Review by Jordy

Groundhog Day 1993

For a mainstream comedy it’s a little more high concept and clever than you might expect. Bill Murray in the lead role is perfection, it makes the whole movie work. His deadpan and dry sense of humour works brilliantly with this concept, and there’s a lot of well executed set-ups, gags and jokes on top of that. They pretty much do everything with the concept you could think of, because of that it never feels too repetitive or slow (which is the type of issue that can easily occur with time loop films). I love how the protagonist develops a god complex and eventually becomes a nihilistic, depressed asshole, which barely even registers to the viewer as the darkness is all buried under the schmaltzy, feel good tone. I’m less into the third act, however, as everything resolves in a way that’s a bit predictable and basic for my taste. I understand that it’s a holiday film, but it’s not the type of story where you want a ‘and they lived happily ever after’ type of ending. Moreover, I think the directing is fairly weak and continuously drags it down from being great. It looks flat and uncinematic, it’s got one of those scores that tells you how to feel at every turn and the acting of the supporting cast is all over the place. Still a fine watch overall, but definetely not the classic people pretend it is.


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