Shout by FinFan

Bridge of Spies 2015

Spielberg and Hanks are still a winning ticket. Combine this with the brilliant camera of Janusz Kaminski and you get a masterpiece of filmmaking that isn´t driven by action and effect but rather by determination. I also really like Mark Rylance who played great alongside Hanks. You recognize the professionalism of those actors. Spielberg did great in capturing the feeling of the cold war era. I read here in the comments by someone who didn´t liked the portrayal of the Russians, how they are painted as the evil monsters that want to destroy America. Well, that´s how it was during the Cold War. And guess how the Russians painted Americans. So it´s period correct. I´m surprised about the Coen´s writing the script, too. Usually I´m not a fan of their work but I give them credit for what they´ve done here.

Hopefully there will be another Spielberg/Hanks movie in the future.

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