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Civil War 2024

Probably the dullest, most boring, underwhelming, and unimaginative pile of shit I've seen this year.

Effects are gorgeous. Guns are loud. There are bullet casings everywhere. Blood where you expect it to be.

Otherwise it feels like I went to an abandoned mall and stood in exactly one place and didn't move for two and a half hours. There are absolutely no other redeeming qualities for this movie other than shock value and gore.

There is no plot. Nothing happens. There are no characters. It's just these photojournalists driving along, some jumpscare happens, they stop and take pictures, and repeat.

California and fucking TEXAS for some reason are the states that seceded. You never learn why they do so. There's no details into what's going on. It's just stop, take pictures, and leave.

Do not waste your money on this.

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Terribly human, for good and bad, Civil War does not shy away from the message it’s trying to portray. The military action sequences are some of the best I’ve ever experienced, and in IMAX each gunshot rang in my ears.

The music was anxiety inducing, even during the calm moments, we feel the characters stress and emotions.

Fantastic film. I wish there was more explanation and world building so we knew why the country was in this state, but I understand the directors decision not to muddy the waters of what he wanted to say.

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I've seen a fair share of bad movies in my life, but this one hardly even qualifies as a movie. It's so... empty, pointless, soulless. Just a weird experience devoided of any real emotion.

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I have to contradict most comments here, this is a great parable on civil war and current society, not a story about photojournalism. Those journalists acting as a tool, a train driving through the story to show the gruel reality there: total numbness, inhumanity and resignation about the people and circumstances of the conflict. Only glimpses of their background and feelings are shown, apart from fear. Nothing is questioned, morale is absent.

Garland leaves his usual void to fill in your thoughts and it is working brilliantly here. No one wants to wake up to a reality like this, but the way it is told is unsettlingly plausible.

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Stunning. Alex Garland take a bow. Nods to Black Hawk Down and Deliverance. Right up there with Apocalypse Now. I look forward to watching this again and again.

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I haven't seen this, but I've read enough about it to know that it's a giant waste of time. The writer/director chose to sell tickets rather than present an even semi-accurate picture of what's happening in America today. Only one side is comprised of white nationalists, neo-Confederates, Christo-fascists, and neo-Nazis who already once tried to overthrow the government, while having spent the past decade or so threatening civil war. Any comparison of the right and left is a false equivocation. Fighting against the fascism of the right is not the problem; the problem are the fascists. Yet, this film doesn't even begin to address any of this. In fact, they California and Texas teaming up, which is just a ridiculous proposal. This film is a pathetic excuse for what's actually occurring in the world.

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Shout by Mani D
BlockedParent2024-04-12T02:29:10Z— updated 2024-04-13T20:39:21Z

Hilariously, this is not a political film.

As a photographer, I was at the edge of my seat. Every shot was as if the cinematographer was looking right at me and said, here this shot's for you. I was immensely proud of Jesse becoming a photojournalist and also taking everything on a Nikon FA2. So many shots I would love to have taken myself. So many moments where I just felt like the right shot was taken. Moments where I felt myself whispering guidance to Jesse. And it pays off in the end where she becomes actualized.

As a psychologist, I knew what this was going to be the moment Jesse joined Lee's group. A death of an artist, a loss of innocence, and a look into passion of art and storytelling.

As person, I think this isn't for the lighthearted. Not for the ones looking for political intrigue or emotional punches. It's gory, it's raw, and it's just about the mind of an artist. The ppl behind me hated this film because it was boring. It was not an action movie. But for those who seek the stories of the human condition, this was a masterpiece.

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Unfortunately; this movie plot could come true. I'm not sure how to anticipate the release of this movie. Propaganda? Awakening?:thinking:

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Just saw the trailer and I had no idea Jesse Plemons is in it, I jumped out of the seat when he appeared. It's crazy how criminally underrated Jesse Plemons is as an actor, every time this man is on screen I get chills.

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People seem to be mislabeling this movie as “apolitical” because it doesn’t say “HEY THIS IS TRUMP!” or “LOOK AT THE BLUE STATES” or whatever but overall it is better for it. It shies away from being eye rolly and just presents a terrifying world at war and the people tasked with documenting it. I think the people upset about it “not picking a side” are the ones that think we are living this reality now and this movie is showing how things could be much worse.

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The film depicts the challenges that journalists face in spreading the truth in the midst of the conflict in Palestine. Despite being based in America, the film effectively conveys the fine line between reality and drama.

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Really enjoyed this film. Ending is very intense. The war is just another character in the movie that's still kind of mysterious in many ways. The film is definitely more focused on how the war is affecting people than the war itself.

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A Gripping Dystopian Thriller Reflecting on Divisive Extremism

"Civil War" (2024) is a gripping dystopian thriller directed by Alex Garland, following journalists racing across war-torn America to reach D.C. before rebel factions. Kirsten Dunst's haunting performance as battle-scarred journalist Lee encapsulates the film's somber tone, exploring the media's role in shaping narratives amidst societal collapse.

Garland balances the overarching narrative with intimate moments, while Hardy's cinematography contrasts brutal realities with fleeting beauty. Even if the visuals and action seems excruciatingly real and original, the pacing issues and soundtrack were uneven for the pulse of the film. The film basically caters to our imagination of a country in civil turmoil.

Watch or Not?
"Civil War" serves as a somber warning of a country torn apart by divisive rhetoric and political extremism. Not all cinema lovers will embrace the film based on war journalism and the deep meaning it intends to pass. If you are interested in media and journalism during wars, give it a try.

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This was the third movie I tried in one evening. I quit the first 2 because they were boring af and just kept watching this due to a lack of alternatives. It's well made, love Kirsten and still it's as boring as the other two... Not worth my time and full attention.

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Wow. Did not expect this. This was one impressive movie. I was expecting an average action movie with not so much of a story. What was I wrong. I loved how they worked with sound or the lack of sound in some scenes. Strong acting with great characters.

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Best film I’ve seen in years. A homage to photo journalism and humanity.

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I’ll need to give this a second watch, but my gut reaction is: I thought it was well done. Cinematography was utterly gorgeous and I think I like the fact they didn’t make it too political as this is obviously a touchy subject for my friends south of the border.

Very disturbing in some spots and the characters didn’t evolve much (at all?) but I think that’s what made it work.

It almost felt like an episode of the first season of the walking dead, minus the zombies.

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As a non American a lot of context passes me by. While I don't generally appreciate American adventure movies, this one does because of all those brilliant photojournalistic snapshots that give a greater global human weight to the biographies of the photographers that this movie is really about. I'm slightly overwhelmed with thoughts and references to stuff I haven't thought of in years.

Also Silver Apples and Suicide. And Kirsten Dunst only gets better as the years go by. I don't even

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What an absolute piece of overrated tripe! Starting with the extremely deceiving trailer, really terrible dialogue (sounds like they are having a brain seizures), zero chemistry between the actors, and the very very thin and boring plot. Garbage.

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I'll get straight to the point. It's actually nice, but very classic and a bit boring. The acting is good. I was guessing what would happen in the future in almost every scene of the movie. Watchable but a little boring. Anyway, thank you for your efforts.:thumbsup:

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some people think it's gonna be full blown* this is more of a perspective of a handful of journalists. watch and you won't regret it.


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this was fine, a nice one watch and never come back sorta of thing.

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Well, that was pretty rough. Since I haven't watched any trailers or looked up info on movies in years, I was completely surprised. I like how the movie doesn't give you the option to pick a side at all. We don't know why the Civil War started or who the bad guy is. We just see the conflict through the eyes of (sometimes overly) impartial war photographers. And it's pretty crazy. This is what it could look like and I hope it never happens.

Btw: the sound is extremely good!

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If I had not read the description of the film, I would not have understood at all what the film was about, who was who, I almost fell asleep, for a narrow circle of the genre

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This was a pretty good movie where they followed war photographers. They hinted at the reason for the civil war without getting super political about it, which I think was actually a good move.

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Not a bad movie, I was expecting a little more actionand maybe a little more closure, but it's worth watching

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Alex Garland is a gem in the movie making world, and this one caught me off guard. It was a total departure from his usual sci-fi inspired content, but possibly more thought provoking! Easily one of the strongest movies of the year so far!

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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My heart was pounding through the last portion. Someone else called it terribly human and I think that's spot on. Draw whatever conclusions you want from it, that's what art is. But don't fool yourself into thinking people aren't fully capable of every moment of this film.

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I saw the complaints about the focus being too much on the photographer before watching the movie. Plus I never watch trailers so I guess that's why I'm not disappointed. If the the actual civil war were on the foreground, it could have been another generic action movie, like those London Has Fallen movies.

The only thing I disliked was that stupid, cliché sacrifice. I can't believe a writer as talented as Garland wrote that.

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I commend the ambition and creativity, but an apolitical stance on something that should be highly political is a bit of a letdown. It makes the entire thing seem hollow somehow. And yes, I know that the point is that war is bad for all sides. But saying something besides the safest talking point would have been far more refreshing and meaningful.

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Not realistic at all. You will never see a group of journalists following a platoon like this. Especially in the middle of a city surrounded by fighters. The use of a helicopter and tanks in the middle of the streets is nonsense.

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Not a fan, boring drama and suspense

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There’s the obvious civil war that is the backdrop of this movie. Then there is the civil war within the artist to tell a story versus being consumed by it.

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Far more boring than the trailers would have you believe.

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Good storyline, with some gruesome scenarios. Good action, but probably more for the American audience. It's not the best but an interesting story about the Photographers and photos journalists involved in the visual picture stories of conflicts at home and abroad.

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Very engaging, tense at times drama from Alex Garland.

He's deliberately made the film apolitical with no clear good guys and bad guys, and while this works for some scenes (the Winter wonderland scene, which is as grim as it is funny), there's no real emotional attachment as a result. Which is the point - we root for the photojournalists covering the story. But how did we get to the brink of civil war? Maybe Garland's point is that it really doesn't matter which side you are on, when there's no one left with any morals to judge who was on the right side of history.

It's a little tropey at times, but I was engaged throughout, and yes Jesse Plemons is one of the best in the biz at playing that cold, detached psychopath.

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No character build up at all.No back story. I didn't care if the characters lived or died.Just a sequence of boring action sequences building up to a finale in DC, by which time I was nearly asleep.

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Dull movie. Never really got going.

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Wasted an 1:49 of my life! Dont waste yours, too.

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Incredible. The photography and cinematography was purely incredible. The plot was slow but extremely raw. A lot of people want more backstory, but we weren't asked to choose a side. We were asked to be witnesses, like the journalists. If you want a backstory, then switch on your tv. A million and one reasons will flood over you. The acting was atrociously good, and to pair us up with such a different cast was genius. The score and sfx was heart-beat skipping, and the vfx, locations, and editing was breathe-takingly beautiful.

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I wasn't impressed.
The characters had no depth and the story was disappointing.
It starts off well but then falls off a cliff in my opinion.
There are better documentaries from real war correspondents out there..

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If you're American you might find it interesting and intriguing, nothing special about the movie, and the third act was dumb

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Wasn't what I expected but I did enjoy it never the less

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Lots of comments and low ratings by people who didn't comprehend the film...

This is a dark and gritty take on war journalism, set in a fictional timeline not too different from ours. This was mainly to avoid the audience interpreting it as a political message. They make this abundantly clear in the first few minutes when Texas and California are both on the successionist side.

Civil War would have earned a 9/10 from me, but got bumped down to 8/10 due to how unfathomably fake and immersion-breaking the "sacrifice" scene was (intentionally vague to avoid spoilers). So much attention to detail throughout the film, and then such a sloppy delivery of one of the most impactful moments.

Otherwise, there was a high level of polish from start to finish. The acting, effects, and cinematography were all top notch.

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Needed a little more meat on these bone.

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I was expecting a "what if" film of a Civil War, still enjoyed it

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Much like the photographs captured by the central journalists, multiple shots throughout Civil War are truly captivating; a layered work of subtle world building with few exposition dumps that feels gripping and strangely real. Some will lament the movies restraint in political message, but as a boots-on-the-ground thriller about the mindset of vulturine journalists all preying for the singular photograph to summarise complicated human conflict, it delivers in spades. Toothless for those after a scathing political piece, but an abrasive, character-led thriller for everyone else.

You've already heard how good the Plemons scene is, I'd argue that it's worth the price of admission by itself.

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they want more money for piles of shhh like this. I'm so disappointed in this movie. horrible acting, writing,music in unnecessary parts, pukile of shhhhh

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Worst movie ever! I do not recommend it at all!!!

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Civil War (2024) - :heart:x7

This is not a war movie!
This is a movie about the Press reporting on a war that happens to be in our backyard. And it's about the Human condition. About life and death. It's about endings and new beginnings.
Director Garland did a great job creating an eerie atmosphere - both visually and with the score/soundtrack. This movie is just a tiny glimpse of the horrors of war.

It is worth watching.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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War is bad, Americans are stupid, and media cares about nothing other than getting you to watch what they produce.Didn't need a $50 million movie to tell me that.

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I must give a 5/10 because there are many flaws. This movie is more about how a war may look like in America and the story of two photographers. But the biggest flaw in the Movie is the so called Western Alliance, California allied with Texas, laughable.

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Ok we are in the middle of a civil war and thats it. If you go into this movie looking for a hero or feel good when it is finished, this is no for you. To be honest, this movie is kind of scary. LISTEN TO THE MESSAGES IN THIS MOVIE. Yes, it is a MUST WATCH!

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This movie exposes the essence of humanity in moments and details, the good and the bad. Unfortunately for us, much more in the bad.

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Brutally bad, bad title,casting, bad action, bad story.

In what world do press go into front lines with helmets. Never mind being the very front of the front lines.

Film shouldn't have been called civil war as misleading when film was about war press photographers having mid life crisis.

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Actually impressed with how boring this turned out to be. Marketing scum wins again.

I might have actually liked it if they didn't make me expect something completely different...

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Could’ve been so much better. Lots of potential. Felt like a circle jerk for journalism in the context of much more important topics. It had the potential to be a character piece, but between the bad writing and inconsistent acting, it doesn’t even do that well.

The music and intensity is all this has going for it. War never changes. Here’s what war in America might be.

But there’s no way a photographer would be given that priority on the battle field, intentionally.

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This was a great watch. An apocalyptic setting where America is deep in a civil war, yet the politics were never brought into the story. Just the raw events and the human condition. It was beautifully shot. The final act was high-octane military action. I loved it.

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Intense. Beautifully shot. Really makes use of the sound design. Was ear piercing/gorgeous w Dolby atmos/vision combo for an at home viewing. There's a lot of missing pieces, but it nails the in your face chaos of war. This one leaves a mark. 8.0

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Predictable and laughable. Who could have seen the cold grizzled veteran photographer turning into a scared child, while the petrified newbie becomes fearless in a matter of days?! The young fearless photographer is directly responsible for her hero's death... SHOCKER! -"Would you photograph my death?" Whoa!! What a plot twist! I love how Dunst pushes the young photographer out of the way from the imminent gunfire and then just stands there and waits to get shot in the back. Then once she collapses from being shot multiple times, not one member of the press even checks on her. The movie had potential, but the writing got stupid and lazy in the most crucial parts.
Lots of head shaking and eye rolling to be had in this one

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This movie definitely has some good and interesting ideas and topics sprinkled throughout it. I can't help but feel like by staying so apolitical though, this movie didn't have a huge reason for being made in the first place. Overall, some good messages, but as a whole felt a little shallow.

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This is how the world has changed sice Facebook started. Countries are divided, regimes are falling and people are fighting each other in so many countries.

It just feels unrealistic to many people to imagine the same thing could happen in the United States. But if social media companies are not held accountable, it’s not a question of if, but when. They will keep dividing society for profit.

Because people fighting in post comments mean more time spent on the networks meaning more commercials shown meaning more profit. That’s what their business is all about and that’s where populists come in taking advantage of this attitude and dividing society even more.

Civil war is not really about photographers, it’s just a picture about the sad reality to which we are heading. Unfortunately I don’t really see any possibility of us changinge the narrative. Really good and thought provoking movie.

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There´s a lot of hint on which side is which, and i have an idea about it, but that's beside the point.great movie about human condition and journalism.

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Trailer shows a very different movie.. just waisted an hour of my time (not watching it further)

The movie shows what it wants to show very good. The acting is fine. But not my type of movie, what’s fine. But the trailer mislead me into thinking otherwise..

If I could a have back story, like wtf happened and all. I would like this movie more. Now it’s just watching some people with a camera make photos of dead and injured people. Not my cup of thee thx.

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Civil War shows powerful story that spark deep conversations. It focuses on themes and characters without being preachy. It's not about how the war started. Instead, the film goes beyond politics and dehumanization, highlighting war journalism, the tough choices of those who risk their lives to tell important stories, and the personal changes needed for such difficult work.

The complex characters and intense cinematography and sound create a gripping and shocking viewing experience. It's a tribute to a profession often forgotten, but equally a challenge for viewers to reflect on critical issues in contemporary society.

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I've gotten more story from the back of a cereal box then this movie.

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Alex Garland is one of my favorite writers / directors, and this is an absolute masterpiece.

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Not at all what I thought this film would be. Here I was thinking it would be a typical apocalypse type film going into detail about the civil war plot and following a group of activists, but instead it follows closely a group of journalists on the front lines as they travel to the heart of it all to get a story from a main source. There is very little about whats going on around them and more on the importance of taking photos and getting full info from the scene and how beauty can be found in anything. This is more of a artistic piece that portrays amazing filming and slow motion impact moments.

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The title and the poster are.. a bit misleading, IMO :sweat_smile: Nonetheless, liking the focused story-framing while providing a slight depiction of a more-likely-than-not eventual situation.

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Photographers risk their lives to take a picture of Hitler Ron Swanson - highly recommend

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Civil War does not care that you guys are calling it an apolitical one, because it’s not interested in exploring partisanship, especially when it does not, for one moment, stay neutral on the matter of war journalism

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"There is no version of this that isn't a mistake. I know. Because I'm it."

Some of the song choices were whack, but driving through the burning forest to "Breakers Roar" had me crying.

Don't miss the credits. That photo... chills.

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The film, although set in a context of armed conflict, deviates from the traditional war theme to focus on war photojournalists, promoting a perspective on the work of such professionals. Through a series of small scenes, the director seeks to compose a portrait of these professionals' actions on the battlefield without declaring the reasons for the war or identifying the sides involved.

Each scene, individually, is well-executed, standing out for the quality of cinematography and an immersive sound work that amplifies the tension. However, these scenes, although effective individually, fail to come together cohesively. The result is a film that seems less than the sum of its parts. The main problem with the film is a lack of depth.

Although technically well-produced, particularly in terms of audio, the film falls short of a deeper approach, which could have elevated it from a mere display of impactful scenes to a truly impactful work.

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The film, although set in a context of armed conflict, deviates from the traditional war theme to focus on war photojournalists, promoting a perspective on the work of such professionals. Through a series of small scenes, the director seeks to compose a portrait of these professionals' actions on the battlefield without declaring the reasons for the war or identifying the sides involved.

Each scene, individually, is well-executed, standing out for the quality of cinematography and an immersive sound work that amplifies the tension. However, these scenes, although effective individually, fail to come together cohesively. The result is a film that seems less than the sum of its parts. The main problem with the film is a lack of depth.

Although technically well-produced, particularly in terms of audio, the film falls short of a deeper approach, which could have elevated it from a mere display of impactful scenes to a truly impactful work.

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Good in terms of cinematography, lacking in terms of politics. I felt the title and trailers were very misleading, painting the movie about a political dive into a country that's divided. Thats not what this movie is. Rather, it's more a road trip film through a war torn America (for the movie's purpose it could literally be any war). The shots and scenes were striking and sharp. The characters were decent. But by the end it kinda felt it was lacking a message, leaving only a vague feeling that the movie treats journalists as heroes, and violence of any kind as bad, with an unspoken statement of "always just fall in line with the establishment no matter what because conflict bad" which is politically tone deaf in 2024. The premise of the film had really set it up to be an interesting political dive into the often unclear lines in politics. Instead we got a character biopic praising journalists. It's a solid film regardless though.

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Alex Garland is a filmmaker who is masterful at his craft. He knows exactly what emotion to wring from you and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat. It gripped me, it gripped my humanity and made me look at what humans could do when all rules have been thrown out the window. We are a vile, vile species and what we do to each other is disgusting.
Beautifully shot too. Some shots look like photographs, exactly when a photograph is being taken. When an actual photograph is being shown, it adds to the tension.
We're only shown how these 4 journalists experience it, everyone else is just passing through. And these guys are brave. If that is really how they act, out there in war zones, my god.
I love movies that can make me feel something besides just entertainment. To enact an emotion from me that is not just pure awe at technological adeptness of the medium, but to show me with mesmerizingly neutral yet horrendous content is daring. I am so happy films like this are still being made.

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Alex Garland is a filmmaker who is masterful at his craft. He knows exactly what emotion to wring from you and the entire time I was on the edge of my seat. It gripped me, it gripped my humanity and made me look at what humans could do when all rules have been thrown out the window. We are a vile, vile species and what we do to each other is disgusting.
Beautifully shot too. Some shots look like photographs, exactly when a photograph is being taken. When an actual photograph is being shown, it adds to the tension.
We're only shown how these 4 journalists experience it, everyone else is just passing through. And these guys are brave. If that is really how they act, out there in war zones, my god.
I love movies that can make me feel something besides just entertainment. To enact an emotion from me that is not just pure awe at technological adeptness of the medium, but to show me with mesmerizingly neutral yet horrendous content is daring. I am so happy films like this are still being made.

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I'll probably expand this later, but for now I think the movie was good. The cinematography sound design are all excellent. but I think the hunt was a better movie. I think this movie's attempt to maintain an apolitical stance hurt it. not in the box office obviously. but it makes the movie somewhat of a confusing mess. whereas The hunt while satirical is somehow more clear in its messaging.

I think I heard that. Jesse plemons Cameo was done as a favor to his wife. because no one else wanted to. but having seen the scene, I'm not sure why it's not that bad

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This beautifully shot and expertly edited love letter to journalists and their craft is filled end-to-end with moments of stand-out cinema. Not a single performance feels an iota less than perfect in this departure from director Alex Garland's usual hyper-surrealist style that nevertheless fits snugly into his established filmography. A24's latest hit is undoubtedly the best new film I've seen so far this year

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This beautifully shot and expertly edited love letter to journalists and their craft is filled end-to-end with moments of stand-out cinema. Not a single performance feels an iota less than perfect in this departure from director Alex Garland's usual hyper-surrealist style that nevertheless fits snugly into his established filmography. A24's latest hit is undoubtedly the best new film I've seen so far this year

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This beautifully shot and expertly edited love letter to journalists and their craft is filled end-to-end with moments of stand-out cinema. Not a single performance feels an iota less than perfect in this departure from director Alex Garland's usual hyper-surrealist style that nevertheless fits snugly into his established filmography. A24's latest hit is undoubtedly the best new film I've seen so far this year

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This beautifully shot and expertly edited love letter to journalists and their craft is filled end-to-end with moments of stand-out cinema. Not a single performance feels an iota less than perfect in this departure from director Alex Garland's usual hyper-surrealist style that nevertheless fits snugly into his established filmography. A24's latest hit is undoubtedly the best new film I've seen so far this year

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9

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Waste of time, no story, designed for 12 yr old boys shoot'em up

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Empty, completely empty of story, dialogues that have no influence on the development of anything, the film does not convey the chaotic atmosphere of war, it is empty even in that aspect. The weak direction brought completely disconnected and unnecessary scenes, sometimes it seemed like I was watching a film about another subject. The performances are weak and caricatured. Apart from two or three scenes, it is a completely disposable film.

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No need for Reviews, comments, opinions, meanings! This Movie is just 'necessary'. Periodt.

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This is the first movie from Alex Garland that I watched in IMAX. I enjoyed Ex Machina and Annihilation, so I was expecting some good and out of the mainstream trend.

But OMG, amazing cinematography and one of the best, if not the best, sound mixing for gunfight scenes.
Alex Gaarland is joining Nolan, as directors whose movies I always watch in IMAX.

On a side note, this is one of the few movies that I remember where the character development supersedes the plot.

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The movie is not a bad movie. But it’s not about a Civil War. The marketing was very misleading.

It’s a movie about war photographers and being detached from what’s happening. It’s a movie about not getting involved.

Now I want to actually watch a movie about American Civil war set in modern times, cause this wasn’t it.

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"No one's giving us orders, man. Someone's trying to kill us. We're trying to kill them."

Quite literally the scariest movie I've ever seen.

I feel like you can always recognize a writer-director. Alex Garland's vision is so confidently realized here. Masterfully constructed all around, from the cinematography to the sound design to the outstanding performances.

I was struck by the way Garland advances his story and lends it weight using tiny, understated moments that hit me like a punch to the gut:

"300 Canadian."
"Florida. Central America."
The two star flag of the WF
Lee deleting the photo of Sammy

I never call a movie important, but I think this one might be.

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It shys away from anything political, which normally is okay but in a movie about a modern day civil war it just doesn’t work. The most political thing in the movie is the narration at the beginning, which intentionally explains nothing. It is a visually stunning movie and probably the best gunfights I have ever seen in any movie, but lacks in everything else

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Great movie that is essentially a character study of journalists is war time. Fantastic performances from the lead actors - particularly Kirsten Dunst and Cailee Spaeny.

As a person who is not American, it was scary and unsettling to think that whilst this is a fictional film an event like this could easily come to pass.

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