Review by Simon Massey

Insidious: Chapter 2 2013

This makes very few concessions to those that haven't seen the original, picking up directly after the events of the first film and indeed there is even one clever moment in the film that helps to redefine prior events. It is nice to see the filmmakers attempt something a little different here within the world they have set up, although again they are not wholly successful - here they decide to focus on developing the backstory to Wilson's character as well as explore the resolution to the original. It is a clever plot that offers some surprises despite the derivative ghostly serial killer. The film, however makes the same mistakes many horror films do that essentially make it far less scary - initially it seems to be repeating the same haunted house scenarios from the first before gradually revealing far too much backstory and robbing the film of any unpredictability that might help to scare. Sometimes it is the unknown and randomness of events that are far creepier than connecting all the threads of the story into an intricate plot. Indeed, Wan has to rely far more here on loud jump scares that are prevalent in so many poor horror films. Curiously, the most effective villain from the first film fails to make an appearance - perhaps this is being saved for the inevitable third entry that this can't help but set up.

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