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Insidious: Chapter 2 2013

James Wan is the master.Saw it again after five years and i enjoyed every minute of it like the first time.Really creepy with good story and crazy directing. 10/10

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Amazing sequel, actually furthered the story instead of regurgitating the first film. Really enjoyed it.

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Trailer for the second movie

Damn, I can't wait!

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The tip is to definitely watch this one right after watching the first instalment, trust me it makes a lot more sense and you can follow the storyline better. Think I actually preferred this one to the first, purely because it tied up all the things you wanted to know from the first film that were left unanswered.

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I liked this more than the first one because it didn't have Darth Maul and neatly followed and closed the first movie's story.

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Generally, sequels are not as good as the original, but this is. Undecided if I prefer this to the original.

Both excellent paranormal horror films, in comparison to the majority.

If you love ghosts, then you will enjoy this.

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I remember watching this the first time and getting so annoyed at everyone in the audience laughing as I didn't understand how they found it funny and I wanted it to be scary so I wanted to take it seriously. Unfortunately I didn't pay very much attention to it this time round as I was watching with someone (THIS IS WHY I GO TO THE CINEMA BY MYSELF CASE CLOSED) but I still think it's a good film. I think it should be watched relatively soon after the first as it is a continuation. I probably should watch it again soon as I can barely remember what's in which film!

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Better than the first one, but it does help make the first one better by tying up loose ends.

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Great follow up to the first one with a good story line that all comes together at the end.

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'Insidious: Chapter 2' keeps the level of the film series so far to a suitable level, though it is some way off its predecessor.

The film, as you'd probably expect, relies heavily on the 2010 production, with quite a few reused scenes from it - even some from early in this one, too. It is with good reason, as it splices fairly well into what occurs here. I think they do try a little too hard with it in parts, though all in all it comes out decently.

They sideline Rose Byrne for a lot of this, which is disappointing given she's arguably the best at acting of those involved. I assume it's down to scheduling conflicts with other commitments, if so it's nice she still appears.

Due to the aforementioned, Patrick Wilson takes centre stage - not to great appraisal unfortunately. I find his performance quite inferior, at least compared to the one he gives in 'Insidious'. None of the others stand out, though I do appreciate them retaining the same onscreen people.

This is certainly a step down, but it is still a more than solid effort.

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Next up for the 31 Days Of Horror! Breaking the seal on the Blu from the To-Watch Pile.

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I think I prefer this to the first instalment? It reigns in some of the cheesiness and tells a fairly compelling story rife with subcontext about parental abuse. Sure, it's still just a vehicle for dead silence followed by loud noises designed to make you jump, but past that there is some actual storytelling and themes on display which is very nice. I'm also a sucker for linking two seemingly unrelated moments together across films, so when they showed the banging and alarm sequence from the first Insidious was Josh in the astral plane in 2, I couldn't help but grin. Good film, one of the rare sequels that is better than the one that came before it.

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This was a great sequel truly building and closing the first movie. I am writing this in 2023 so on the last scare… wtf that’s Jenny ortega

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So Good
Solved the problem of
the first Chapter and got
right to it and this alone
made a world of difference.
what a Thrilling second half
to James Wan's vision
and the way he tied this
Chapter into the first with
how the house alarm got
tripped well that is some
Genius writing right there,
Holy-Shit that was my
favourite part,
I absolutely love all
that kinda stuff I just
wasn't expecting it here
so it made it even more
frickin awesome,
Hey it worked in
"Paranormal Activity"
and it totally worked here.
these movies just get
better and better and
I'm so looking forward
to "Chapter 3"
especially with how
Chapter 2 ended.

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I watched Insidious, and to be honest, it was awful. However, if you watch this IMMEDIATELY afterwards, it makes WAY more cohesive sense. Insidious: 4/10, Insidious 2: 6/10 but Insidious 1+2: 8/10

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For me this sequel is a lot worse than first part. While the first movie focused on creating subtle creepy atmosphere this one here is more like the typcical cliche horror flick. Just watched it to get the trilogy "done".

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Shout by Deleted

The "serious" and "scary" moments in this movie were so laughable - a good thing since all the jokes were misplaced and made me feel a little sick with embarrassment.

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Ain’t no fun if Elise ain’t there.

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A bit insipid the second time round

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Shout by sp1ti

It's a better movie than the first one but still nothing great (I should rate it much lower though for how stupid everyone was).

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Again relies on loud screams, piano sounds and scratching violins to make you jump. Like the first movie this gets old real fast. Chapter 2 does take itself a little more serious than the first movie though.

Still, not a hardcore horror movie, but better than the original.

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Who ya gonna call?? Nobody stfu

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Kind of what you'd expect from Insidious.

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James Wan continues his tale of horror with Insidious: Chapter 2. Picking up where the first film left off, the Lamberts find that they continue to be plagued by paranormal disturbances, and start to suspect that something may have come back from the Further when they touched the astral plane. The story gets pretty crazy, constantly introducing new elements (such as time travel) into the mythos. And at times this works in the film’s favor by creating an air of unpredictability. But on the whole, Insidious: Chapter 2 is a mess that gets by mostly on some intense action and an entertaining mystery.

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Not a horror movie.
I'm realizing as I go through these Insidious seems to have no real idea of what it wants to be. It markets itself as a horror film, yet fails to be scary in really any sense. I normally scare fairly easily, so I'm particular about how I watch horror movies. Insidious is less a horror film than it is a thriller using horror movie elements (like ghosts, and junk).

That by it self doesn't make it a bad move, disappointing for sure, when one goes in expecting a horror and gets a thriller it's a major disappointment, but Insideous also seems to fall flat making the viewer care about the people on the screen. Even after watching 1 and 2 back to back I still couldn't tell you the characters' names, and don't feel invested in them at all.

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After a promising start, "Insidious 2" gets really dull pretty quickly. At first, I was relieved that the color grading wasn't as obtrusive this time around and that we wouldn't have to sit through endless tedious introductions. However, the mystery of Josh (Patrick Wilson), who is possessed by a ghost, is dragged out far too much, especially because the viewer knows exactly where the journey is going. In the end, there is also a bit of time travel, which finally jumps the shark. The plot is also simply too convoluted. Despite the fact that James Wan's direction is still competent, I simply did not enjoy this film.

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Nonsensical. Not scary. Not good.

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This entire movie consists of nothing more than the opening and closing of doors. Pay attention, it's really comical.

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"Insidious 2" tested my patience. It tried to be scary and thrilling but was neither. It was, however, a convoluted mess with characters that were boring. The whole movie was nothing more than people peering into rooms, opening creaking doors, and making scary faces. It couldn't even execute a successful jump scare (which I hate). Oh, and it was impossible to follow because it kept hopping between the real world and a dream world where the dead live in purgatory, or something like that. And yes, I have seen the first "Insidious".

Prepare for lots of dirty rooms and dry ice but zero scares.

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People actually find this shit scary?? or even enjoyable? The insidious movies are some of the most boring "horror" films I've ever seen. which is why I only ever watch them while I'm doing something else that's more entertaining

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i didnt even watch the whole movie,

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The worst film i have ever seen oh my goodness two people who are shit scared of horrors and they found it amusing,can't explain how bad this really is,not scary whatsoever

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it´s rare for a horror sequel to be as good ( or better ) and not ruin the 1st one. This one is a rare occasion =) fits the story perfectly, gives good atmosphere and sound effects...let hope they don´t ruin it now with a rd ( unnecessary ) movie.

just 2 questions : 1 - How many door can a damn house have?! ( the possesed father running after the wife ) 2- If you find 15 bodies from a known serial killer... why dont you call the damn police? :o

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Shout by Deleted

The first one is better, but this one is good !!! Scary not much, stroyline... confusing. But it is god

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