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Blade Runner 2049 2017

Saw it only once at a good theater, and was desperately nervous that it was going to suck. On purpose I had watched no trailers, had read no dirt, and had no idea about the plot other than what I had learned from watching the first film probably 10 times over the course of my life.

1.5 hours in I got nervous - shit is it gonna end soon? 2 hours in, I realized "Aw hell yeah, it's gonna be a 3 hour film!" 15 minutes before the end, I said "holy crap, i didn't expect that!". 5 minutes before the end I realized the conclusion, and I just rode it home. I need to see it again now a few times to soak it all up...

Really well done Villeneuve, bravo. So few sequels which come after a masterpiece, pay due respect to the first film. But based on this excellent work, and how the sound, texture and story was crafted, I'm ready for Blade Runner 2051. I am now desperate to see where the story goes from here... :D We can't wait so long this time!!!! (big grin)

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Brilliant movie true to the original in every way, from cinematography to the music score. Truly immersive. One of the best movies I watched in years.

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this was the best film ive watched on a movie theater this year

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Shout by Mex5150
BlockedParent2017-10-18T14:42:12Z— updated 2017-11-17T12:42:40Z

The film was actually really disappointing. As a film it was /OK/, but as a sequel to Blade Runner, it was terrible. There were some nice in-jokes and references, but overall low-brow junk masquerading as high-brow gold (it was directed by Villeneuve, so I really shouldn't have expected better, the only thing he's good at is making stupid people think they are clever). Everything seemed forced and unnatural. The plot was trite and cliched, and everything was very predictable. Totally a wasted opportunity ;^<

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Shout by Deleted

Greatest movie of the year. Visually stunning, deep, great characters, amazing sound.
A worthy successor of the first Blade Runner!

(don't expect an action-filled, dumb super-hero movie)

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Shout by Deleted

With no prejudice, unfortunately and despite I've read so many positive opinions and reviews, all typical worries of a sequel became true... such a slow, boring and empty script. I will give it the recreation of the atmosphere is well done but one can't help getting fidgety after a while. Very disappointing ☹☹☹

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It'll be a classic in the future.

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A solid sequel to a great scifi, Ryan Gosling played the role perfectly and smoothly. Really brought the feeling back of the original movie and I really enjoyed it, it is intense, a bit too hardcore for the general viewer and I can understand why people wouldn't like it, some people just get lost because it isn't your typical scifi movie.

Brought back a lot of memories but I am happy I watched the original last month before watching this.

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A cinematic masterpiece. Probably the best sci-fi film of the 21st century.

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Shout by harendane
BlockedParent2017-10-11T21:44:40Z— updated 2017-10-23T18:54:14Z

I'm pretty confident, that Blade Runner 2049 will take a place in my heart and in my memory as one of the best sequels I ever saw (+ ever produced (in my humble opinion)). In terms of storytelling it stays true to its predecessor and follows a similar pace. Some may find this slow or redundant, I found it absolutely stunning and atmospheric. Combined with its stellar audio-visual presentation and a great acting performance it forms a beautiful, oppressive atmosphere I highly recommend to anyone!
2D is sufficient though! Fantastic movie!

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Blade Runner 2049

Beautiful visual direction, every shot is a piece of art.
Thought provoking grand scheme but at the same time personal plot.
Stellar acting.
Leaves you wanting more.

Must be seen at the cinema.


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The most cinematic experience I've had since I was a kid. Beautiful, loud, intelligent and exhilarating.

I'm not sure I'd ever used the word 'enthralled' out loud before I walked out the cinema last night, but it was the only one I could get out my big grinning face.

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Let's be honest, Blade Runner didn't need a sequel, so when I heard a follow up was in production, I was a little worried. Would it be a cash-in? Will it tarnish the memory of the original? Well, I needn't have worried. The new film closely mirrors the original classic in theme, atmosphere, and story. It's complicated, but rewards those who are paying attention. Needless to say, this is one film that needs to be rewatched time and again, just like its predecessor. Is it a better film? No, I don't think so, but then it didn't have to be. The fact that it complements the original is good enough, and it may eventually gain classic status, as the first film did eventually.

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The Imax version is incredible ;)

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Desnecessário um filme tão longo, tão lento... Muito chato.

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Snooze. Sorry, too long. A beautiful movie for sure and it has its moments but whew...........too long.

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I really enjoyed it. The world they build is so believable and layered that they could make dozens more movies. The filmmaking and storytelling are top-notch, though it is a bit slow. They probably could've cut half an hour from it with no problem. All in all, a very worthy sequel that improves on the original in pretty much every way.

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I was never really a fan of the original. This film truly is a sequel to that film. Setting supersedes characters in story. Adult mystery plods along while loud music fills the room. Fans of subwoofers and set design are sure to be pleased, but when the story is about what makes robots robots and what makes people people, wooden acting is not the best approach. 4/10

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Absolutely incredible. As it stands, the best movie of the year.

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I don't know how many times I've watched the original BLADE RUNNER so I went to see this today with cautious optimism and was pleasantly surprised. Denis Villeneue has made a slowly paced but methodically precise production (it's 2 hours and 43 minutes), which sounds tedious and boring but, instead, it is finely crafted work of art, a fitting homage to the original while introducing us to a new build (and, yes, it is all primed for a continuing franchise). It was quite exquisite! Great cast, interesting story line, fascinating reality constructs, great CG - really a solid movie experience. I give it an 8.5 out of 10. [SciFi]

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Having not seen the original, I can say this movie makes me want to go back and watch Blade Runner.

  • Acting was perfect (great cast lineup)
  • Visuals were stunning. I was perfectly content with just the scenes that had the cityscape in them.
  • Audio and soundtrack of the film were beautiful.

Definitely worth seeing in IMAX, and I will be coming back to the theater to see it again.

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Morgan from TWD, fuck yeah. Awesome cast, great movie.

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Great to look at, sexy and messes with your head possibly more than the original. Don't expect an action packed movie and you'll enjoy it more. As a futuristic detective film, it's right up there with the original. Even if the first is still better.
This film has more nudity and sexual moments than the original. But is, well beautiful nevertheless. Has a very artsy feel to it. Think A.I. Artificial Intelligence, but probably better.

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Just came home from it, got a lot of nostalgic scenes in it that's great for fans of the first one, so many that i would call it a service. Don't get me wrong i like the movie a lot and clearly the people behind the camera studied the first one extensively, possibly frame by frame to get the style right. but the noir and gloomy feel to it went wrong at some point in the second half of the movie, as it got completely overshadowed by Scott's newer styles. So yes this movie have moments that gives me the nostalgia of my favorite movie blade runner, but in way more circumstances i feel like I'm watching Martian or Prometheus. (or any other 21 century Ridley Scott sci-fi movie)

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If you liked the style of the first one but thought it needed to be more dingy, then this one's for you.

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Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2017-09-30T10:43:54Z— updated 2017-10-07T04:38:45Z

For all those who want to get in the mood of Blade Runner, you should watch these 3:

and the awesome anime version by Shinichiro Watanabe:

Can't wait for release !

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With Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford at the helm.... I'm counting on this to be a winner

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Words can't express how excited I am for this. Bring on October.

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