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Chappaquiddick 2018

A solid movie focusing on a terrible incident. The acting overall is pretty great. Jason Clarke is a pretty underrated actor and can be great in the right roles. Ed Helms and Jim Gaffigan both give really good performances in non comedic roles. The pacing is pretty good, it kept my attention the entire movie. The story is still relevant to today's society. Overall worth a watch but nothing ground breaking.

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I rather enjoyed 'Chappaquiddick'.

I wasn't actually aware of the real life situation before now, my American political knowledge doesn't delve too deep to be honest; so therefore I have no idea how much of it is accurate, I'm sure it's mostly opinion vs. opinion as always with these type of productions. What I can say, though, is that it's a pretty good film.

Jason Clarke is impressive as Ted Kennedy, my opinions of Clarke differ based on a few performances but this is one of the best I've seen from him. I connected to his character, his delivery is spot on throughout.

Ed Helms, who it's pleasing to see something different from, works well in the role of Joe, but Jim Gaffigan (Paul) feels a little out of place in a couple of scenes. It would've been nice if the rest of the cast were more memorable, only Clancy Brown's Robert instantly springs to mind.

Loved the cinematography thoroughly, the dialogue is strong while it captures the gravity of events impeccably. It's a film that is certainly worth your time.

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I'm really struggling to give this film a higher score. It's excellently done, the slow tension is magnificent, the music is memorable, and Jason Clarke is one of my new favorite actors. John Curran nails the slow-burn vibe I crave. My chest was heavy the minute the car flipped into the water, up 'til the end titles. The 1970's production design, layering on top the acting from the entire cast is terrific. It's not an epic like JFK, that leaves the audience questioning the events long after they've left the theater, but it gets the job done. I think the one set-back I feel with Chappaquiddick is length. What brilliant presentation we're given is undercut by a short story. Some of you could say that's good, I loved what was done and just wanted more, but I seriously think the run-time hurts my overall satisfaction. Just twenty minutes more could bump this up. I still love what was done, ignoring this personal qualm. The sense of loss and personal connection to Ted Kennedy you feel throughout the film is exquisite. Definitely check it out, just expect a short, but good story.

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Based on a true story, Chappaquiddick is a powerful political drama. The story follows a weekend party hosted by Senator Ted Kennedy on Chappaquiddick Island during which he got into a car accident that killed a young girl who was riding with him, and the ensuing cover-up and battle within the Kennedy family on how to handle the situation. Starring Jason Clarke, Ed Helms, Kate Mara, and Bruce Dern, the cast is quite impressive and gives some good performances. And surprisingly the film doesn’t whitewash the events; showing the political wheeling and dealing behind the scenes. Yet it also shows the moral questioning and personal struggle Ted Kennedy goes through. Additionally, the sets and costumes are really well-done, and feel authentic to the time period. A fascinating biopic, Chappaquiddick is extraordinarily compelling and provocative.

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Fascinating story, and one in which I knew little about. And perhaps its one we all know little about, because hey, the version presented to the public in 1969 may be the elaborate coverup that was alluded to in the film.A good film, with an excellent performance by Clarke as Teddy Kennedy, the catalyst for the ensuing s**t storm after the accident.

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Shout by Deleted

Didn't see it as of yet

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