong too, so my interest waned midway through.

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This is a spectacular movie. Not in the way of excitement you get from an action flick but in the way that it is based on a true story and a very interesting one that is. Furthermore the acting is brilliant. Jessica Chastain delivers this character with ease as she does with all of her roles. Loved it!

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Interesting story and characters, but best of all, smart dialogue. And Tobey McGuire, what a jerk!

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Throughly enjoyed this movie. Love poker and the game adds to the movie suspense. Based on a true story. Well acted.

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like the sloan movie it's good in the first half and really boring on the second one

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Jessica Chastain is rising up on my list of favorite actors/actress very fast. After Miss Sloane and The Zookeepers Wife she delivers another great performance as Molly Bloom.
I never played poker so I didn't understand some of the parts concerning the game but that did not diminish the movie for me. A great tale of someone who grapped opportunities , bit more than she could chew and in the end payed a rather small price by showing some backbone.

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Molly Bloom adalah wanita pemain ski kelas olimpiade. Dia menggunakan skill strategi yang selama ini dimilikinya untuk menjalankan bisnis judi dengan taruhan tinggi paling ekslusif di dunia selama satu dekade terakhir. Para pemain poker ditempatnya terdiri dari bintang Hollywood, bintang olahraga, pengusaha juga tanpa sepetahuannya beberapa orang mafia Rusia. Hingga pada suatu ketika ia ditangkap oleh 17 agen FBI bersenjata otomatis. Ia didampingi pengacaranya Charlie Jaffey (Idris Elba). Jaffey percaya ada hal baik dari diri Molly lebih dari apa yang dituliskan media massa.

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Lots of fun during most of its runtime, but as soon as she starts ice skating the movie falls apart pretty quickly.

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a great story, teaches a lot.

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Great movie with amazing performances especially by Kevin Costner

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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I put this movie on the back burner, with expectations reaching somewhere near Fifty Shades of ____. However I am thoroughly impressed by this work of art. Definitely worth the watch.

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Great movie with some brilliant perfomances..A bonus for me because i know and love poker..Jessica gorgeous as always i love her perfomances she is a miracle!

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Great acting by Chastain and Elba. Otherwise, not my cup of tea.

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Even though the Poker terminology is out of my area of expertise, i was glued to the screen like I'd normally do in any given Aaron Sorkin and the very mesmerizing Jessica Chastain throwing shades at the academy for her zero nomination

That being said, I would also like to give a special thank you to the casting director for choosing Idris Elba

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There‘s nothing that I can say about Aaron Sorkin‘s ability to write a tight script and great dialogue you don‘t know already. Too bad he can’t (yet) direct. Structurally the movie is a mess, keeps jumping back and forth and has a hard time establishing any kind of pace thst allows the viewer to enjoy the movie. Sorkin plays around with this director‘s thing like a child with a new toy. He likes to show off the fact that he has it but it’s obvious he doesn’t know how to use it. Yet. I sure hope he will get better with time but for Molly‘s Game he would have been better off giving the director’s chair to someone else.

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I liked it, Sorkin does not disappoint me, Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba rocks

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I liked this movie. It was simple. It was nice to see something different in the theaters. A new original story. Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba were a delight.

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This was more entertaining than I thought a poker movie would be. Fantastic acting from Jessica Chastain and Idris Elba. Sharp dialogue. A little too long and there were a few scenes that slowed the pace down. Overall a great directorial debut for Aaron Sorkin and I look forward to see what he does next.

It is rumored that player X is based on Tobey Maguire but the movie kinda combines him with other celebrities. Other celebrities in the real life story include Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Alex Rodriguez, Nelly and the Olsen twins.

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I was all in until the preaching and speeches in the third act made me cash out.

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There were high expectations for this movie and it has delivered award winning attention. Jessica Chastain and Iris Elba are perfect in their roles, which should be no surprise to anyone following their careers. Kevin Costner gives one of his best performances in a small but crucial role. The writing is clever and must have been a bit of a gamble (pun intended) for the story is narrative intensive, told mostly through flashbacks with voice overs or in dialogue between Molly and her lawyer, yet this never slows down the action, nor does it feel cumbersome. This is a good movie, superb acting, great storytelling and, although there are a lot of glittering distractions this film could have pursued - high stakes poker, celebrity, organized crime, competitive sport - it chases down the much more illusive preoccupations of character, integrity, sacrifice and being responsible, while never being preachy or losing it's edge. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10 and will look forward to seeing it again. [BioPic, Drama, Crime]

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Saw Molly’s Game today and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great dialogue and wonderfully acted. This is Aaron Sorkins directorial debut, and while it was perfect from that aspect it is a great first outing. The movie is long but it’s well paced so it doesn’t feel like it drags, it feels like it needed those 140 minutes to tell the entire story. The scene between Chastain and Costner at the end is definitely one of the best I’ve seen in 2017. I give it this movie 4 out of 5. Go see it if you have a chance.

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