Shout by drqshadow

Fight Club 1999

What started out as one of my four or five favorite films has only grown better over time. Terribly marketed in its theatrical run as a knuckle-dragging modern rendition of Bloodsport, it's sharper, wittier and ballsier than almost any major studio film of the last two decades.

Fight Club is a rapidly escalating thrill ride that never hesitates to crank the dial a bit further, and its progression from droll normalcy to vulgar aggression to, ultimately, unsettling calm in the face of a genuine revolution is stunning. On top of all that, the film's wit is off the charts, still intelligent and amusing after two dozen viewings. Its cast of characters is wildly varied, while its smirk-smeared musings on the nature of modern masculinity remain timely even today.

I actually get shivers every time I revisit particular scenes, with the biggest one coming - reliably - just moments before the credits roll when that Pixies tune kicks in and one particular city’s skyline takes a new shape. That's what I call an impressive parting shot. A smart, funny, thrilling, unpredictable modern classic that never takes the easy road. I can't imagine I'll ever grow tired of it.

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