Review by No More Stories Are Told Today

Dave Chappelle: The Closer 2021

Overall, funny but offensive in some ways that are important, in others just mean. I also find it frustrating certain things seem to get more public attention than others. But the comments in general about trans people come off as the "crazy racist uncle" trope of yesteryear who Chappelle himself would mock when they'd excuse themselves by parading their one black friend as if it was an excuse.

I won't even attempt to excuse his mean spirited jokes about the trans community. Whilst his friend may have loved them it's still the sort of thing that wounds people enough to drive them to what I hope he doesn't wish on anybody else.

Some jokes didn't land at all for me, the "antisemetic" joke for instance. I don't get what was funny or offensive about it, probably because I just simply don't get what he's referencing, neither did my Jewish husband. Either way it seemed odd and out of place among everything else. It just made no sense to me at all.

All in all, my viewing experience is probably very different to that of someone who is trans. So I can't and don't think anybody other than trans people should be saying whether it's transphobic/offensive or not.

I'm very conflicted about this as I love Chappelle and feel awful about what happened to his friend. But I know that if he were a white man making the same kinds of jokes about a black person I would be upset, too.

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@d0l The alleged "antisemitic" joke is hard to miss. Dave talks about a plot-line for a movie based on aliens from outer space, in that plot-line those aliens are originally an ancient civilization from Earth which accomplished space travel and left planet Earth to colonize a new world. A few millennia later something went wrong in that new world and the Earth-aliens decided to return to their home-world, Earth, which was now populated by new civilizations. As a joke, average at best. Still a funny metaphor for the Israel-Palestine ordeal. There's nothing offensive about it.

In general, I haven't been keen on the latest specials by Dave. There are some funny bits, but they're the exception rather than the rule. The comedy is too political and although I like that he's one of the few comedians that aren't PC, I don't like that he expressly makes the topics political on purpose, even if he is right about the supreme hypocrisy that rules western society.

@ner0p I spoke about it later with my husband who indeed interpreted it as an Israel joke. It went entirely over my head at the time.

@d0l Probably the only good/accurate review here.
