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Fight Club 1999

His name was Robert Paulson

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I watched this when it came out and was confused. Until I watched it a second time. Now I'm watching it about 20 years later and it's still an amazing film. This is one movie I can't find any flaw in. Acting. Story. Pacing. Cinematography. Even the vfx hold up. Perfect.

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oh my god that was amazing!! and THAT ENDING!!!! HOLY SHIT

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one of the best EVER

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his name is robert paulson

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Totally different from what I was expecting. I had high expectations because of it being so popular and being top 10 in IMDb's list, and it still somehow managed to exceed those expectations.

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I am so fucking confused. good movie though

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Yes this is a great movie, on of my favorites. Thank god it came out before 9/11, this would never have worked script-wise afterwards.

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Wow, just wow. Wow. What a mind-fuck. Mind-blown. Wow. Incredible. Wow. Still processing the madness that is the third last third. Well damn, I did not see that coming. Wow.

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This is the movie that shaped a generation. Shaped a few generations.

While the twist is criticised by some as not being the most original, it was very well pulled off. This movie captured most of the audience from the start. Surprised many with casting choices. Some amazing acting, scriptwriting, and production from start to finish. It deserves to go down as one of the all time classics.

I only wish the ending was better. Those final few scenes just never gibed with me. Not enough to detract any points, the rest of the movie more than makes up for it.

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This blew my mind as a kid and it's still perfect today. Tyler Durden is a fascinating character and Brad Pitt plays him perfectly. Edward Norton is fantastic too.

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The great film of the 21st Century, is the last great film of the 20th Century, fantastic cast, brilliant writing, and sublime directing, a cinematic masterpiece on every level.

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Give an opinion on Fight Club is difficult. Why Fight Club is a strange movie, amazing, totally freaked out and terribly addictive. The story, immediately engaging, surprising by the minute until the plot twist that leaves much open-mouthed. The cast is exceptional and the end result could only be the ones to make history forever. Fight Club, in short, is a cult that no one should miss, a real gem of cinema.

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Awesome - my favorite movie of all times

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Great movie with an mind-blowing ending!

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if the end would have been like the book would be the best movie ever!

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I think it's funny how he splices in a single frame of pornography AND it still has the "uhh" sound

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Holy fuck I am glad I watched this not knowing what I was getting into

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"Fight Club" is an absolute beast of a film, a cinematic tour de force that left my jaw on the floor. Directed by the genius David Fincher, it takes you on a wild, psychologically twisted ride that's like a punch to the gut. Edward Norton and Brad Pitt give powerhouse performances, their characters intricately woven into a gritty, dark, and disturbing narrative. Norton's disaffected, insomnia-ridden narrator perfectly contrasts with Pitt's charismatic, anarchic Tyler Durden, making their dynamic incredibly engaging. The script, peppered with snappy dialogue and profound monologues, offers a scathing critique of consumer culture and societal norms.

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This is genius, I can't express how much I loved it!!

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We need to kill our Brad Pitt and reveal our true Edward Norton.

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Very fun watch to watch while baked. Never get tired of it however many times I watch it. The ending is too heterosexual for my tastes but it’s pretty accurate to the book and sent me into a spiral when I was 15 so that’s something.

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I love this movie so much because i’m a misandrist. it’s like a little comedy. men just don’t get it. if you wanna start a fight club you missed the whole point of the movie...

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One of my favorite films ever.

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This movie is so well thought out and executed

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“The first rule of Fight Club is...” From director David Fincher comes the modern cult classic Fight Club, a smart, provocative film that tackles modern culture and social issues in a daring and innovative way. When a neurotic insurance agent meets an eccentric soap salesman the two form an unlikely friendship that leads to an underground fight club, which then branches off and grows into something more. The cast is outstanding, featuring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter; who all give seminal performances. And, enough cannot be said about how brilliantly crafted the film is; the dialog, the sets, the editing – taking several viewings to absorb and really appreciate how connected and well-thought-out it all is. Offering insightful social satire, Fight Club delivers an intense and captivating drama that has an amazing plot twist.

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Made my head explode. Camera and pacing were on point. Awesome Movie.

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What started out as one of my four or five favorite films has only grown better over time. Terribly marketed in its theatrical run as a knuckle-dragging modern rendition of Bloodsport, it's sharper, wittier and ballsier than almost any major studio film of the last two decades.

Fight Club is a rapidly escalating thrill ride that never hesitates to crank the dial a bit further, and its progression from droll normalcy to vulgar aggression to, ultimately, unsettling calm in the face of a genuine revolution is stunning. On top of all that, the film's wit is off the charts, still intelligent and amusing after two dozen viewings. Its cast of characters is wildly varied, while its smirk-smeared musings on the nature of modern masculinity remain timely even today.

I actually get shivers every time I revisit particular scenes, with the biggest one coming - reliably - just moments before the credits roll when that Pixies tune kicks in and one particular city’s skyline takes a new shape. That's what I call an impressive parting shot. A smart, funny, thrilling, unpredictable modern classic that never takes the easy road. I can't imagine I'll ever grow tired of it.

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My All time Favourite but cant Talk About ir

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My all time favourite movie

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Capolavoro del cinema, da vedere

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Shout by Deleted

Genius....... If you've been living in a cave and not seen this then its a must.

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Que filme, ele é brilhante

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awesomw movie! fucked up my brain!

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Shout by Deleted

Worth it. You should watch 1, 2, 3 times. Or more.

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One of the best movies I have ever seen. Some say the ending is not good but it is absolutely incredibile!

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Equal to the book.

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"We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."

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Awesome and very thought provoking.

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so, we can totally use THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME

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wounderful forever ,

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Shout by Deleted

Wots the first rule of fight club?????

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The ultimate movie for me. Both the film and the book are amazing.

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Great movie. One of my all-time favorites.

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A great movie but transparent ending. Still worth a watch and a recommendation.

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I think this is not so mind-blowing as much as some people are saying..Fincher gave us some clues so we get what is happening and to enjoy his film more..In my opinion this movie deserves to be in the list with one of the greatest films ever as it has unique plot and absolutely crazy perfomances.

8.6/10 i reccomend you to see this film over than once as this is not enough.

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a rewatch cuz why not ... 10 :open_mouth:‍:dash:

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Watched this for the first time recently, only because I've heard so many people go on about it. Surprised me a lot, turned out to be nothing like I expected the film to be and I am so grateful for that.

Amazing story, strong acting and the twist at the end was just brilliant.

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It's amazing how well this holds up. Although still the danger that some viewers may stay impressed with the coolness of Tyler Durden and not really believe that he is NOT the hero

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First time I watched this film I wasn't really aware of who David Fincher was, despite I had already watched Seven... Long time after I realised it's the same Director and have to say this guy knows what he's doing... Same happened with "...Benjamin Button" and his more recent "House of cards" and "Mindhunter". He's quite close to C. Nolan...

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I rewatched Fincher's masterpiece recently and one thing I noticed that I didn't remember is just how funny it was. It could pass for a quality dark comedy if it had been marketed as one. As it stands this is one of Fincher's finest works and deserves it's cult status. The film is beautiful and easily sets an incredibly dark mood. 9/10 I absolutely recommend this movie to anyone who hasn't seen it.

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If someone said to me: Fight club is the best movie ever made. I wouldn't agree but i wouldn't disagree either.

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Great work from both PITT and NORTON. The perfect film to see in concert with SEVEN. :)

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Shout by Deleted

This cult classic will always remain in my top favorites list. I rewatch it every few years.

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Damn near impossible to top that ending. the explosions beginning just as the Pixies kicks in...perfection.

"You met me at a very strange time in my life."

This is also one of those movies that's practically telegraphing the reveal the entire time, making rewatches even more fun. "No incoming calls allowed" being one of my favorites.

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the plot twist was crazy :exploding_head:

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I don't understand the hate for the ending, it makes the movie! Even without that, an extremely enjoyable film with a lot to say.

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This movie was trippy as hell. With a well-deserved R rating worth of violence. Still was a really entertaining film, even though I figured out the big trick a little earlier than when it was revealed.

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i really disliked the first act tho sooo boring. but as soon as tyler comes into play it gets so so so good.


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Quotable; funny; violent; authentic; memorable; intelligent. MASTER PIECE!!!!

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Una de mis favoritas de la vida.

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Shout by Deleted

Just finished "Fight club"(1999). Absolutely mind blowing. I love how the director plays with the audience! Great script and awesome editing

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Brilliant movie! Great story, great editing and plenty of action. All actors deliver a solid performance to keep you entertained the entire time.
One of my all time favourites.

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The best novel to film adaptation I've seen so far. Fincher has done Palahniuk justice.

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A fine David Fincher film. Fight Club definitely deserves multiple viewings.

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Such a fascinating movie that doesn't really make much sense until the final 3rd of it starts, and then you start piecing things together. I can understand why people really like this movie, it's a very interesting and complicated movie.

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This movie was pretty good and both Main leads were enjoyable but i still think this is overrated....

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Viewing from the perspective of 20 years from the premiere, we will appreciate, above all, the decadent rebellion of the generation of the end of the 20th century. The final plot twist is great, but unfortunately most of us know it even if we haven't seen the movie.

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Sinopsis cerita Fight Club cukup unik. Cerita berpusat pada seorang karyawan kantor yang mengidap insomnia akut. Dalam film ini tidak disebutkan namanya sehingga hanya disebut dengan Narrator (Edward Norton). Ia tidak bisa tidur di malam hari sehingga terkesan memiliki kehidupan ganda. Hidupnya lalu berubah saat bertemu dengan seorang sales sabun bernama Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). Tyler Durden merupakan seorang yang agresif, kritis, bebas dan liar. Keduanya lalu memulai kehidupan gila mereka dengan membentuk sebuah klub bertarung underground 'Fight Club' hingga memulai aksi terorisme berlabel 'Project Mayheim'.

Film Fight Club merupakan salah satu film terunik yang pernah ada. Sosok Tyler Durden yang diperankan aktor Brad Pitt menjadi salah satu tokoh paling memorable. Dengan quote-quote memorable dari Tyler Durden serta sebuah twist mengejutkan di tengah cerita, film ini menjadi banyak digemari. Tentunya film Fight Club ini sangat layak dan wajib untuk ditonton para pecinta film.

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Finally watched this movie. Didn't know what to expect but this wasn't it. It's a masterpiece. Really gives you stuff to think about.
Lowkey wanna watch it again, knowing what i know now.
Also, Tyler Durden is a style icon.

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well I'm really glad I didn't know the plot and watched it in 2024. great movie. amazing story.

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It was pretty good with an interesting ending, although i didn’t really like the twist - it felt like a different genre of film than the rest
The whole fighting stuff reminded me of Joker 2019 - i didn’t realise the plot was that violent
And the voice over narration reminded of me robot which I liked. The first parts i did like tbh, i feel like they should’ve just kept it as a guy finding his true self in fighting
Also it was totally gay like he kept metaphoring how the fighting was his true self and he loved it, it was giving bdsm

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Just listed to the audio book - but book was a bit meh for me - perhaps because I knew the story. Re-watched movie for first time in many years and for me movie is better than book. Characters, style, colors - the whole ambiance. CGI is a bit dated but not so much as it interferes.

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this movie is a mess and i love it...after watching many movies which include DID..the revelation was not a surprise to me at the end...but i can see why it is called a classic...the acting and the narration was phenomenal....hats off to David Fincher....what more could i say about 'Fight Club'....cause you know!...
The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club...

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I still can't believe this is my first watch! I have to admit not knowing anything about the plot or what I was up for I got kinda bored with the movie until the last third with the great twist. Felt like it dragged a lot. It's definitely one of those that needs a rewatch to be fully appreciated. That ending though! and with the Pixies song, perfection!

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Shout by manicure

The obvious reflections on masculinity and consumerism are trite as hell, but visually it’s at least a decade ahead of its time. The film starts off with the apparently irrelevant story of a boring man suffering from insomnia, but Fincher constantly makes sure he is keeping his audience constantly stimulated and entertained through inventive camerawork, dynamic editing and sophisticated visual effects.

However, I had preferred if things were taken more symbolically. Norton’s fights and conversations with Pitt could have been metaphors of the struggle inside his mind, but the film bothers to show that everything physically happened in front of everyone. Supposedly, the first members of the Fight Club were attracted by Norton kicking his own ass at the parking lot…

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i was expecting a super straight lame ass movie that was only worshiped by “real” men but i have to say that i actually enjoyed it :flushed: i found the ending a bit weak tho but overall it was fantastic

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The book is better of course but this is a really good adaption!

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I was really bore the fist half of the movie, but the ending was good, but not impressive.

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The ending was great but the first half of the movie was rather slow :/

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Not fantastic, but not bad either.

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People say this as one of the best movies of all time, well I am going to have to disagree with that. It was quite enjoyable but the first half really dragged up until the plot twist. I get what the story was going for so I didn't give much thought to a lot of the things that happened however there were things that didn't make sense to me, the ending for example. It was building up to something but fell flat.

Story = 7

Cinematography = 8
Soundtrack = 7
Production Design = 7
Acting = 9

Overall score = 7.5/10

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Started off well and had me pretty hooked with the unique cinematography and flow of the narration, but dragged on much too long and actually became less interesting when the twist came and changed the plot. It was great when it started out as two guys starting a literal fight club to help cope with their empty lives but when Tyler became an imaginary friend it all went wayward. Maybe that was the point but for me I found it disappointing at that point..

Overrated but not terrible.

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Definitely not the worst movie I’ve seen and it even had a lot of potential to meet it’s expectations, but if you’re watching this bc of how good everyone says it is, prepare to be disappointed. Personally, I was pretty bored until the point where he finds out Tyler Durden isn’t real.

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I never watched Fight Club, but I already knew about the big twist. Don’t remember how or when, but that ruined it a bit for me. It’s still a good movie, but the surprise could’ve made it better. I’m sad that I couldn’t experience it that way. But oh well…

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overrated but with a good script

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Good Flick But Drawn Out Bad. Found Myself Going To The Kitchen For Snacks Many Times

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It was okay. I don't agree with it being in the top 10 of IMDB 250 greatest of all time.

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Watched it ages ago, didn't like it but cannot remember why that was

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Shout by Ishan

I was entertained but confused, things don't makes sense even after watching it multiple times, I get it, the guy developed an alter ego as tyler to cope and made sense to his life, I know this, I've seen better movies with this kind of script, this one has a terrible ending and it is overrated

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I’m sorry but I didn’t like the movie for me the movie it’s too long and a lot of dialogue that I have to say have great quotes like : We are consumers. We're the by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Or The things you own end up owning you.
But I never get to understand the movie until I search online and it made a lot of sense so if you search for an explanation the whole thing ended up making sense and now that I get it I like the message to the movie but the movie for me was impossible to watch I watch like an hour and then skipped to the end

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inferior to the book.

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It's an okay film, waaaaay too overrated though, and the major plot twist was obvious to me an hour or so into the film - which instantly puts a downer on things as there's no surprise element left. It's not worth over two hours worth of your time to call it an 'amazing film' I really don't understand how it has SUCH high ratings by everyone. I'd be totally fine never watching it again, but I also don't regret watching it.
Also, finally, the whole plot doesn't make sense because these massive companies are going to have back-ups all over the world. Blowing up HQ in one US city will NOT accomplish the mission it states it will.

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