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Bridge of Spies 2015

The combination of Spielberg's direction, Hanks' performance and the Coen Brothers' script makes for an awesome film.

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[Cuatro] Spielberg uses an excellent calligraphy that reflects double realities: the painting, the mirrors, the wall that separates and the bridge that unites, East and West, two for one... The sense of patriotism depends on the point of view, while Tom Hanks uses the Constitution to demonstrate that being an American is not a matter of origin, but of integrity. There are also many scenes that are repeated, but showing two results: the looks on the train, the jump over the fence... Life is full of double meanings

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Like almost everyone, I really like the works of Steven Spielberg and the acting of Tom Hanks (oh, except for reviewers who called this a "Dad movie"'s too bad you are limiting yourselves to missing a lot of classics based on your silly old guy filter). Together, these two guys are a can't miss duo. They have made some amazing films and "Bridge of Spies" is yet another. I don't know how I missed this. I knew it existed but it just never caught my attention.

This film looks amazing. The performances of Hanks and Mark Rylance are great. There isn't a lot of action, but the dialog and story are fantastic. The scenes near the East Berlin/West Berlin wall and the turmoil in the area was palpable. It felt as if Hanks's character was in constant danger. Spielberg's forced happy endings have bothered me at times but this one felt special and deserved.

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The very last scene on the train when he looks upon the kids jumping the fences of back gardens is so poignant, it's very clever with how it clearly is entwined with his recent memory of the man being shot for jumping a fence.

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So, the movie popped up on AmazonPrime Recommendations. Saw him Years ago, but man, this Movie aged so well.

I am from Germany, so it gives me insights that i never noticed or knew. Yeah, some parts are a little bit overexaggerted. Sometimes it has the "ForrestGump-All-Is-beautiful"-ness. But what the hell, i liked that.

It fits and i really like the overall tone of the movie.

Man, what a nice feel-good movie.

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Superb film!

I love 'Bridge of Spies'. Every angle of it, at least from my point of view, is expertly crafted. The score by Thomas Newman is outstanding, the onscreen talent bring their a-game while the story is extremely riveting. It lasts for 141 minutes, it felt like 90 minutes tops; it absolutely flies through its run time, at no moment did I feel anything close to bored.

Tom Hanks is brilliant in the lead role as Donovan, yet another great performance to add to his résumé. He rightly takes all the plaudits, but some must be left for Mark Rylance who is also brilliant as Abel. The support cast also more than pull their weight, too.

Undeniably worth your time. Not sure how much of it is historically accurate (sounds like most is?), I honestly don't really care as it's a great film - which is what we are all here for after all.

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A real decent film (word count)

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Hanks and Spielberg tackle a Cold War spy-exchange against the backdrop of a freshly-constructed Berlin Wall. As one might expect from these old masters, it's expertly-crafted and loaded with gravitas; a warm, motivated take on a surprisingly under-explored chapter of recent history. It does a great job of delicately re-evaluating popular sentiment and the bullish nature of post-war international relations, too, painting heroes and victims on both sides of the dispute. The plot is very linear, though, moving on a predictable set of rails from start to finish, and that can make it feel preachy when a few of the more heavy-handed themes briefly overstay their welcome.

A foundationally-strong, workmanlike offering, it's 50% desperately-uphill legal drama and 50% high stakes poker with a set of captive American souls as the ante.

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This should not have been characterized as a thriller. It was a straight-ahead depiction of a true and interesting story. The Coen brothers added a nice touch to the script.

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Ay!!!... there's some spies on that fuckin bridge over there! Dare ya to watch this again...nobody else has everrr bahahaha ppphhhffrrrrttt

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Well made movie, solid acting, and decent script. Story falls a little flat but still a good balance of drama, comedy, and suspense.

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This a solid movie with a great performance for Tom Hanks and Spielberg doing his thing again. Mark Rylance is really good too but it is a travesty that he beat Sylvester Stallone (Creed) for best support actor. The Coen brothers make the dialogue great. The movie really moves well. Not Spielberg's best but a solid entry in his filmography.

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The true story this movie is based on is a rather bland and irrelevant affair that i suspect was pulled from hollywood's "true story" bowl at random. Still, i was hooked by its well written plot that actually kept a nice pace and never slowed down. But the biggest problem this movie had was its cinematography. It was directed by the legendary Steven Spielberg yet it feels like a movie i'd see on the SciFi channel.

The film has so much bloom during the daytime scenes and Spielberg often makes the random choice of replacing windows with giant walls of artificial light. It literally reminded me of video games when the developer cant be bothered to create a biome outside of a building level, so they just make all of the windows in the building opaque with a fake light. And worst of all, the CGI was HORRENDOUS. This is coming from the same guy that made War Of The Worlds?? What the hell happened.

Tom Hanks was great, and the overall experience was decent but i don't get why this is being treated like a masterpiece when it felt more like a popcorn flick.

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Es americana y es lógico la presentación de los hechos desde su óptica, pero en conjunto es tendenciosa y eso lastra la película.

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Shout by Deleted

Absolutely awesome movie, Tom Hanks and Mark Rylance were superb..

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With Spielberg at the helm, and the All-American charm of Tom Hanks, this true story set in the Cold War has a warm and sentimental touch that may have been missing with another director and actor. I don't know how Hollywoodised the film is compared to the truth but it is a fine film.

And why hasn't Tom Hanks become President yet? He has such a trusting face and nice persona that surely he would be the perfect candidate. Sorry Donald - he would even beat you in a game of Top Trumps!

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Très belle histoire sur la guerre froide et les luttes entre les espions.

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Hank is the man for this roles. Superb... i would pay to view the movie about like a sequel with the negotiation in cuba.

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It's a little flat but not dragging, definitely not shallow, so yeah. it's a good movie. it doesn't matter what people think, you know what you did is right.

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Hanks, Cohen and Spielberg. Awesome movie. Makes you want to watch it again just in case you missed something...

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Spielberg and Hanks are still a winning ticket. Combine this with the brilliant camera of Janusz Kaminski and you get a masterpiece of filmmaking that isn´t driven by action and effect but rather by determination. I also really like Mark Rylance who played great alongside Hanks. You recognize the professionalism of those actors. Spielberg did great in capturing the feeling of the cold war era. I read here in the comments by someone who didn´t liked the portrayal of the Russians, how they are painted as the evil monsters that want to destroy America. Well, that´s how it was during the Cold War. And guess how the Russians painted Americans. So it´s period correct. I´m surprised about the Coen´s writing the script, too. Usually I´m not a fan of their work but I give them credit for what they´ve done here.

Hopefully there will be another Spielberg/Hanks movie in the future.

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It is undeniably a good movie, but could be better improved since the rhythm is so slow. I felt like half of the people on the cinema slept watching this.

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Shout by Deleted

Really good, Tom Hank's and Spielberg equals awesome.

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it's better than another Spielberg's movie --Lincon

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The movie starts very slow, it's mostly a typical lawer-meets-spystuff movie with a lot of talking. Still, I enjoyed the movie. Dont expect for any big time plot changes though, it's almost a documentary.

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Shout by Angela Mens

Watching this movie for the oscars best movie nomination. It was a great story and it had strong characters some humor elements and a lot of dialog, and sometimes it was a little bit preditable. The only action in it was about people getting shot trying to cross the Berlin Wall. If you're thinking about seeing a good action movie then this is not the movie for you.

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A good spy movie, I think I liked everything, the acting, the direction and the story. I'm not gonna say anything about Hanks, the guy is an excellent actor and we all know that, but about Rylance I have to, in every scene he was (and he was in very few) it was just engaging, even without saying too much, I liked it. Was dark, interesting and tense, everything that it has to have a spy movie.

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Spielberg + Hanks = Amazing!
This movie is so good.

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I heard it was a great movie but the beginning was a bit slow, but I do love the Tom Hanks in this role, as usual he performed fantastically. Spielberg did a great job with it but I felt that it should have been a little bit shorter it would have been more interesting.

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Excellent movie with Tom Hanks.

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"I'm not afraid to die, Mr. Donovan. Although, it wouldn't be my first choice."

Inspiring stuff. With all the hatred and suspicion in the world it's nice to see some people are just 'good people'

Material like this based on true events is always inspiring to me. Many owe their lives and freedom to Mr Donovan

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Don't expect action and james bond theme, this is a long spy drama and very boring one, oscar for best picture ? oh come on!

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Loved this movie, Tom Hanks and Spielberg and the spy, Mark Rylance did an amazing job. The script was tense and humorous.

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a fresh take on the cold war delivered by solid performances from both Hanks and Rylance + great visuals

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The story is great and the acting is brilliant. However, it's extremely boring. People started leaving the cinema right after the middle of the film. In addition, the main idea that 'those bad soviet-russian-guys are not even people, they're worse than animals, they'll torture you just because they don't like' and stuff, and at the same time Americans are clearly angels. That's a stupid cliche, which I personately can't stand.
The idea that you should always do what is actually right and don't think about yourself instead is wise, so I'd recommend this film to everyone who enjoys Spielberg's films.

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it was good, Tom Hanks Steven Spielberg + not disappoint, I was surprised that the screenplay is by the Cohen Brothers

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The perfect blend of humor and drama in a movie that never drags like it could have. The only downside was the way they played the Berlin CIA agent as pretty much a jerk. He could be an asshole without making him jerky.

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Of course, I had to check out Spielberg's new film to see where his skills have gone. Luckily, I was able to watch a pretty excellent addition to his filmography. Tom Hanks is as great as he always is in here, but the actor I really loved in this was Mark Rylance who plays the USSR spy. He was just so engaging in every scene he's in, even though he's incredibly subtle in what he does. The whole opening sequence with him keeps you locked in despite a lack of dialogue.

Pretty much everything about the movie is done well, but I do have just a bit of an issue with the length being pretty long. It kind of feels like there could have been two separate films from this, or that it would have been perfect for a two parter TV film or something. No biggie though, because everything packed in there is certainly worth your extra time.

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