Shout by Bronson

Hot Rod 2007

Hot Rod needs to be a cult classic, if not simply a classic comedy.
To begin, it is very well made. There is a 1980s aesthetic - including a direct allusion to Footloose - and while the movie is not, strictly speaking, a parody, it definitely is drawing heavy inspiration from that era and having a laugh at it.
The best way I could describe Hot Rod is if Wayne's World and Napoleon Dynamite had a baby, and that baby watched a lot of Adult Swim.
So, the humor here will not land with everyone - but that's the nature of comedy, isn't it? If you don't like irreverent comedy, you likely won't dig this. A good example is the part where Rod is putting heavy emphasis on the "wh" consonant cluster in words (e.g., whisky);
I don't know who did this first, Hot Rod or Family Guy, but it's the exact same joke.
Ultimately, as silly as the humor is, there really is a heartbeat; you care about Rod, you feel his loss, and his triumph. He is the very definition of a lovable loser.
The cool-beans scene, and the ending are perfect.

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