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Edge of Tomorrow 2014


Shout by Deborah

So... why didn't he immediately reset after getting the intel they needed? So they had an entire day to plan, and maybe FMB could have persuaded her elite corps to give them back up on the Paris mission. Just, y'know. Makes sense.

Emily Blunt was amazing. Loved Rita. Love the term Full Metal Bitch, heh. FMB for life!

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Name me a working movie star as watchable as Tom Cruise...? See. He's a dying breed. Every film he does is somewhere in the 6.5 to 8.5 out of 10 range. He doesn't make bad films. There's always something worthwhile in each of them.

So to Edge of Tomorrow. His best film of the last 15 years with the exception of the latest Mission Impossible...

His partnership with MacQuarrie is great and thankfully they're knocking movies out at a fairly regular pace these days.

I thoroughly enjoyed this film. It's a tough ask to keep showing the same events over and over. With a less competent actor, this would have been a problem. For Cruise, it's manna from heaven.

If there's such a thing as an overlooked Tom Cruise movie, this might be it. Fix that. Go watch it. It's very good.

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Great movie ,one of the best Cruise movies .

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This is groundhog day with stunning action scenes and a good Story. Surprised it was that good.

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There is a few clichés involved in the whole loop sci-fi thing. But the movie manages to be okay and entertaining. Not a movie to see more than one time, though.

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Shout by Deleted

Spoiler warning...
Where, to hell, is tactical nuclear weapon? Why humanity doesen't use in?
Why do not bomb Paris for a cause?

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I want to see a sequel with them coming together again. Great movie and needs to be watched a few times to really understand.

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I enjoyed it a lot more on the first watch because not knowing how the same day plays out over and over was intense and exciting. The vfx, sfx, and design was mind blowingly beautiful. The score and soundtrack was electrifying. Casting was great, but Emily Blunt stole the show. The story felt like a Call Of Duty/Battlefield type of game. I really don't understand why this isn't a video game. It has every box ticked. The stunts went wild, it's clear where the $175 million went. Well made and well done.

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I love the premise of the time loop, the reason behind the powers of the MC makes sense, the design of the aliens is dope and the radical change of Cage's character is amazing

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The repetitive-ness gets tiring at one point (even though they tried to get clever with it), that you wish the plot would just move forward but it's still a fun action movie without being dumb.
And by the way, it doesn't really need a sequel. Even gets wrapped up nicely. We don't need to see them in a relationship.

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It’s like a videogame where you keep dying over and over again until you eventually complete each level and finish the story

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If you suspend a little disbelief and don't ask too many questions, this is a very rewarding action movie. Good cast, decent premise, and a quality ending - I had a good time watching it.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Edge of Tomorrow is a thrilling and entertaining science fiction action film with a unique and innovative premise. The fast-paced action, strong performances, and dark humor make it a fun and engaging watch.

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I have went from liking this movie to loving it over the years...How can you go wrong with Tom Cruise in a weaponized Endoskeleton vs End of Humanity Alien Invasion

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10 years have passed, and it’s also good! The watchability is simply excellent. In addition to good science fiction, it’s like watching all the main blockbusters about the war at once. There’s room for jokes and Murray’s vibe. And about the ending? After all, the movie is based on, and differs from the original, like “The Last Samurai” from Kurosawa’s films. Whatever is neither good nor bad, just different and self-sufficient. I haven’t leafed through the manga, but the light novel has been published. Read it, it’s tougher and more honest. Like another facet

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Really enjoyable! Not too sappy even when sappiest. Liked quite a lot how the both main characters developed even midst all the action. Very good dramatical rythm.

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Absolutely loved this one. Saw it when it first came out so I'd need a second viewing to determine if this score is fair. Great humour and chemistry. 8.6

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Mad I didn’t watch this sooner. I really liked this film. The action was great. The story didn’t feel slow or bad. I’m really hoping the sequel happens.

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I saw another really good 'time loop' movie and watched this one for a bit of that. Edge of Tomorrow was very unengaging and I couldn't find myself recommending it to anyone.

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This movie had a good dose of comedy mixed in, but it was also a fun alien sci fi movie with a groundhog’s theme to it.

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Dope movie. I hope they come out with part 2

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Good fun sci-fi show. While enjoyable I'm not sure what the fuss was about.

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It’s a fun watch. On the list of good time loop movies for me. I wish the sequel would have came to fruition.

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Not since Groundhog Day, that I have seen a better use of the time-loop trope in movies. And surprisingly funny for a sci-fi action extravaganza.

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Shout by Aby HP.

The american version of Re:Zero & Summertime Render anime. it's good, but they didn't tell the audience the ending didn't tell the future of Cage. did he awaken new power, or just reset back to day 1? or it's just a continuation after the last battle? I'm not sure.

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Shout by Seb

Very well made futuristic Groundhog Day.

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On your feet, maggot! The idea of resetting time is being fully explored and adds to the action – and who doesn’t like to see Tom Cruise die over and over again?


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Tom Cruise has made some really good movies over the past decade. "Minority Report", "War of the Worlds", "Jack Reacher", "Oblivion"...the guy is taking chances on mostly original stuff...BIG, original stuff.

"Edge of Tomorrow" has some very exciting combat scenes, and even though many are repeated, different angles and camera perspectives keep them fresh. The movie progresses much like a video game. Cruise and Emily Blunt steadily progress through "levels" of battle and even make their way to "boss" level. But this is not a tired movie based on some popular video game of the past. This is a fresh take that feels like there should be a video game based on it.

Not only are Cruise and Blunt excellent in the film, Bill Paxton is awesome as the sharp-tongued, quick-witted Master Sergeant Farrell.

More people need to check out non-sequel, non-prequel, non-superhero movies like this one. It will be a damned shame if this film falls quietly by the wayside.

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Groundhog Day with teeth.
Aliens meet Groundhog Day.

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Shout by Deleted

Cowardly custard Cruise gets bitten by the Groundhog Day bug in this average apocalyptic alien invasion movie.

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Nice movie. I recommend it

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great show, suspense, drama and great action

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Awesome! Great movie! Highly recommend!

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Even without the sci-fi aspect, it's still one of the most solid action movies I've ever seen. Each character is memorable, the moments of levity are done well and placed at the right moments, and the character moments between the action make this movie come alive.

Plus, I'm a sucker for time-loop movies, and this one did a great job bringing the "Groundhog Day" gimmick into a sci-fi-war movie.

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Loved it.. Well aside from Cruise.. Idda picked Karl Urban for the lead.

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This kinda fell off near the end, I was enjoying it aswell and then I got really bored

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The first half is great. The second half is just ok. Still it is one of the coolest sci-fi movies in a while with a great time loop concept. Hopefully there is a sequel.

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This dash of cinematic junk food boasts a crisp, chocolatey effects extravaganza for an outer shell and a wash of sticky, creamy sci-fi curiosity at its core. The concept is tricky but fascinating, a bit stretched but not so far that it completely shatters the illusion. It's basically Groundhog Day meets Independence Day, with Tom Cruise wearing a great big suit of mechanized armor as its showpiece. Go into battle, kill some aliens, meet a grisly demise, respawn at the checkpoint and try it all over again; that's basically the plot.

It's best when Cruise is relegated to mere rapid-fire cannon fodder, trying like hell to make the most of his chances and failing miserably. The ride gets markedly less entertaining, and more humdrum, as it slides into sentimentality and finality. The ending is a real whiff, too, and undoubtedly colors my memory of the better bits that I'd enjoyed earlier. It smacks of a last-minute rewrite, something that's utterly at-odds with the dashes of smart, dark material that had spiced things earlier in the ride. It wants to be flashy and ballsy, but instead it's been tamed and neutered.

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The movie is an adaptation of the story from the manga All you need is Kill, and it's really well done.
Nice cast, acting and action.

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Can't believe I watched a Tom Cruise movie just because of Emily Blunt.

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So when will Rita Vrataski beat me up with her sword?

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Great movie, great story, great cast.

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ended the manga story. "All You Need is Kill"

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The ending did not fit the picture.

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Great plot,really good directing and some brilliant acting skills.Action was well made and i think its one of the very best sci-fi movies you shouldnt miss this one.

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the original story is a manga called "All You Need Is Kill" written and drawn by the same 2 mangakas who wrote and drawn "death note"

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This is one of the best action films of the last years, fantastic story, excellent plot and a very good Emily Blunt. Tom Cruise was even decent on this one. Very creative and extremely cool movie

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Groundhod day almost like in Matrix ;)

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Shout by Deleted

the idea of this whole movie is taken from the manga (All you need is kill) by the same artist and writer who created Deathnote.

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I love this movie so much. One of my favorite Tom Cruise flicks. I prefer to call it Live. Die. Repeat. like they do on video because that is a way better title than Edge of Tomorrow. What a snooze of a title. Anyway, this movie is hilarious, bad ass, thought provoking and action packed. Emily Blunt is amazing, too. Love this movie.

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BlockedParent2016-06-12T18:22:23Z— updated 2016-09-11T11:08:43Z

Entertaining action flick with only a mediocre ending. If the ending was better I think this could have been a really great movie. As it is, it's just a solid effort, but nothing more IMHO.

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Shout by Mounir

very well enjoyable movie. and it's kinda like "Source Code" but much cooler.

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This was better than I expected it to be, very entertaining. The aliens reminds me of those from Resident Evil 5 (video game).

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Edge of Tomorrow is yet another sci-fi Tom Cruise film, which kick ass from start to finish. There is nothing wrong with this film. It's got everything. Even a helicopter crash!

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Didn't know anything about it going into it, but wow was I pleasantly surprised. Very interesting and engrossing story. Cruise and Blunt were great. Held my attention the entire time and loved the intensity of the ending.

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Buy it: great scfi/love story movie

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Groundhog Day in an action movie.

This is exactly what it is. And, it is alot better than I expected it to be.

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yea, not the hugest fan of Tom, but just like the Matrix, you have a great sci-fi script, money to spend on it and a good actor I tend to forget who the hero is in reality and view them as character. and that's what makes a good actor and a great film. Really great stuff. Had no expectations, but it was a great watch. No spoiler's here you should watch it.

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Hollywood finally paid off with this hell of blockbuster. It's so smart, amusing and it's so attractively crafted that goes beyond just being an entertaining movie and becomes a unforgettable piece of sci-fi.

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Ending could of told the audience more about the future of Cage. Great movie overall. Great acting by Tom Cruise and the storyline is surprisingly well put together for what it is.

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Shout by Deleted

Creative argument, pretty entertaining, not very impressive. Good to hang out, but just one time.

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Shout by Deleted

I think I'm in love

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Shout by Deleted


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Edge of Tomorrow was pretty great with an interesting premise, but the ending definitely could have been better.

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Shout by Deleted

I was skeptical with the trailer... but the movie is quite good.
It should end with "Do I have something on my face?" haha

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Shout by Deleted

So, Tom Cruise's life is in live-die-live repeat mode and he's getting better every time he's life is getting re-started. His objective is to save his lady without sacrificing everybody else and equally importantly to save the world as well.

Wait a minute, isn't that what Jake Gyllenhaal did in Source Code?

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A great surprise, thanks for this!

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the time travel thing besides madness, becomes a little boring in the beginning.

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Surprisingly good.
I missed the motivation of the aliens a bit, but doesn't really matter.

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Shout by Deleted


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Groundhog day meets Starship Troopers, but not quite as good as either.

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1h 34m 42s into the movie -> "Go brother, you gotta go, man.", "I'll see you in the next life." Desmond from Lost would say something like that, and he also was a time traveler :D Lost reference maybe?

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Groundhogs Day meets Sci-Fi + Military + Aliens. All in all, awesome movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Yet another in the rather long line of annual Tom Cruise sci-fi blockbuster movies... and to be honest, it's better that last years 'Oblivion'... Which isn't really as much of a compliment as you might think.

The plot is just rehashed from loads of other sci-fi movies and if you think about it, the entire pacing of the movie is virtually identical to 'Groundhog Day'... But without the comedy or superb performances.

Emily Blunt who i highly rate as an actress, and was in one of my fave movies in recent years (The Adjustment Bureau) simply phones in her performance here... and her's is one of the better performances.

Not a single character has depth, the plot is entirely predictable and the ending scene rather contrived.

Maybe I expect too much from my sci-fi movies these days... but after being spoilt by great films such as the aforementioned Adjustment Bureau, Moon, Source Code and Inception and thrilled by the likes of the Marvel cinematic offerings... Movies like this just cannot compete with them.

It's like when True Lies was released back in the early 90's... a Schwarzenegger action movie that surpassed what we had come to expect from secret agent films... and that many film buffs and critics (myself included) were saying could very well end the James Bond franchise (and nearly did as they got ever more ridiculous until Daniel Craig stepped into the role).

The dialogue is rather slow and painful in places... But the cinematics and visual effects are pretty decent, although there are several scenes where you see them running in the armoured suits and can tell they're on hoists because their movements don't quite match with what you are seeing.

So whilst this movie is better than Oblivion... it's still a pretty poor movie that whilst offering some enjoyment for the two hrs or so it lasts... offers no repeat viewing value at all.

Hence my score of just 5. Maybe I'm just not a fan of Tom Cruise, maybe I find him just a little bit creepy and maybe I wish he use his skills as an actor in meatier roles.

It's not that I simply like my Sci-Fi to be a littler more cerebral, I love action fests, it's actually more to with the fact that I enjoy character development and good dialogue at the same time. Sadly it's hard to find movies that tick all the boxes. On one had you have the films mentioned already, this falls somewhere in the middle whilst the Transformers movies are somewhere at the bottom of the pile because they cannot tick ANY of the boxes.

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Shout by Vanderlei Vieira
BlockedParent2014-09-18T17:13:07Z— updated 2016-07-02T05:26:23Z

What a great movie, Time travel approached like any other in ages. Tom Cruise wasn't disappointing, what I found surprising haha, and Emily Blunt rocking as an actriss. Great plot, scenes, and performance.
Whatch It ;)

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Tom Cruise always great.

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There are bad scifi movies and good ones. I have to say this one was TOTALY NINJA!

I was trilled all the way, and not to repeat other reviewers that were first i have to just say:
Great plot, well directed (time "travel" can be tricky for confusion or boredom of audience).
Very well casted/played/character written: i think by the end i loved every one in the movie.

For me, one of the best scifi movies ever.

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Great movie... Pleasantly surprised by the action scenes and that it was different to other "time loop" movies.. Highly recommend if you haven't seen it

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Like most people, I assumed this would be bad because of the marketing. But after hearing only positive reviews I decided to give it a go and it was goddamn awesome.
A really fantastic movie.

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Shout by Joris

I hate it when they have holes in their time-traveling theory.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2014-09-11T18:17:32Z— updated 2018-09-12T18:13:40Z

It's good because of the cast, but I can't stand time loop movies anymore, please, Hollywood, be original!

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I was getting tired of Tom and his scifis but i was realy suprised of this one... Great movie

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Soooo goood, well made, and have some comic moments. Very recommended for all.

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I really enjoyed this film.

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Shout by Deleted

Downloading now

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Shout by Deleted


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Awesome and entertaining. Certainly enjoyed it.

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Shout by Deleted


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Pt-BR Review on my blog:

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Shout by Deleted

I saw this at the cinema. One of the better and more extreme shoot-em-up films. I knew sort-of what it was about before from the trailers, but it still left me guessing enough to keep me on the edge of my seat throughout. Thoroughly enjoyable, will get the bluray!

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Shout by Kolja

Loved it. But the ending, the last 3 minutes or so, seems to be stacked on a otherwise great film.

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Watched in cinema. Were much action. Were nice jokes.

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