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Hot Rod 2007

Trust me babe, that raccoon would not have stopped for us!!

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Hot Rod has a fairly typical story but it is very funny. Watching Rod fail over and over again at fairly easy stunts is hilarious. Andy Samberg's overacting is a great fit for the lead. Its too bad that Samberg can never make any money at the box office because this film has a lot of laughs. Bill Hader and Danny McBride are possibly more funny than they've ever been here too.

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One of the best ridiculous movies out there. So many scenes from this movie live rent free in my head.

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No matter how many times I watch this movie, it never fails to make me laugh tears. If you like the Lonely Island, you most definitely gonna like Hot Rod, too. What I like most is that it's mostly nonsense slapstick-ish humour that stays family friendly.

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Fun and it doesn't take it self too seriously which works good in this parody and farse. Love the soundtrack.

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Hot Rod needs to be a cult classic, if not simply a classic comedy.
To begin, it is very well made. There is a 1980s aesthetic - including a direct allusion to Footloose - and while the movie is not, strictly speaking, a parody, it definitely is drawing heavy inspiration from that era and having a laugh at it.
The best way I could describe Hot Rod is if Wayne's World and Napoleon Dynamite had a baby, and that baby watched a lot of Adult Swim.
So, the humor here will not land with everyone - but that's the nature of comedy, isn't it? If you don't like irreverent comedy, you likely won't dig this. A good example is the part where Rod is putting heavy emphasis on the "wh" consonant cluster in words (e.g., whisky);
I don't know who did this first, Hot Rod or Family Guy, but it's the exact same joke.
Ultimately, as silly as the humor is, there really is a heartbeat; you care about Rod, you feel his loss, and his triumph. He is the very definition of a lovable loser.
The cool-beans scene, and the ending are perfect.

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Andy Samberg humor is a guilty pleasure of mine. Its both outrageous and awkward in a way that is hard to explain or replicate. You either get it, or you don't, and that's the case with many niche styles of humor. This movie feels like an extended SNL skit and every inch is packed with Samberg-isms. While I may not like this one as much as Popstar, this is one you should give a try if you are in the mood to laugh.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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It's so dumb but I laughed a lot.

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Reddit said it was good but it wasn't.

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cool beans c-c-ccool beanss

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Wow, the stunt work in this movie is damn good.

I'm aware that the film is about stunt work, but I didn't think they would go that hard with it.

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The cringe is too strong in this one.

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Ha! it is so silly that is fun to watch! plus the soundtrack was great!

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