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Dave Chappelle: The Closer 2021

We kept waiting for the moment where he said the badstuff. I guess we were to busy laughing. I heard nothing bad. Grow a sense of humour :)

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Added this to my watch list this weekend, because it seems to have triggered the Leftist cancel mobs. So it must be good! :joy::joy::rofl: :ok_hand_tone3:

Update: This is Dave Chappelle’s best work IMHO. Every call out about that racist, marxist movement is 100% correct. This is a must watch, for any rational thinker.

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I think those that are rushing to cancel him either didn’t watch the full show or were looking for something cancel him for before going in. Was it his best body of work? I don’t think so, but is it still worth the watch? Definitely. He does focus on identity politics a lot throughout but given recent events and interactions he’s had it’s understandable. A solid watch! I’m glad Netflix are sticking by him!

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This was an easy 10. It was so funny and the first special to make me, a grown white man, cry. Hysterical and prophetic. Piece of history.

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This is Dave at his best. Taking a break on a high note for sure.

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I see a lot of BS comments from folks with hurt feelings. obviously you lack the common sense to really get Dave's jokes. that's cool. I loved it.

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Shout by Pete
BlockedParent2021-10-08T06:12:18Z— updated 2022-10-22T05:55:30Z

Takes no prisoners. Hilarious, touching & brutal. Really at the top of his game here. Phenomenal. 9.0

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You either love him or hate him, there's no real in between with him. The thing is: one needs to understand his way of storytelling and sarcasm and cerebral deep diving he does to dissect human behavior/thinking. If one takes what he says at the surface level, one will likely be "offended" because one does not understand his perspective and one will cast him aside as an "ist" of all ilks. It behooves those who want to watch his sets to do their homework, find interviews with him explaining his comedy and then watching with a humble and open mind, no expectations.

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I had to shift this up my viewing priorities because he said the LGBTQ community gets triggered too easily and it triggered the LGBTQ community. Get it while it's available!

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The stand up comedian space is a sacred one. He deals with the fallout in an eloquent, crude and funny way just as anyone should. The fact this man has been put through the ringer is an indication that society itself has changed and not for the better. Once comedy dies you might as well say goodbye to any form of rational discourse.

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I wish it was as funny as it was supposedly offensive watch though

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Some people are way too sensitive when they misunderstand a joke about their identity.
Pro tip : when Dave Chappelle mentions a transphobic joke... he is making a joke that is roasting the transphobic act, obvious to some and too confusing to others, I believe the people who try to blindly attack him for his so called "edgy jokes" are either too stupid to understand, or maybe they lack the ability to detect sarcasm

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I'll watch anything Dave puts out ; knowing this will be his last special for awhile was very saddening. Though, it sure did not lack on laughter

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“You gotta get off the bus and walk!”

While there are plenty of jokes told, Dave goes down a dark and personal journey that ends in a sad but beautiful story about Daphne Dorman. Also, Rest In Peace Norm McDonald.

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Jokes apart the live crowd was pretentious. This show wasn't even funny.

Dave is transphobic. Good, that he admits this by himself. He definitely lacks empathy for trans-people.

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It's time to Relax and just laugh at ourselves again.
Thank you Dave for starting to push the envelope open!

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This isn't his best work.

This was personal for him and something he felt he had to do.

It isn't, however, high on laughs. As a consequence of needing to clear his chest and speak to criticisms, it feels drawn out. And as somebody who does care either way about much of the subject matter, it felt labored.

It ends on a sad and poignant story. Chapelle's own feelings and the telling of the story came across - to me at least - as a touch contrived and had a vague whiff of insincerity lurking in there.

As a stand up special, this cannot stand next to something like Bill Burr's last 3 or Chris Rock's first 3 and be considered strong. It just isn't in the same ballpark.

Dave has made a resurgent career on speaking wisdom under the guise of stand up. Until now, he was excelling. This one just didn't tie together.


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This nigga do be funny but this wasn't as funny as I thought it to be

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I love Dave, I find him genius. But this is not his best.

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Yes Dave is the GOAT, but this was not his best. I would not watch this with an expectations. Only watch this when you are extremely I mean extremely bored. You are not missing out on anything.

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What is his point exactly? Being Black and transgender is not mutually exclusive, so no you cannot play the victim card after saying shit like "I'm team TERF." That is equivalent to saying "I'm team KKK." Gender is not a fact, sex is. Goddamn it Dave, you should know better than this.

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There's the odd laugh here and there but it's one of the most bigoted shows I've ever seen - and I don't mean that in a right-wing 'anti-white racism' kind of way.

The entire set is basically, 'As a minority I'm allowed to beat on all the other minorities!"

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extremely boring. what a waste of time. way..WAY worse than his comedy central days.

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I felt like I had to hurry up and watch this before someone tries to get it taken off Netflix

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I thought it was good. It is more of a commentary than a standup show.

For the first 30 minutes, he is making jokes, but then he goes into the issues and public criticism he has received from the transgender community. It seems like an honest take from his side, trying to explain his views and beliefs. Unfortunately, it seems the transgender community has taken this special as him trying to "have the last word". If you aren't okay with him talking about the subject for over an hour, while dropping some jokes throughout, then this won't be for you. In the end, I feel it does deliver a powerful message, that shows where he is coming from, whether you agree with his stance will likely vary between each person.

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Well it was what it says: Closure. Something was missing.

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