Shouts about...

Blade Runner 2049 2017

I think people who votes 8,9,10 don't watch sci-fi a lot. This movie is simply boring. Couldn't bare to finish it.

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My birthday wish is that this will be good

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As my firt contact with Blade Runner topic it was not the best experience. There is this hype around it but the movie is slow, too long and the first hour quite boring. I love Villeneuve’s movies but this one is truly one big “meh”. Not worth the time

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2 hours later and still nothing really happend...
the movie is so f***cking slow

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Shout by Deleted

The film is absolutly agrichuckle.

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That was a horrible ending.

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this movie was so pretty it gave me eyes diabetes

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Great sequel. The first I found the bad guy the most interesting, this I found the good guy the most interesting. Unsure if I like the original or the sequal more which is always a good thing.

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After having just finished the two "Dune" films before watching this, and having seen a few other Denis Villeneuve films, I think that it's safe to say that he's quite poor at telling stories, especially those belong to other people. His ability to convolute a story is unmatched. I can't recall being more confused than when watching his films. I think that it's an injustice to the actors and the source material. This was a great idea for a story, but his telling of it left a lot to be desired.

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Beautiful scenes. I did not like much the lack of music. And I did not enjoy the story, some characters were not important, like the bad guy or Harrison Ford.

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Great movie. I watched it for 1st time at the cinema. The sound design is amazing, with great visuals and a really engaging story. I loved it.

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"Pain reminds you the joy you felt was real. More joy, then! Do not be afraid."

I thought the first was style over substance, well Blade Runner 2049 is style with substance. An improvement on every level except maybe (debatably) the cinematography, they're both absolutely stunning. Beautiful colors, impressive sets, perfect lighting, great score, atmospheric, gloomy and so rainy... more rainy than Prisoners. Denis Villeneuve's direction is excellent and I was so invested in the mystery he created here. Ryan Gosling's character is nuanced and you can feel what he's feeling constantly. The existential crisis is very deep and the dystopian romance aspect was quite interesting and believable too. This is one of Gosling's more serious roles and I think he was excellent. Sylvia Hoeks as the villain was a great choice. Jared Leto I couldn't take seriously, I think it's because he's terrible at being blind. Not convinced Harrison Ford's character needed to be in this movie but he was great. Not a 9/10 because it needed a shorter runtime and more action, although the instances of action were very thrilling.

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A good continuation of the story, a bit too long, and I didn’t like every narrative decision, but it was a beautiful film nonetheless.

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many is the night i dream of cheese

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This was a super duper cool movie. I loved the cinematography and acting between the characters. The music wasn't the greatest but it really picked up during the last bit of the movie. This sequel feels as if it does more with the acting and scenes rather than the dialogue compared to the original. Not that that is bad, its just that this movie utilizes things differently than the original.
I gave it 9 out of 10 cause I kept getting confused, but by the end of it I think I understood mainly what had happened. Overall it was a very fun experience and super awesome. I hope to watch it again someday.
"Pain is a reminder that the joy you once felt was real"

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Cinematography is such eye candy. Theme feels a little more narrow than dadoes. Reproduction and child bearing.

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Blade Runner was bleak, but it was exciting. This is just bleak... and dull.

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Shout by TIBS

So first time I watched it and thought it was crap or ‘okay’ at best but disappointed.
However, after seeing it again and after having watched the original again, yes, far better than I thought at first, enjoyed it but still just feels a little too much filler in there and too long for my liking.

What I realised though is that the line at the end is just brilliant, as simple as it is, but one of the best lines in film for such an understated line: ‘Who am I to you?’

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Try to get it in 4k. Watch the first part before this. A lot of people online said it's not necessary to watch the first part but I'm glad I watched it before beginning this movie. It's like if you don't watch Firefly before Serenity, You'll only understand the action sequences.

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It's a beautiful film visually, but none of the characters is allowed proper development, not even the main. We never get to truly connect with Joe, as he's just a vehicle, a driving force for the story itself, which gets muddled in the middle, and the remainder of the film suffers as a result. Shame really, it could have been great. 5.5/10

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Like everyone else, I think this film is beautiful. Unlike most everyone else, I don't like the story. I am very glad that they didn't turn this into another lame action movie and stayed with the mood and tempo of the original. Problem is, I never really cared for the original and I am no less bored with the story of BR2049.

I hate to say this because I am normally thrilled with movies that don't give you all of the answers. But because I'm not a fan of the original, this sequel and its characters mean little. I'm sure Blade Runner fans could enlighten me, but the story is just not that interesting.

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I waited a long time before I took the plunge and watched Blade Runner 2049. Denis Villeneuve is ramping up to be one of my all-time favorite directors, and after Dune, I really had no excuse not to watch this one.

The main reason I haven't is a fear that it might be more of what makes the original Blade Runner such a mixed bag for me. On the visual, sound, and technical side, I just adore it. When it comes to the story...well...let's just say I like it, but doesn't LOVE it like so many others.

...and I was right.

Blade Runner 2049 suffers from the same issues as the first one. Parts of it suffers from severe pacing issues, and the story doesn't know what it wants...just as the first one. Does it really matter? Not really...

The visuals are just as impressive in 2049, and the sound and score is, even though I miss Vangelis, excellent. Acting is also superb all around, but to me, the standouts are Ana de Armas and Dave Bautista.

So...just as with Blade Runner, I like 2049, but I don't love it.

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This is probably the best legacy-quel I've ever seen (that is, a sequel that came out long after the original). It stays true to the themes of the first one, and keeps its very slow, subdued nature in favour of a soulless cashgrab.

I found that I got a lot more out of a rewatch of Blade Runner 2049. Not only was the plot a lot more clear, but so were some of the subtle messages about what it means to be human and all that cyberpunk philosophy. It was a much more enjoyable and enriching experience this time around.

I still can't stand the characterization of Wallace, though. He doesn't feel real, he feels like a really good actor reading lines of poetry instead of saying what they mean. Like, imagine if you asked me how my day has been, and I start telling you about how birds don't have a place to roost unless they put stop flapping their wings and go find a branch to settle in.

You'd look at me like I'm insane. Wallace's dialogue (which may as well be monologue) sounds like it was written by a crazy person.

Great movie, though.

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A booooooooring movie, nothing special with acting, poor idea and story for 2017, exaggerated meaningless nudes throughout the movie. The only thing of course is the impressive (cinematography 10/10). Total 6/10

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“Blade Runner 2049” is a solid sequel that could have been a much better standalone sci-fi film. The overall atmosphere is very respectful towards the original, but the retro sci-fi imagery and desperate need to include old characters sometimes feel like a creative limitation as well as an obstacle for new viewers. As with most Deakins-Villeneuve collaborations, once we become used to the breathtaking impact of the visuals and start to focus on the storytelling, it’s sometimes hard to get emotionally invested in the plot and characters. We have the same old dilemmas about identity, humanity, and memory, even though except for a more sentimental approach to love stories, there is nothing really new. Definitely not enough to justify the film’s excessive length. The slow pace is surely one of the trademarks of the original, but here things simply drag on in an attempt at building arthouse depth and at the same time keeping the doors open for possible sequels.

Nevertheless, an enjoyable sci-fi blockbuster with some of the most beautiful cinematography of the decade.

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Beautiful movie

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7.5/10 - I like it but it also felt too long and boring. IMO they stayed too true to the original movie and improved/modernized too little. The main thing that's bothering me is that the technology is an absurd mix of Sci-Fi and "old" technology from our 2000s. Together with the large buildings/structures that remind me of pyramids from the ancient Egyptians it feels just too absurd/exotic and unrealistic. I feel like it's focused on a small niche but surprisingly many seem to like it (IMO it fits into the post Cyberpunk genre which might already be niche). Anyway, what I do like is that they shifted to new problems like climate change and food scarcity. The cinematography was also interesting (and beautiful in an exotic way) and the CGI was obviously nice.

My favorite moment:

  • Joi: "A and C and T and G. The alphabet of you. All from four symbols. I'm only two: One and zero."
  • K: "Half as much but twice as elegant, sweetheart."
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Should not have watched this on a computer.

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It was better than the original.

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Amazing visual aesthetic and gorgeous scenes. I found myself blown away by this masterpiece of cinematography and there was never a boring setting. The storyline was much easier to follow than the first one and the twist was an interesting way to go. The creativity and thought put into this film made it incredibly unique and there as never a dull moment despite its slow pacing. The runtime allowed for some lovely character development and I liked the acting from Ryan Gosling. I could go into much more depth about how great this movie is and all the good parts but just watch it if your in the mood for a beautifully shot cyberpunk film that fulfills your nostalgia for the original.

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The cinematography is pure sex. The soundtrack is a dream. The script is heady and pretentious. 2049 is wholly perfect.

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This movie reminds me why i love sci fi.

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took me two nights and one evening just to finish it enjoyed watching it specially the graphics it's like u r in another cool world

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NUMBER 1 5/10 only
the final cut.
THIS ONE 8/10 any cut

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too much time, too little meaning

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I wish I saw it in IMAX

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Visually stunning and narratively satisfying.

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“Sometimes to love someone, you got to be a stranger”

Blade Runner 2049 is the perfect sci fi movie. The story expands on the first, making the world bigger and better. The acting is great, from almost everyone Ryan Gosling did great as the soulless cop and Ana de armas did surprisingly well as a robot in love. Of course Harrison Ford does great reprising the role of Deckard. Didn’t dig Jared Leto’s villain though. It’s directed very well by Dennis Villeneuve he should have got nominated for an Oscar for this movie. It’s written very well and well thought out. The cinematography is fantastic Roger Deakins gets his first Oscar and this is some of his best work. The visual effects are some of the best I’ve ever seen like the moments when Jois on screen and the battles( the final battle was epic and one of the movies best moments). Overall it’s a spectacular sci fi movie that ends great and is very thought provoking.

( 10 out of 10)

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Not sure how to rate this one. Just saw it. Will have to let it sit with me for a bit. I do know that I liked it, though. Just not sure if I only liked or loved it.

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7 - Good

This movie is definitely something else, like you feel like you're really stepping into another world. I'd say it's different than the first movie, but still a good continuation I feel.

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An atmospheric sci-fi thriller, Blade Runner 2049 is a rather mediocre sequel to Ridley Scott’s cult classic. The story follows a replicant blade runner who discovers that a replicant has given birth, and then attempts to track down the child. Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas lead the cast and give incredibly strong performances; especial de Armas, who’s extraordinarily compelling as a holographic A.I. that’s trying to exist in the physical world. The visual effects and set designs are also remarkably well-done, creating a rich visual aesthetic that’s a marvel to look at. And the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch brilliantly compliments the scenes and sets a dark and intense mood. But unfortunately there’s not much of a plot, and what little there is isn’t that interesting. Still, while its story may be perfunctory, Blade Runner 2049 is a fascinating visual spectacle.

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The original surely can’t be beat. I was very eager to watch this but sadly it just didn’t rise to the same level. Will not be the cult classic the first became.

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More Hollywood recycled trash. Overhyped, overrated ,Leto gives one of the worst performances I’ve ever seen.

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Shout by Deleted

BR2049 is an excellent (and visually resplendent) return to Philip K. Dick's dystopian world, and explores its core question—what it means to be human—much more powerfully than its prequel.

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Don't believe the hype. This is bullsh*t.

I couldn't understand why I thought that - afterall, I did enjoy Blade Runner, and this thing was really hyped and well rated.

But when I looked at the comments based in age order, people who have watched it recently, now all the hype has finished, thought the same thing as me.\

It's hugely long (for such a simple story line), it takes the dark, noir atmosphere of the original, and then just does it a little more, adds a little bit of special effects (that look like they have been motivated by car advertising execs trying to show off their new LEDS headlights) ....but without any significant benefit to the story.

Even for an enthusiast, this is hard - and ultimately disappointing - work.

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THIS MOVIE IS A FUCKING SCAM!! It's 2h40m long and Deckard only appears in the last hour and is just,,, there. He's barely in the movie and only wears that fugly gray t-shirt the entire time, and the rest is just Ryan Gosling walking around with his ugly ass face! Also it's boring asf why is it so damn longgg there's so many shots of people (Ryan Gosling) walking aroung and doing jackshit!! You're NOT Stanley Kubrick, Bitch!!!

Moreover, It's a festival of female nudity and violence against women, there were so many deaths of female characters and JARED LETO FUCKING SURVIVED. How is this movie more sexist than the original 1982 film!? Harrison Ford was direspected! The 15-minute anime short was better than this shit.

The production and directing are fine, I guess.

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Speaking as someone who really enjoyed the original Bladerunner film, this was a disappointment.

The plus points are that the cast is great, a dystopian future is always an attention-holding setting for me, so that gave me enough reason to watch the entire film, and the visuals are pretty great.

That said, this film is waaaay too long. Clocking in at the thick end of three hours, this definitely could have been trimmed down to nearer the two-hour mark. I'm more than happy to watch a slow burning plot unfold to reach a satisfying conclusion but this failed on both points: the plot was minimal rather than complex that would require time to setup, while the conclusion was weak, verging on cheesy.

In summary, overblown and a waste of a great cast.

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Climate, cinematography, music and story in plus, they made it. However the ending is just… they build up the tension perfectly and then it all blows up like a soap bubble. It's a pity.

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This review does contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk. With that said, this movie was nothing like the original, and lacked the same atmosphere. It does the original no justice. While Harrison Ford does play Deckard very well, and the character is indeed well written, he doesn't have much of a role.

I wanted and expected noir, and got NYPD blues instead. Other than Deckard, the movie was a disappoinment. There wasn't much special effects or the neon lights, it was bland and boring.

I can't say much for the soundtrack, it wasn't memorable either. I don't remember it.

So, to sum things up, movie was a disappoinment, Deckard was the only bright spot, and if you're looking to relive some noir of the original movie, this movie isn't the place to do it.

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People give 10 to Avengers but cannot even give a good rating for this masterpiece. Truly the best movie of 2017.

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It's so good, most of the scenes if not all the scenes, look like a wallpaper, i could screenshot every frame to make my wallpaper, but i don't have enough patience to do that :|

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This is such a disappointment! An extremely slow movie! I believe they filmed the movie and slowed down everything by 50% in post production! I had high expectations but ended up disappointed...

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I really must have watched an entirely different movie than the one that is rated here! This movie was TERRIBLE! No plot or real storyline, expressionless actors, poor dialogue. I thought the first one was bad. I could not get through it even after 4 attempts. I was determined to get through this one though even though it took three different sessions to do so.

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I'm still hypnotized by the magical atmosphere of Blade Runner's future.

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I expected much more from this movie

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Wow. I'm glad I went into this with no spoilers. What a beautiful, sad movie. It left me at a loss for words with an emotional ache throughout my body, but I loved it.

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I've not seen the first movie that I'm not big fan of for years so had to jog my memory while watching It's sequel that I wasn't highly Impressed with but it was a good film, kept me hooked Into It's futuristic world and characters.

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Shout by Max K.
BlockedParent2018-05-01T21:00:37Z— updated 2019-01-10T15:21:14Z

The worst film in my entire life. I couldn't imagine something worse than this shit. And I think, will never be able to do...

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sure it has a message to tell, great acting and lots of visual style... but it's just so B.O.R.I.N.G...
Don*t remember the original Blade Runner, do have fond memories of the video game with the same name though... after all the great reviews this was a total disappointment.

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A bit "slow" but really enjoyable

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Saw this in the theater... greatest nap I’ve had in a while

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Let´s just start be saying I am not a fan of the first Blade Runner and I didn't think it needed a sequel. But, who knows, 2049 could be something, right ?
Well I am about 30 min into it and nothing really happened. The little that did could have been told in about, say, 5-10 minutes? The rest was style and atmosphere. With 136 minutes left I quit because I am certain I would have regretted watching more.
So this is not a review on the movie put rather a recommendation to those who did not like the first one to just skip this. It's my subjective, personal opinion. I won't even rate it.

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Shout by Deleted

Okay let me get this straight, you will not agree to my 10 if you are not already enjoyed by a great set of cinematics & music. Because this movie LIVES on it. The Story itself is super weak and lackluster and I would be so angry if that is would be what I am supposed to love. But much like Mad Maxx this Movie just excells through other qualities. There hasn't been many movies that manage to make you feel a certain emotion just by having a SPOT ON soundtrack and Bladerunner 2049 has that. It combined with stunning and realistic Cyberpunk Cinematic just make this a very pleasent and exciting movie I loved seeing on the big Screen.

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Shout by Simon

I probably shouldn’t have started to watch this film, with its long running time, when I was feeling tired. Especially with the dark scenes and often muted colours.

Yeah, it was OK. The best scenes saved for the final portion of the film.

Love the cityscape and the technical side which suggests great advances over current day. Of course, we are somewhat behind the curve; we won’t have ‘replicants’ by 2020 that’s for sure!!

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Loved it! Definitely wish i could have watched it in theaters!

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Loved it! Definitely wish i could have watched it in theaters!

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Amazing, every scene is a piece of art

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It's been a while since I saw the first one but this movie does a fairly good job of following the original. It answers some of the unanswered questions from the first movie. There's new questions in the race to find answers. And yet, it just wasn't wholly satisfying. The overall drama is fairly similar, and while there's some new drama, it wasn't that exciting or original. More than anything, I think all the hype had me expecting too much.

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Fairly typical Villeneuve movie. Dull and bleak story told against an even duller and bleaker vision of future worlds (being mostly either grey, snowy or amber in colour) with a boring story that takes forever to unfold. Can't really understand the hype that this movie gets at all. My biggest regret is that it wasn't half as long as it was, it sure could have been!! More a movie to endure than enjoy unless you're a REAL fan of the slow, plodding, bleak vision of the future.

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As a huge fan of the original (I have it in three of the available versions), I loved everything about this one except for the poor editing, which left in too much padding by allowing some scenes to go on for too long, which slowed the pacing far too much. Sometimes less is more, and 30 minutes or so of this one should have been left on the cutting room floor or saved as a DVD extra.

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Shout by Deleted

looks good great actors should be good they know how to get good flix

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One of the now pretty rare movies without focusing on sex or brutality most of the time. It has a really deep and packing story, and a constant interesting atmosphere. It somehow shows how bad the taste of the majority got today, because of its comparedly bad rating. It is worth atleast 8/10.

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I really did not understand anything of this movie… maybe I should have watched the original first to understand what it's all about. Otherwise it was just… boring and somehow bad…

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Fun dgn gk k
Gk gtodufugkkg

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Gorgeous, satisfying sequel. The best kind of sequel, one that can stand on its own, with its own stuff to say. The narrative is kind of a derailment from the original, but that's okay, as this works as just another story told in this universe, with some carry-over themes. It's great sci-fi. What is a soul? Is it even important?

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It’s going to have to grow on me, like the first one.

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This was great! I enjoyed every minute of it. Harrison Ford was amazing and Ryan did a fantastic job as well. The visual effects and even the score made it even better.

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Shout by Deleted

Não sou sou muito fã do filme original (talvez tenha visto a versão errada?) mas Blade Runner 2049 me agradou. O filme expande um pouco o universo e conta com personagens muito interessantes em boas atuações. A fotografia é o ponto alto do filme. De negativo fica a atuação de Harisson Ford que parece não estar se esforçando mais em seus filmes.

Um arrependimento: não ter ido assistir no cinema.

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Esse filme é ruin!!! duas horas e meia de nada! Affff, não perca seu tempo, o diretor gasta muito tempo em cenas pífias, parece um filme sem conteúdo rodando em camera lenta. Péssimo.

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Chef d’œuvre.
Meilleur film de 2017

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Different than previous movie yet worth the watch and interesting

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
0 / 1 act I
0 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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Some nice visual effects but not a real sci-fi.. slow and boring.

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great movie, a real sci-fi in nowdays

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Shout by Deleted

Blade Runner 2049 is a beautiful movie. it surely couldn't beat his predecessor, but it's still a good movie to watch. I Think the movie was a little too slow reguarding the story. but Villenueve managed to make the story nice to follow. the search for Harrison ford, the persistent problem of the meaning of "being human". all of this is very well built, with a talented cast and a beautiful photography. BUT, talking about what Made blade runner such a cult, the sequel couldn't manage even to get closer to that. the idea of the "human being" is not so evident in this movie, is just a background to emphatyze the main character story. reguarding the world of blade runner 2049, Villenueve did a great job. he created a really beautiful atmosphere, with a beautiful photography. let's just say that cult movies can't continue troghout history. they are Made and contestualized for a certain period, and that makes them unique and irrepetible. blade runner 2049 is a good movie, not a masterpiece, not something new, but it's certainly well spended money.

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Excellent flick...but Roy Batty is still Goat

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La he visto en el cine y me ha gustado mucho. Abstenerse los que les guste la ciencia ficción de acción porque se van a aburrir, pero es recomendable si te gustan las buenas historias. La ambientación estés clavada respecto a la primera.

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Saw it only once at a good theater, and was desperately nervous that it was going to suck. On purpose I had watched no trailers, had read no dirt, and had no idea about the plot other than what I had learned from watching the first film probably 10 times over the course of my life.

1.5 hours in I got nervous - shit is it gonna end soon? 2 hours in, I realized "Aw hell yeah, it's gonna be a 3 hour film!" 15 minutes before the end, I said "holy crap, i didn't expect that!". 5 minutes before the end I realized the conclusion, and I just rode it home. I need to see it again now a few times to soak it all up...

Really well done Villeneuve, bravo. So few sequels which come after a masterpiece, pay due respect to the first film. But based on this excellent work, and how the sound, texture and story was crafted, I'm ready for Blade Runner 2051. I am now desperate to see where the story goes from here... :D We can't wait so long this time!!!! (big grin)

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Brilliant movie true to the original in every way, from cinematography to the music score. Truly immersive. One of the best movies I watched in years.

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this was the best film ive watched on a movie theater this year

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Shout by Mex5150
BlockedParent2017-10-18T14:42:12Z— updated 2017-11-17T12:42:40Z

The film was actually really disappointing. As a film it was /OK/, but as a sequel to Blade Runner, it was terrible. There were some nice in-jokes and references, but overall low-brow junk masquerading as high-brow gold (it was directed by Villeneuve, so I really shouldn't have expected better, the only thing he's good at is making stupid people think they are clever). Everything seemed forced and unnatural. The plot was trite and cliched, and everything was very predictable. Totally a wasted opportunity ;^<

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Shout by Deleted

Greatest movie of the year. Visually stunning, deep, great characters, amazing sound.
A worthy successor of the first Blade Runner!

(don't expect an action-filled, dumb super-hero movie)

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Shout by Deleted

With no prejudice, unfortunately and despite I've read so many positive opinions and reviews, all typical worries of a sequel became true... such a slow, boring and empty script. I will give it the recreation of the atmosphere is well done but one can't help getting fidgety after a while. Very disappointing ☹☹☹

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It'll be a classic in the future.

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A solid sequel to a great scifi, Ryan Gosling played the role perfectly and smoothly. Really brought the feeling back of the original movie and I really enjoyed it, it is intense, a bit too hardcore for the general viewer and I can understand why people wouldn't like it, some people just get lost because it isn't your typical scifi movie.

Brought back a lot of memories but I am happy I watched the original last month before watching this.

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A cinematic masterpiece. Probably the best sci-fi film of the 21st century.

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Shout by harendane
BlockedParent2017-10-11T21:44:40Z— updated 2017-10-23T18:54:14Z

I'm pretty confident, that Blade Runner 2049 will take a place in my heart and in my memory as one of the best sequels I ever saw (+ ever produced (in my humble opinion)). In terms of storytelling it stays true to its predecessor and follows a similar pace. Some may find this slow or redundant, I found it absolutely stunning and atmospheric. Combined with its stellar audio-visual presentation and a great acting performance it forms a beautiful, oppressive atmosphere I highly recommend to anyone!
2D is sufficient though! Fantastic movie!

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Blade Runner 2049

Beautiful visual direction, every shot is a piece of art.
Thought provoking grand scheme but at the same time personal plot.
Stellar acting.
Leaves you wanting more.

Must be seen at the cinema.


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The most cinematic experience I've had since I was a kid. Beautiful, loud, intelligent and exhilarating.

I'm not sure I'd ever used the word 'enthralled' out loud before I walked out the cinema last night, but it was the only one I could get out my big grinning face.

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