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Dumb Money 2023

DIAMOND HANDZZZ :gem::raised_hands::gem::raised_hands::gem::raised_hands::gem:

Having watched I, Tonya yesterday, I accidentally turned my weekend into a Craig Gillespie twofer without knowing he directed both going in. What's shockingly apparent from this double feature is Gillespie's ability to give his movies an entertaining momentum; there's a punchy quality between these two movies that keeps the narrative flowing even when explaining stereotypically boring subject matter like shorting stocks and hedge fund terminology. While it doesn't match I, Tonya on a performance or technical level, as someone that watched this whole ordeal go down IRL and with a personal penchant for working class underdogs sticking it to the rich ruling class, this one was a much more enjoyable watch for me. It's not going to blow anyone away, but I'm very much a fan of these punchy drama reenactments of real life stories, and I hope Gillespie keeps making them for years to come.

Apes. Together. Strong.

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