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Groundhog Day 1993

Oh hey, it's February the 2nd, let's re-watch this for the umpteenth time. :D

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Groundhog Day is a brilliant comedy that gives Bill Murray an opportunity to shine; delivering one of the best performances of his career. When Pittsburgh weatherman Phil Connors is send to Punxsutawney to cover the Groundhog Day festival he gets trapped in a time loop and is forced to relive Groundhog Day over and over and over and over again. Murray perfectly plays up the humor, and the tragedy, of this character that’s stuck in a limbo where he can do anything that he wants, and where nothing matters. Additionally, the supporting cast is quite impressive, and includes Andie MacDowell, Chris Elliott, Stephen Tobolowsky, and Brian Doyle-Murray. And, Murray and MacDowell have great on-screen chemistry, both comedic and romantic. An outstanding film that has a lot of heart, Groundhog Day is a wonderful romantic comedy that’s incredibly fun.

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I love this movie. I saw it at least 20 times. Murray is great as Phil. Funny, relatable a bit tragic. There are so many great quotes in this movie.

After so many views of this movie, I just don't get one thing. What is so great about Rita? You don't see that much of her character in this movie, but what you see, she is not really that likable. The scene where she asks about what they should drink to always gets me. Why does she ask, when she always drinks to world peace?

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One of Bill Murray's better performances and one of the best time travel movies. Heartfelt, funny and it holds up well.

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just rewatched and it still holds up. im good for this movie once every few years. its never been in high rotation for me but definitely has replay value. and it also seems that depending on my mood and life situations at the time of my watching i glom onto different parts of his journey. (adventure, boredom, depression, acceptance, etc) so each time i watch it i do get a little something different even though it isnt a very dense movie. i actually wish they had played it a little darker and a little more layered but what can ya do.
and remember: dont drive angry

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A truly original classic and a yearly tradition on this, the 2nd day of February.

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Bill Murray's best movie. Brilliant!

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[9.6/10] A wonderful, funny film about what it means to do good and to be better. Despite the behind-the-scenes issues, Murray is at his best here, finding a blend between the pure comedy he was known for and the sadder, more human side he would become known for after. The script commits to its premise, and wrings the humor, drama, fun, and pathos from that fantastical conceit without overdoing it. The movie is deep but accessible, poignant but fun, and endlessly charming and rewatchable.

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They don't do moving like this one anymore they don't. Now It's all bullshit woke TikTok millennial idiotic stuff.

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What a wholesome and entertaining film. Loved it throughout.

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This is one of the greatest movies ever. Bill Murray gives us so many memorable quotes throughout the film that 30 years later I am still quoting them along with the character (much to the annoyance of my wife). This was such an original concept that the title is used to describe monotonous and repetitious activities in modern day conversation. Like watching A Christmas Story every year on Christmas, this should be a annual "must watch" on February 2nd.

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This is the kind of movie that will make you feel like you want to become a better person.

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My ultimate feel good movie!

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good but nothing SO special

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Had a smile on my face the whole time !

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If you take out the original premise of it and the time it was released it's not a very good film or must see at all. Fair enough it was a nice idea to transform a complete dick of a character to a decent guy but he's just so stupidly insufferable for the 1st half of the film that it's hard to take him seriously. The way you're unaware of just how much time has passed is pretty brilliant but most jokes and humour didn't resonate with me. There was no reason for the ending whatsoever and it was just way way too convienent. A bland film that was the 1st to play out a very common fantasy/idea that does it decent enough, nothing special whatsoever

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Groundhog Day is something special!! Both to me and just...period.

Almost flawlessly executed, Groundhog Day is probably in my "Top 10 Comedies of All-Time" list...if I had one. The script is heartwarming and funny and the actors manage to convey this in a very convincing way. This is very high praise coming from me, as I'm no Bill Murray fan, but in this one he is great. Andie MacDowell also manages a very, very convincing love interest.

I also suspect that Harold Ramis had something to do with the excellence of Groundhog Day. He not only directed this one but co-wrote the screenplay with Danny Rubin. And we all know that Ramis at his best is really good.

Anyway...if you haven't seen this...shame on you. Go grab your significant other have a rather pleasant one and a half hours with Groundhog Day.

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I'm a sucker for watching movies on the date they are about!

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I don’t get why people like this as much as they do. Sure, it’s fine and it guess it was quite unique when it came out, but it’s hardly a classic.

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The big surprise was Willie Garson, closely followed by Chris Elliott. Seeing either of them in this movie's universe is a trip on its own, but both? :exploding_head:

I don't have faith in the ending, though. It's entirely too easy for Phil to win over Rita in one day, when up to this point he's been quite the self-centered jerk. "And he got the girl" is a pretty lazy conclusion, to say nothing of how obsessive (read: stalkerish) Phil's behavior actually seems.

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Shout by PaulKael
BlockedParent2023-02-03T07:02:20Z— updated 2023-02-19T07:45:17Z

Bill Murray is one of the great comedians working in Hollywood. Despite its many laughs, Groundhog Day does feel a bit too long. A tighter scrip and a stronger conclusion are what this film needs.

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I loved this movie, it was really good.

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its kinda cute but a one time watch

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deserved every second ... its so beautiful

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A good comedy film. This film has already been talked about 200 times by friends, family and film critics and today I finally decided to watch this film. It's a good Christmas movie - Even though it's not Christmas, if it were it would be better. But the film is good, functional and even moralistic. It's rare for me to enjoy a moralistic film and the film's humor develops quite well. However, I have to say that the film's sarcastic ending is not a better answer. Is there a suggestion for a next film, what if the visual narrative was something closer to a prison escape narrative?

P.S: I gave one star for the main cast.

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This heartwarming story of redemption and self-discovery is a must-watch for anyone looking for an uplifting and enjoyable viewing experience.

The humor is witty and well-executed, with plenty of laugh-out-loud and wholesome moments.

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A man repeats the same day until he does everything right.

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Actually its a scifi movie imo: A game called Earth Online, a player created an avatar named Phil, the game was saved on 6:00 the groundhog day, the town is fun! So as the player save/load the game tons of times, till Rita rufused the avatar again and again...

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"Groundhog Day" is not as funny as I remembered, but is still a solid old-style romantic comedy with a warm atmosphere. The time loop plot device is simple but effective, even though the execution is not always successful: way too extreme when Phil turns into a better person, way too mild when he tries to live by the day and break the rules. The positive message and moral are well conveyed while still keeping a lighthearted, disengaged tone. Almost like a modern "Christmas Carol", with the exception that Phil's transformation does not happen overnight. Well, technically it DOES happen overnight, but from the characters' perspective, it actually took months, if not years, to go through a process of self-awareness, acceptance, and self-improvement.

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"Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today."

Punxsutawney Phil is the greatest right?

Anyway Groundhog Day never fails to entertain me. Bill Murray kicks it out of the park, just on this rewatch I realised that Chris Elliott was a camera man before he was the mayor of Schitt's Creek, Andie MacDowell looks o beautiful. The humor is on point, the conclusion lovely, time flies and February second will always be Groundhog Day for us movie lovers.

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saw this one after a long time, never gets old. actresses were so pretty back then.

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And that, folks, is how you do it. The perfect time-loop film.

Great central performance by Bill Murray.


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The constant repetition of scenes drove me mad!

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Special movie with great plot and keeps you in your seat from the beggining till the very end..Dont miss this super fantasy movie!

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great movie, it aged really well

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Great classic, with still a high enjoyment when watched today. Even though it can feel a bit lacking when placed in our time.

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if anyone had like this experience maybe we all can pursue what we wanted

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Yesssssss...good choice for date night... I get to laugh AND my ol'lady thinks I played it to be romantic... Ka-ching!!!

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22 mins into the movie

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Profound with a lot of humor and heart. A marvelous film with two wonderfully harmonizing actors.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favourite films. I always go back and watch again

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