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Dumb Money 2023

Unusual that a history breaking true story gets a movie made from it just 2 years after it's events, but nevertheless this was a very well made and entertaining film about the stock shortage of Gamestop. The fact that it started in the heat of the action and introducing all of the characters in a unique way that has to do with the root of the story is vey intriguing. I loved that the whole film was upbeat and went along to the rhythm of the situation. The way they tied in the flashbacks of the past of the characters was really cool. As well as the way they took random assorted characters to represent the way this thing affected all kinds of people and how as one they all had a big part of history.

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Those were the days my friend. It has a documentary taste and it is good for the ones who are into the subject. If you are not aware about the story, you may not like it. I liked it. 7.5/10

Note: By the time of this comment made, the price of GME is 13,64USD.

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I really liked it. It had humour throughout, great cast, and of course, the story is crazy. 7.5 would be the more appropriate rating, and it's certainly one I would recommend to family and friends

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This one will be fun to revisit from time to time given I have lived the true story of this. I expected it to be turned to a movie, but I never expected it to happen so fast or with this level of a cast. It is one of the better biopics of the last couple of years!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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Yeah, I was there. I didn't make any money on it. In fact, I lost quite a bit. Right before GME went up. I didn't have a diamond hand. It still pisses me off.

But if I'm gonna review the movie, I gotta say I had fun. Well made in a way that doesn't bore you. I get that everything is a bit over the top and especially it didn't show how many people lost a lot of money. But mostly represented by the nurse from the hospital who was left with a debt at the end. But one thing has to give, those guys and gals showed that you can beat the rich f****** at their game, even if no one went to jail for it in the end.

Oh and btw this is a really rare movie where Seth Rogen isn't annoying.

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Yeah pretty solid film. I think the story alone is worth watching the film. The acting was solid though the film as a whole felt underproformed. It was one of those basically one to one documentary movies so you can't get too frustrated by the lack of cinematography. 8/10

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Find someone who looks at you the way Shailene Woodley looks at Paul Dano

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I wasn't overly familiar w/ the story behind the GME stock, but I knew enough to know the players in the game. I was intimately familiar w/ Ken Griffin, however, as a researcher of right-wing extremism. I found it ironic, if not odd, that his singular role in the funding of fascism, white nationalism, and neo-Nazism in America went unchecked in this film. He has pumped tens of millions of dollars into what the media terms as "Far-Right" politicians. He's a hateful individual who preys upon vulnerable communities, and he and his family are a danger to everyone unlike him, white, Christian, heterosexual, and cisgender male. For his activities, he should be considered a domestic terrorist, but not enough people are aware of who, and how dangerous, he actually is.

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DIAMOND HANDZZZ :gem::raised_hands::gem::raised_hands::gem::raised_hands::gem:

Having watched I, Tonya yesterday, I accidentally turned my weekend into a Craig Gillespie twofer without knowing he directed both going in. What's shockingly apparent from this double feature is Gillespie's ability to give his movies an entertaining momentum; there's a punchy quality between these two movies that keeps the narrative flowing even when explaining stereotypically boring subject matter like shorting stocks and hedge fund terminology. While it doesn't match I, Tonya on a performance or technical level, as someone that watched this whole ordeal go down IRL and with a personal penchant for working class underdogs sticking it to the rich ruling class, this one was a much more enjoyable watch for me. It's not going to blow anyone away, but I'm very much a fan of these punchy drama reenactments of real life stories, and I hope Gillespie keeps making them for years to come.

Apes. Together. Strong.

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Like a bedtime story in a bank, Dumb Money is a fairy tale without the fairy tale ending.

This reddit version of The Big Short fed my 'Eat the Rich' appetite even if the ending isn't the just desserts I hungered for.

Still, this well made film filled in a lot of blanks about the Gamestop grassroots takeover of Wall Street, including the disappointing denouement. Like many, it was a fairy tale I really wanted to believe could come true.

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Enjoyable and well acted retelling of the story. Tendies all day. Funny and sobering at the same time. 7.4

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This was very entertaining, yet it also felt like there were some intriguing story lines that were a bit under developed. They could have done more with the Robinhood angle and explained market making, but what they did present was fun. This happened so recently that I didn't feel like it uncovered anything new or lesser known, but it was a nice revisit of things. Maybe not quite hard enough on the entrenched financial institutions and mechanisms that hurt the retail investor...but I also don't think it wanted to be a "hard-hitting" just wanted to retell a weird footnote in history story.

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It’s a fucking shame that nothing happened to those fucking hedge funds. I forgot money talks tho

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This movie is really a nice little piece of storytelling. Its not always easy to tell a story that is based on real events, but recent movies such as this one and Blackberry really stand out. It captured the events as they happened, but where it really shined is the portrayal of the real-life people that were part of the events.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Rated a Connor 5, normal 7

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I'm going to check this out if the world has ended.

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I enjoyed it. I didn't understand all the stock talk, but still enjoyed it.

I could tell this was made in mind for both sides to enjoy, those who are aware of the incident and those who don't.

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Dumb Money tells an interesting story. I mostly enjoyed the cast and felt invested in many of the characters. It just needed more humor to rise to the next level. It's a good one-time watch.

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Roaring Kitty here. I’m going to pick a stock and talk about why I think it’s interesting. And that stock is GameStop.

I remember following this in real life and thinking it was so crazy but I wasn't sure how it all began. Dumb Money tells a funny story about how it all went down but I wouldn't say it is as jaw dropping as something like The Big Short.

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Pretty average film all around. My expectations may have been a bit higher considering the cast involved but it was just ok.

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Pete Davidson co-stars as himself

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A good primer on what happened with Gamestop. Big Names are involved in the project too, but in the end, it left me asking for more. The movie did not venture into opinions of any kind, it somewhat walked on the edge of a feature film and a documentary.

They had a chance to go deeper into why this was possible and opine on how this could be avoided. Breaking companies by market movements is such a terrifying idea. We already moved beyond the underlying asset. I am also reading 1984 now, the dystopian elements of the control were amplified in my head.

Paul Dano is amazing at the portrayal of a guy who starts as a single investor without much backing and then eventually gets summoned in front of a government body. He still holds on with its people.

Overall it is a decent watch as a history lesson for facts. Not a lot of takeaways.

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A long, cringe, well explained yet confusing story. Really tried to give us the most information possible, which I love. I don't know if it was my link, so i won't hold it up to them, but the audio volumes are terrible. The dialogue is cheesey. The production was too clean. Some acting and most soundtrack, on the other hand, was really good. Overall, it's clearly had thinking, time, and money put into it, which I saw. But it also has a head bangingly, active, arrogant, hostile, cringe vibe, which I felt.

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This story is not over. The screenplay of this movie was based off a biased book named the anti social network written by a corrupt wallstreet author. If you want to learn more about the actual events go watch all DFV's congressional testimony the dates he doubled and quadrupled down after his congressional testimony in February and April. You can find his final posts on reddit and also Visit DRSGME dot org to learn why the direct registration system is important. Market Makers abuse stocks the same way fractional reserve banks and the federal reserve abuse the money supply. There is no true free market and price discovery if theres not a fixed supply.

Theres a whole library of due diligence to comb through on Superstonk. DFV is still holding to this day he went silent because they sued his employers for 4 million summer of 2021 after he doubled and quadrupled down on the stock after the Congressional hearing.

The Squeeze has not Squoze.

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I lived this. Made money, and lost some too, on paper (Still holding :gem::raised_hands_tone2:) activist-trading meme stonks during the battles of early 2021 :rocket:. All the while scanning r/wallstreetbets and watching Roaring Kitty’s live streams every chance I got. This movie doesn’t even come close to the thrill of that small period of time when we scared the bejeezus out of Wall Street. :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:

It’s not a bad movie. Maybe if I watch this again after 10 years, when my lived experience is a distant memory, I might enjoy it. If I do, I’ll come back and update this comment, in 2033.

PS: Shailene Woodley is getting very attractive in her newer movies.

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This was better than I thought it was going to be and Paul Dano is a huge part of that. It doesn’t quite hit The Social Network heights it aiming for and probably would have benefited from being made much later after the events.

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The movie seemed good till I realized that in every break in the movie which was frequent they piped in music that was 40 times louder than the dialogue was previously. I didn't care for the music but could have gotten past that if they didn't seem to think it was so important to rattle my teeth with it. I love, love loud music - I have neighbors that can attest to that but it has its place and for me this wasn't it.

Shame because otherwise the movie had good acting and I know there was some history here so it had my interest for a time.

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It's okay. Worth the watch. Not great but not mediocre. It's fine.

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I wish someone would have told me about the absolutely putrid ghetto trash music queues this film likes to spring on the viewer. It's not even in any way clever or relevant, or cheeky—it's just debased and crude, ironically from another conspiracy by elites to enable and anchor African American culture and everyone born after a certain point into self-defeating ignorance and degeneracy after the rap of the 1990s started bringing up legitimate grievances and social issues in the Black, urban communities, and systemic problems in the American social and carceral system. Can't have social awareness! That's bad for control of the peons.

Anyway, this story isn't over, but my attempt to watch this film is. It wasn't for me, anyway. I already know the thesis and am ready for this rocket to blow.

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Roaringkitty is back again ,tell a friend. But seriously he has appeared again and this was never over, will be interesting few weeks/months ahead of us.

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i dug the movie but i have absolutely no idea how anyone who didn't at least somewhat follow this story would understand it and all the memes and internet culture/jokes in addition to the financial side of it

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I thought it was very entertaining for someone like me, who knows nothing about how Wall Street works.
It's directed like The Social Network and even the score is reminiscent of it.
The cast is stacked.

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