Shout by Tim Kretschmann

Fire in the Sky 1993

Features one of the most terrifying sequences in movie history. It comes out of nowhere and you will remember it forever. You have been warned...but you will love it!

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Reply by kinky

@tkpnpodcast you don't watch many horror movies, do you?

@misnomer actually, I do. The sense of foreign, alien environs really is amazing in what is essentially a drama up to that point. If you are looking for gross out, go run to August Underground, but this is actually frightening if you let yourself believe it. Because the film is so grounded, that's where I found it disturbing.


Reply by kinky

@tkpnpodcast it has barely any alien scenes in it, it is basically a drama about a few citizens charged with murder of one of their coworkers. Nothing sci-fi or frightening about it. The last scene was very soft, when it comes to being disturbing or unsettling. Those were my impressions, anyway. There is absolutely nothing in this movie worthy of praise, it's a mediocre attempt at what it set up to do.
