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Killing Them Softly 2012

liked this a lot, very stylish and gritty

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I loved this movie! The continuous contrast between what you see on the screen and the fragments of presidential motivational speeches (crap) is presented in a genius way and the ending speech of brad Pitt about thomas Jefferson just tops the cake! F'in perfect!

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"America is not a country it's a business."

Damn, Brad Pitt is so good in this. Stellar performances all around if I'm being honest. The first time I watched this I was a little bored, but I was pretty young. I was wrong. This is gritty and good, and I like the conversations about the state of this country.

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KTS is an excellent “high brow” take on the mob/hitman thriller. Brad Pitt and James Gandolfini give some of their most convincing film performances and the supporting cast is decent too. Well worth a watch.

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Very Good! One thumb up, one shot off!

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i liked it. nice characters, good dialogues

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people have missed the point. I loved the film...the dialogue is amazing. Like a 90 minute version of the Sopranos. Top notch camera work..The car door camera was genius..Characters were fantastic. Who ever said there was character development was wrong and anyhow sometimes and in all the best movies we are left to fill in the blanks...oh and the soundtrack is proper.

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Killing Them Softly is an intense crime thriller with stylish direction and strong performances. Brad Pitt delivers a great performance as Jackie Cogan, a hitman tasked with investigating a mob robbery. His character is both menacing and charismatic, and he brings a depth to the role that few actors could. The film's themes of corruption and greed are explored in a thought-provoking and way, making it much more than just a typical shoot-'em-up.

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"America is not a country, it's just a business. Now fucking pay me."

Awesome punchline! ;)

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The trailer for "Killing Them Softly" has all the makings of a great gangster film, a very good cast, a promising leading actor and a very decent plot. Watch the film and be ready to change those comments the next day. "Killing Them Softly" is a slow art-film with very good dialogues but very little character development. The story is acceptable and very interesting but the only way to appreciate this film is if you are really into films. From the slow tempo to the very hidden meaning of the constant political tone set on this film, "Killing Them Softly" is a good film with its flaws... but a bad film for the casual movie watcher.. .definately a film not for everyone.

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the ending saved the movie...

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I really enjoyed this one pretty simple premise

two amateurs still a bunch of money from some very dangerous gangsters at a card game

they hire a seasoned enforcer to get the money back

this movie isn't overly action-packed

but it feels a lot more realistic than some of the more shoot them up type of mob movies

there's a lot of great dialogue great characters

you really get a sense of history with a lot of the criminals in the movie which really helps the world building in the movie

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I liked it, but I had to take off a star for being a Winestein production (and another for being so slow)

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Well, not bad but neither is it a really good movie IMHO. While I like the quite different take on gangsters and crime (they are all depicted so different to the stereotypes depicted by Hollywood normally presents as nowadays: an accountant-type of person is quite a big shot hierarchy-wise and instead of crunching numbers hires assassins, the hit-man doesn't want to kill persons he knows personally because it gets too emotional and no high-tech equipment or weapons are to be seen anywhere ) the plot is rather boring and besides Brad Pitt the characters are all very wooden (heck even Pitt's performance is mediocre). I do not regret having watch this flick but I'm also not going to watch it again!

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing cinematography, great dialogues, poor story. Pitt looks good though.

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A movie with brad pitt in a main role and a ganster plot ? Win, huh ?
Not really. The story is to base and the whole movie is not as smart as Snatch and other gangster movies.

But it's also not a very bad movie. It's more like its average movie. You will forget it 10 minutes after you have seen it.

Ray Liottas role is so 2d and lame. I like him very much, but the director just waste his talent. what a shame.

6/10, only for Brad Pitt and Richard Jenkins as the middleman

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Not worth watching.

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Shout by Deleted

I wanted to like the movie... but this movie will be something I'll only remember by the lack of a decent, in-depth story.

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Pretentious and incoherent, Killing Them Softly is a poorly made and monotonous crime drama. The story follows a mob enforcer who’s called in to restore order when it’s suspected that a poker heist was an inside job. There are some impressive actors in the cast, Brad Pitt, Ray Liotta, James Gandolfini, and Richard Jenkins, but the performances (aside from Pitt’s) are underwhelming. And the script is atrocious, full of insipid dialog that seems to go on forever. Yet, more than anything else, it’s the directing (which accentuates all of the film’s problems) that really makes Killing Them Softly the inane piece of tripe that it is.

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Nope. Not funny as a Snatch, not good as a Goodfellas, so this is an useless movie.

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I went into this having only read the synopsis. I expected a nice action flick a la Jason Statham or Liam Neeson.
Instead I got lots of swearing and senseless violence. Some weird, bad mix of Big Lebowski (all the fucks!), Ocean's (casino heist, ha-ha) and Purge (violence) I suppose. It was not my cup of tea, and I was kinda disappointed.

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Bit boring.
It is not all about dialogues

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Putting me to sleep softly.

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Pretentious snooze fest zzzzz zzzz

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Middle management in the criminal underworld. Richard Jenkins is a delight.

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The acting Brad and James are excellent, but this film is as boring as going to church. The climax seems like it's never going to come, and when it does, it goes by as fast as an avocado.

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I liked Ben Mendhelson. I got nothing to say about the movie.

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Didn't liked :/

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