Easily one of the best movies I've watched this year. The pace was simply superb, not even a single moment did I get bored. The final battle really had that legendary feel surrounding it, just as it was supposed to be. Also a very aesthetically pleasing movie, with nice CGI. Not to mention the music: it accompanies the movie in a very natural way, and it feels amazing. Definitely worth watching.

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Shout by Deleted

Sherlock series and Man from UNCLE and now King Arthur, Guy Ritchie has done it once again. Definitely worth winning Oscar. Gonna give tough competition to rest.

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I went into this with very low expectations but man was I wrong! This is one of my favorite stories to ever exist and I love the way it was told here. Solid action scenes and modest character development! Really loved how they represented the wizards/mages here. Extra points for BBC's "Merlin" actress (Morgana) cameo!

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This is one of the best stories ever told!

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i personally found this very entertaining and a refreshing twist. i saw talk of Merlin, but enjoyed the magic entailed with the mage and a more mystical power of the sword. i would've definitely been on board to have seen more in the future and loved the energy.

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thank you guy ritchie for my life

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Very big surprise for me. I was pretty sure to give it an 8 score but after final battle I had to raise it to nine :) I really enjoyed this one and this is how legends should be told, oh sorry, filmed. And the soundtrack is amazing. I don't want to write more, you just have to watch it. And yes, I will definitely watch it again.

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Amazing film amazing soundtrack. You gotta watch it

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Charlie Hunnam and the way he portrayed his character makes me want to watch this movie more than one time even though I know the story very well.

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Hats off, Mr. Richie, you did it again. Another tremedous film, made not just for a quick buck, but for love of the craft.
Richie is one of the few contemporary directors worth a damn.

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Gostei do filme a fazer lembrar senhor dos anéis, não gostei do tempo que demora a perseguição na tentativa de assassinato. Gostei dos efeitos especiais e banda sonora envolvente. Não me cansei a ver 2h de filme, melhor foi um bocado bem passado a ver um filme.

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Shout by Deleted

Was not expecting it to be this good! Guy Richie has taken a worn out, historically inaccurate figure and made him exciting again. Everything about the direction of the movie was spot on, the camera work brilliant and the music helped create any excitment which the viewer might have felt lacking. With a little bit of comedy thrown in for good measure, this was to be the best rendition of King Arthur I have ever seen, including Richard Harris's portral.

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Vastly underrated film. Like it or not, Ritchie imposes his style on the Arthurian legend in the same fashion Zack Snyder did in 300. A very entertaining spectacle (though not much more) the large vistas and lush cinematography should be appreciated on the​ big screen. Don't believe the shite, see this film and judge for yourself!

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I'm very fond of Ritchies work, and I can say that his style can even win over a medieval fantasy followed with comedy, and I must say a great sound track, really put a beat on the action. XD

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I really enjoy these movies around the Arthurian period, King Arthur, Merlin, Dragons.This movie definatley was not what I was expecting. A really great change.

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I do not get the hate for this film! I love it. I love the acting, the story, THE MUSIC and last but not least I simply love the (only way to discribe it) Guy Richie'ness of the direction! Love the lock,stock take on the Arthurian legend! In one word AWESOME!!

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Having never truly read/researched the Arthurian legend before, this movie was enjoyable. That said, I have come across his legends and am quite familiar with the general outline of how things played out.

While it's safe to say that this movie is not going to honour the original legend 100%, it's nevertheless a very enjoyable and great way to portray its story.

This is undoubtedly more of an action flick than a fantasy flick — sure there are loads of fantasy elements, but the major bulk of the film is placed on the action sequences.

Overall, I think this definitely warrants an 8 for telling a great legend to modern audiences (and also for mangling it), and for those really great action sequences.

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I expected a lot of things from this movie, I did not expect to it be funny. What a delightful surprise! Really worth the watch, and re-watch. It's fast and witty and magical and awesome. Definitely would recommend giving it a shot. Whoever was in charge of casting Charlie did this movie a great service. There's no one more charismatic and badass out there than Jax Teller.

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I'm not one to normally leave reviews or comments on tv/movies, but I felt I needed to say something about this movie.

Like others have already said, I went in with low expectations due to the critical reception this movie received on release, but I was left totally surprised. It's a solid fantasy adventure made in the style we've come to expect from a Guy Ritchie.

If you like Lock, Stock/Snatch and wondered what it would be like in a medieval/fantasy setting, then this will be right up your alley. A good Friday night movie to switch off and chill to.

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Reminds me of those mythology films from the 70s like Jason and the Argonauts.

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The soundtrack in this is fucking fantastic. One of the best in recent years.

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Came in with low expectations, and despite not being anything outstanding, the movie turned out as very enjoyable for me.

Yes, it is an imprecise take on the Arthurian Legend Since when Mordred is a mage and Arthur has an evil uncle? Is this Saruman meets Hamlet?. Yes, it is a superficial action movie. Yes, it is nothing special. However, I found that the pace of the movie was pretty spot-on, the characters were -although shallow- pretty charismatic, and the balance between fighting scenes, humor and dramatic tipping points very appropiate. The music (a mix of tribal noises, gaelic sounds and urban rhythms) was very solid and accompanied the images perfectly.

It is absolutely clear that this film will not set new standards, nor push the boundaries of a genre; but it will surely provide two hours of entertainment. Give it a shot if you're looking for an engaging fantasy action film -like Warcraft, for example-.

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Very much a Guy Ritchie (and friends) movie, but on that basis it pretty much entertains. Camelot enthusiasts will bork at the changes made to the legendary tale, but anybody attuned to Ritchie's style will have a good time.

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So tense, great effects, expected a better ending

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Good and watchable. The fight scenes were lacking. I would recommend this to my friends to pass time but I wouldn't watch it with them or repeat the film.

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Shout by Deleted

Was good, but the action was boring

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This version of the Excalibur myth is not bad but it's not very good either. The film is visually stunning and very stylish. Charlie Hunnam is quite a good fit for the role of Arthur and the soundtrack is brilliant. The story has its ups and downs but overall it's quite enjoyable to watch.

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Honestly thought this movie was good....i hope they make a sequel for the fans

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An interesting take on a well-known story. Not great, but not bad either. Really enjoyed watching Jude Law as the villain .

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If you come to the movie with lower expectations or get after 10 minutes of the movie that the similarities with Excalibur legends etc, or only vague inspiration for a fantasy movie, this movie will positively surprise you.
I found myself enjoying funny dialog, nontraditional editing/cutting, changes in pace and narrative style. Sometimes the movie has been on the border of isn't this too much? Little bit maybe, but overall I found it refreshing and good.
There has been several down-points of the movie (mainly in narrative, consistency and making sense) but those were sporadic.

Final word: don't expect traditional tale or even story telling. Come with low expectation in regards to what you know about King Arthur legends from the past. I bet the director and crow had hell of a fun time creating this movie :)

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Shout by Deleted

I had no idea what the movie was about, so I didn't have any expectations. This movie turned out to be entertaining and packed with action. Rating = 7 (Good)

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Shout by plkocev

The new modern, buffed up version of king Arthur. With those effects I got the sense like watching it at fast forward speed. Liked the slow motion though. Reminded me of Snyder's 300. Didn't like Arthur's haircut though. Glad that I have noticed many familiar faces in the cast. The effect that the sword triggered when Arthur grabbed it with both hands kind of reminded me of Prince of Persia. Also at the beginning Arthur was sleeping with a t-shirt. Didn't know they had them then. An asian and a black knights really made me laugh. Anyway it is a new innovative (even strange) look of the story, not the best scenario. It is more like an action-comedy movie than drama, but overall good job. I had fun.

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I was always fascinated by the story of King Arthur and the sword and this was a very entertaining movie. Ritchie did an amazing job in creating and reviving this old legend. Everything work out pretty good and you will enjoy it this more than the reviews say, great soundrtrack

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Its not as bad as the critics are making it out to be. Its a fine and entertaining movie. This would be best to just wait for it to come to netflix. It sets itself up for sequels but I'm not sure if we are ever going to see those if this bombs as bad as expected.

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It's a different take on the old story, that's for sure. But it's largely dull and ineffective. Guy Ritchie's signature breakneck editing doesn't really work well with this material. But there are some really cool fantasy action sequences in it...

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Shout by Ninja Poon
BlockedParent2017-07-11T22:38:19Z— updated 2017-08-17T20:04:52Z

Jude and Charlie fight over a sword and their white hot desire for one another....ok ewww

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Not a arthur movie but quiet a trip.

Story: 4/10 | Script: 6/10 | Directing: 7/10 | Acting: 6/10 | Cinematography: 8/10 | SFX/VFX: 7/10 | Score: 8/10 | AudioVisual: 8/10 || Overall: 6/10

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Shout by Deleted

Good film, little realistic in some places

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Lots of laughs. Good acting. Good action. The same voice-over sequencies throughout the movie? Not so much.

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So, the name of the characters, and the fact that he picks up Excalibur from a rock. That's about all there is in common with Arthur's story. Not a bad thing in itself, the story is old and used enough to be told differently, and the movie definitely has hiw own style, you can at least grant it that.

That being said, the intro battle with the giant elephant looks pretty good. Clearly half of the budget went there. Half of the rest went to the final battle with the flaming demon, which looks nice enough though a little cheap and too much for what the movie aspired to be. You can save yourself some time by skipping everything in the middle.

The story and pacing make not much sense. The patchwork of scenes of Arthur growing up is weird. The part before the sword is kinda ok, it would actually have been an interesting story to tell. But after he picks up the sword almost nothing makes any sense, specially the editing .

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I like most of Ritchie's films, but sadly this was a complete mess.

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It is an enjoyable movie but its not really outstanding. Entertaining but meh story, some lovable characters on both sides tho.

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A poor special effects spectacle giving the airs of Vikings.

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It's like hearing some dude randomly rapping inside a religious chorus of white voices. Some might like it, but the style doesn't fit the context..at all, they don't mix well. It's like someone trying to shoot a period movie and some fancy instagram videomaker snuk in doing his own movie.

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I had good expectations, and was quite well disappointed.

The music as well as the directing are quite good, and very suiting the movie, but very repetitive and end up annoying by the last third of the movie.
Many aspects of the movie feel more out of a video game than a movie, like the fights, especially the last one, the bad guy physically looks like an end boss and the final fight as well...

I also didn't like the story, it's a classical poor boy has a destiny he doesn't know about, blablabla, but the part I really didnt like was the magic side of it, the 150m high elephants and else...

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The plot is a mess, with many scenes that go nowhere. The action is mediocre and cam-shaky; most of the time there is no what of telling what the fuck is going on and where people where in relation to each other.

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Watched this movie yesterday in a preview. It's not much more than the generic: Boy loses all, fights evil family, Boy has it all. There's some good humour in the movie, but the story feels very rushed due to the amount of montage style sequences. Good movie to watch on a lazy Sunday, but I would waste my money on a ticket

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0 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 dialogue
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

4 out of 10

Horrible action sequences, horrible directing

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I could have done better on the script

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Watching this after a bad hangover was the biggest mistake of my life. I mean, holy crap.

The editing and camera work in this is just nuts. Well that's Guy Ritchie for you.

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Shout by Minas Mina
BlockedParent2018-01-30T22:25:52Z— updated 2018-08-28T16:10:29Z

Terrible direction, abysmal scenario, music (from a dj) and dialogue.
Zero plot. Videogame-like CGI.
The camera zooms too much in a lot of situations and the animation is sloppy. Some scenes were filmed with a go-pro camera.

Arthur is a douchbag.

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I saw this movie tonight at a preview. Bottom line: I don't like what Guy Pierce was going for, but I have to admit that he achieved his vision pretty well. It's just another generic summer flick, and it's EXACTLY what you would expect from a film that's based on preexisting IP and that casts a hunk as their protagonist. The LOTR influences are thinly veiled, the action sequences aren't anything out of the ordinary and the entire film is predictable. Trust me, you've seen this film before. Dozens of times. It's exactly like every other hero origin story. It does have Guy Pierce's stamp with the occasional comedy, slow motion and non-linear sequences, but other than that it's way too predictable. The main thing that bothers me is that they never even begin to wonder WHY we should care about any of these characters.
If fantasy-action is your thing and you don't expect too much out of this film, then you're probably enjoy it. But if you're looking for something more original or thoughtful, then don't spend your money on this, or any of its certain sequels

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So this is how the Marvel generation will know the legend of King Arthur from now on ? Shame.

Couldn´t even motivate myself to watch the last 30 minutes. All the points are for the look of the movie. Zero point for acting, writing and directing.

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The transitions of the story are made to the rhythm of video clip. The bad one gives me laughter instead of fear. Huge holes in the script. A waste of time

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When i saw the trailer to this I thought that it was one to skip. Read a couple of reviews months later that recommended it... should have gone with my first impression - waste of time, dumb story. It's not about the story, its all about the special effects... as in "see what we can do!!"

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Shout by Deleted

Worst movie ever. Nonexistent script, badly directed.

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Horrible movie. It has nothing to do with Arthur or Camelot (the title and characters are misleading) , it's more of a mash up of LOTR , Conan , Warcraft and many other movies combined with bad acting and questonable script. Don't waste your time.

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Hahaha, that black guy at the start. Ffs just cast where it makes sense. Stop this affermitive action racial equity political correctness bullshit. It is in reality rassist and disgraceful to non Caucasian race people and just makes me sad for our society :(

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Visually stunning movie ruined by an Eastenders soap accents and dialogue.

Tried to give it a good go but eventually gave up when I heard the word "sugar tits".

How does a movie like this raise money to get made and make it into mainstream.

Complete offal!

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I really don't understand why people hate this movie so much. It's not the best movie in the whole world, but my friends and I enjoyed it and had a lot of fun watching it. I would watch it again and I recommend everyone to give it a chance.

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Murdered the best story ever told, was like watching his Sherlock Holmes movie, filmed on a gopro camera.

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Manages to tell a predictable story in a non boring way, pulled off by cool fight scenes, gaelic myths and hard rock OST

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It took me some nudging from an online friend to finally watch this. I am so happy I did.
It had drama and the typical fighting scenes, but the bits of humor, well placed and presented, was very fun!
Of course, I would watch anything with Charlie Hunnam!

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An Under The Radar movie that was bashed by Rotten Tomatoes. The fans disagreed. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, was thrown tomatoes for not having a love story or for the unique scene arrangements, though, these very points added to the kick in the punch.

This is a perfect combination of a classic story, completely re-imagined, with an incredible sci-fi twist. It’s humour is sarcastic, witty, unexpected, and highly original.

I’ve lost could on how many times I’ve watched. It’s my :pound_symbol:1 favourite movie; by far.

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:thumbsup_tone4::thumbsup_tone4::thumbsup_tone4:good movie

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OMG, Morgana is Arthur’a mother. The universes have crossed!!!

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Guy Ritchie knows how to do a film spectacular. This is the most entertaining film I've seen in a while. Non stop action, what I've wanted from films of the legend for a long time.

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a 6/10, maybe a 7/10.

The movie is not to bad, but i dont like the "Ritchie Comedy style" part and the bad storytelling. I liked it in the movie Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels but i dont think it fits well in this movie.

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EKUSU ~wait for it~ KARIBAAAA!!!!*

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Think about everything you know about King Arthur. Got it? Now completely toss those notions aside. Now, you are ready for Guy Ritchie's Legend of the Sword. Full of spectacle. Huge special effects. An unusual form of storytelling. Familiar performers. Charlie Hunnam trying to figure out what accent to use. I give this a 7 (good) out of 10.

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Has been renamed to King Arthur: Legend of the Sword and the release date shifted to Spring 2017.

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