Review by moonkodi

Edge of Tomorrow 2014

A typical blockbuster is what I expected. I got even less than that. You'll feel like you're watching a video game. For a computer effect heavy movie it's one of the better ones. It's fast to get going, but why is Cruise's character even fighting? Because we needed a fish out of water scenario for a few minutes? Some additional background information about the plot would have helped me give a damn about the first 20 minutes. The character development was very obvious at every stage. The dialogue was either to edge simple plot along or as a set up for some action or punchline. No brain required. There's not much going on interesting with the characters, and as a result I don't care for them. Least their was a relationship going on. Yeah that was predictable shlock too. I didn't feel any atmosphere. Nothing on screen impacted on me and the acting didn't help. I did feel the action work initially. But it's like watching a magician with the same old tricks. The whole idea itseld is based on being very repetitive, and it felt like it.
Are shaky cameras the new thing with action movies? The aliens never felt threatening. I've already forgetten what they look like. Some bland alien squid? Who cares. Er... how did they invade earth? Doesn't matter because we have explosions. The fighters had no camaraderie. Bad casting. Bad writing.
I just don't see the point in this movie. I thought Hollywood would have perfected the blockbuster by now. Maybe they have in terms of making money and getting praise from something completely mediocre.
8/10? His movie won't age well and nobody will remember it. I recommend this for people that play Call Of Duty all day.

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