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Iron Sky 2012

Very funny movie, full of satire and sour humor. It doesn't have great special effects, but if you're bored this movie is worth a look.

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worst movie i have seen so far!

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This a first class B-Movie. It's bad, it's good, the premise is unique and it's just plain old fun to watch.

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It's been a while since I saw the theatrical release but after watching the Director's Cut I feel like having watched a different movie altogether. I would definately recommend watching that version. Has a more serious side to it beside all the comedy which doesn't always hit home.

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Nazis esperando el momento de su venganza en el lado oscuro de la Luna es una grandiosa idea... pero la ejecución de la película es tonta y ridícula.

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the directors cut is what this movie should have been all along

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It feels like a trash movie, but it is basically a parody of our politics. This movie has a great meaning.

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I tried very hard to make it through the first 2 minutes. I failed. I knew it would be low budget and expected it to look cheap, but I could have asked my dog to draw something and it would have looked better.

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Fair, not as good as it could be.

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@acidfreecookies This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

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Shout by Deleted

A friend told me about the movie a few weeks ago. Now its my favorite movie of all time !!

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It's shocking how much I enjoyed this movie, considering its glaring flaws.

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I think this is a very underrated movie.It's really funny and has pretty impresive effects,considering it was financed by crowdfunding.And I love Renate...

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Shout by Deleted

On average, suits me so absurd, but there were moments in which a great time. Some oversimplifications - brilliant in its simplicity.

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BullShittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. 4/10.Exactly leeway.You must not watch :P

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Fantastic visually, horrible (even if intentionally bad) narratively. This really disappoints me because has great ideas and special effects but screenwriters were obviously drunk and high...

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Great movie !

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Such wasted potential. The beginning and end of this film have the makings of a fantastically terrible movie, but like so many similar cheesy films it falls apart in the middle, becoming just another bad movie. I think the problem is, many of the creators of these types of films come up with a awesome & ridiculous premise and a foolish ending, but forget that there needs to be a movie in-between those ideas.

There's a lot of stuff copied from other films here, others have mentioned some of them, and I'm okay with that. I don't really think those things serve any sort of higher purpose, or homage if you will, but from my point of view they work because they make the movie intentionally bad. The Sarah Palin parody doesn't work at all, it's just unfunny & lazy, and I'm not saying that for political reasons... I'm Canadian and Palin & her tea party cohorts are certifiably nuts. However, these jokes about Palin, her style of politics, her stupidity, and American stereotypes have all been made before in smarter and more humorous ways.

One point that's especially worth praising is the special effects. This has to be one of the nicest looking space battle scenes in a movie of this type (cheesy b-movie), that I've ever scene.

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Shout by Ben

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I must say, this was a better movie then I expected. The Palin puns were great! <3

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Great satire! The Sarah Palin parts could've been better but the world leaders part was very funny. North Korea made my day.

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Shout by Ben

It wasn't my type of humor, but it's simply incredible what they've done with this very little budet.
Watch out Michael Bay here comes inexpensive Finnland ;)

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@ketu - ah, a link to Shortbus on that flickr. Check out the shouts for Pixar's Up. Apparently one shouldn't be mentioned in the presence of the other :) Dunpealhunter makes an appearance too.

[read bottom up obviously]

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Not a great movie, but original concept. Loved the ending.

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Shout by ketu

@dunpealhunter: nice =) well:

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Shout by Ben

@dunpealhunter I agree with @ketu ;)

@TRAKT.TV Please give us a user-messaging system (already) soon - Thanks!!!

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Thanks! I do my best to offer the trakt community good reviews of movies and tv shows worth seeing. :)

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Shout by ketu

@dunpealhunter: you might never gonna read this, but I gotta say I really <3 your reviews.

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Not the best acting and the soundtrack is TV style awful. The only thing that makes is bearable is the CGI and the ending.

If anyone noticed, there a bit of a parody from a famous internet clip.


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Really nice to see through to the end, didn't expect much but was surprised.

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Shout by Deleted

not a comedy. not a sci-fi... i should have learned with starship troopers that silly sci-fi sub-genre is not for me... 4/10.

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Shout by Will

Sarah Palin + a white black dude = WIN

What more can I say. lol

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Shout by ketu

nice ending. don't u think so? =)

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Thats all i can say

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Effects are absolutely on top. But who wrote that script? Some dialogs seem ripped from a kind of worlds most humorless comedy show. Great potential but the realization is a total mess.

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Wasn't perfect but still I'm amazed how little it fell behind from my huge unrealistic expectations. What a step from their previous movie Star Wreck.

I was all the time thinking what an amazing job a bunch of guys from my hometown did with the effects and with that budget. Torssonen is the next king of special effects. Wait till he gets a big budget!

As you can see I was a bit too excited to finally see the movie to form an objective opinion. I think I need to see it a couple more times for that... :)

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This movie is created with a 7,5 M. € Budget? Wow. I can definitely recommend this, but dont expect a 10/10 Movie.

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I already had high expectations, but they were massively exceeded.
This is not a trash movie, it's a high value production.

The plot is ridiculous, yes, but very well written, fast-paced and incredibly funny. A true defining movie for the internet generation.

But please don't believe me - go watch it yourself. These guys deserve your money.

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No. Unfortunately it seems that Iron Sky will probably be a direct-to DVD and Blue-Ray release in the Netherlands (as one of the few countries, most of the other countries will have a theatrical release). In my opinion that is a real shame and a missed opportunity.

The only way that that won't happen is if you guys in other countries all go to the cinema and make this the must-see blockbuster of this summer! Hopefully that will spark the interest of some of the cinema companies here and release it on the big screen after all.

If that doesn't happen i might consider going to the United Kingdom just to see this movie!

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Shout by Ben

@dunpealhunter have you seen it yet? Is it worth it?

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Already have tickets for April 6th. Can't wait, especially since most of the reviews have been good.

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Yes, this will be the greatest movie of our generation. Sneak peek viewers agree.. it's amazing.

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I just saw the trailer of this movie, holy crap that looks good! I am seriously getting excited to see this movie on the big screen.

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Shout by Ben

@dunpealhunter yap totally.
Another example "Moon" 2009
(low)budget: $5.0 Million and it is awesome!

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I've heard about this movie. Apparently everyone on the internet could have pitched their idea's about what should get included into the movie.

I am interested what the end result will be. Even though they have a small budget (9.6 million dollars) you could do great things with kind of money. Especially with the collective mind of the internet. Just look what the movie Cargo (2009) did on special effects with a budget of only 5.8 million dollars.

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Will be the best of 2012.

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