Shout by r96sk

Chappaquiddick 2018

I rather enjoyed 'Chappaquiddick'.

I wasn't actually aware of the real life situation before now, my American political knowledge doesn't delve too deep to be honest; so therefore I have no idea how much of it is accurate, I'm sure it's mostly opinion vs. opinion as always with these type of productions. What I can say, though, is that it's a pretty good film.

Jason Clarke is impressive as Ted Kennedy, my opinions of Clarke differ based on a few performances but this is one of the best I've seen from him. I connected to his character, his delivery is spot on throughout.

Ed Helms, who it's pleasing to see something different from, works well in the role of Joe, but Jim Gaffigan (Paul) feels a little out of place in a couple of scenes. It would've been nice if the rest of the cast were more memorable, only Clancy Brown's Robert instantly springs to mind.

Loved the cinematography thoroughly, the dialogue is strong while it captures the gravity of events impeccably. It's a film that is certainly worth your time.

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