Shouts about...

Fire in the Sky 1993

The reputation of this movie has been built on the final 20 minutes: a truly frightening alien experimentation scene. However there is a good story here and some pretty sharp dialogue and characterizations. The mountain setting and the small town feel really saturates the film. You don't have to be a UFO believer to appreciate "Fire In The Sky".

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It's almost impressive that every single line in this movie is delivered so poorly. There is one good sequence in this that nearly makes it worth watching, but this movie is not one you should go out of your way to see. I feel like there is a hidden Brokeback Mountain-esque love triangle sub-plot in here that would have been a much more interesting story to tell.

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I mean it makes sense why they wouldn't believe the stories that they gave for why Travis was missing. Outside of the litigation and arguing from the town, the only worthwhile seeing is towards the end.

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Except for the alien scene, the movie is boring.

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Features one of the most terrifying sequences in movie history. It comes out of nowhere and you will remember it forever. You have been warned...but you will love it!

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Watched this back in 1993 or 1994 on Cinemax I believe, always stuck with me and the rewatch was good. This is a good script, well acted. Production is of course not much, but it was still a good watch. The true story is even better.

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Plot sounded interesting but was quite bored throughout the movie. Just never connected with it but the actors are good and I didn't hate it either, I guess.

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It’s an interesting story if you’re into the whole alien abduction stuff. The scenes that take place in the ship are memorable from childhood viewing.

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