Shout by MamaSaucy

Molly's Game 2017

I enjoyed the movie a lot. Hated the ending. Her story was definitely interesting. Journey from hurt Olympian to assistant to high stake poker games. It seemed very believable for a pretty girl in Hollywood and a rich New Yorker. My problem was how she screwed herself. I know she was working with this idea that she was better than the common thug but she didn’t seem to have any survival instincts. She should have gotten her money back and told them how she wouldn’t go public about them including her in those trumped up charges because they idiotically confused her with a street drug. That they took her money so she could be desperate enough to turn in information she didn’t have on the charges they were bringing up on the Russians. Made a mockery of the New York police and prosecutors publicly and then sued. But maybe she’s better than me and that was the point of her character. Idk.

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