Review by Adam Purvis

Civil War 2024

This was a great movie. Cinematography was top tier and extremely well acted. Reminded me a bit of the old video game, "Beyond Good & Evil"

I went in having not watched the trailers and I was pleasantly surprised at the complete lack of political commentary. I enjoyed that it had its own conflict and world, rather than being a political commentary on Left vs Right, which definitely could have been an angle to build a movie around in today's USA.

Characters felt real, and the world building was incredible. I loved how they captured the tranquility and prosperity of American life in the background of the chaos. It hit that this is not too different to the current USA today, just that the violence has not overtly bubbled to the surface as much as it has in the movie.

Some great moments ($300 CAD being worth a ton for gas, while the $300 USD has hyperinflated due to the conflict.

The scene with Jesse Plemons and the friendly journalists in the car when he kills both of them was intense, but the dialogue was a bit off.

There were some pacing issues in this movie, namely the conversations between Lee & Jessie. I felt these interactions were forced and inauthentic - they were a bit angsty and corny on a first watch, but in hindsight I feel better about them - it was all foreshadowing for the final scene, which was masterfully executed.

I liked how it ended, although I was hoping Joe would have got his interview before they executed the President.

This is almost a 9 for me, but pacing and dialogue issues in some moments downgrade it to an 8.

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