Review by dunpealhunter

Iron Sky 2012


Review by dunpealhunter

Maybe my expectations were too high, but i just wasn't that impressed as i thought i would have been. Don't get me wrong, on my list of achievements for an awesome kickass movie they hit a lot of points, but i kept feeling that something was missing. Maybe a bigger budget? More well known actors?

I recognized some of the references to other movies and American culture, for instance that piece where the Nazi's enter the giant spacecraft is a copy from the 1984 Apple ad for the Macintosh. Also when the PR-lady takes of her glasses with shaking hands and demands that everyone except a few people leave the room and than goes on a rage rampage was directly taken from the movie Downfall (2004) but maybe some people know it better from the internet meme where Hitler gets angry about computergames, investments, Obama, Twitter and Facebook and other stuff. That scene in Iron Sky was pretty damn funny!

At other times the humor was a bit too cheesy for my taste, for instance the fact that the Secretary of Defense so casually hands over the (space)defense of the USA to the PR-lady who has absolutely no experience in the matter and everybody seems just fine with that seems a little out of place. Not to mention the suit she was wearing on the spaceship.

The last part and ending was absolutely brilliant, they really went all out on the CGI budget. Its really amazing what they managed to do with the budget they had. I liked the part where every major country with nuclear weapons suddenly turned on each other and launched their entire nuclear arsenal for the Helium-3 deposits the Nazi's mined over the years. A movie without a happy ending, you don't see that so often.

BTW: did anyone watched the credits too? Completely on the end we see the planet Mars and what looks like to be a satellite. What was the purpose of putting that into the movie? Could it be hint to a yet to be announced sequel to Iron Sky? I hope so, but i guess we will know soon enough....

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