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Blade 1998

Goofy classic vampire movie. Big fan

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"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill"

The late 90's / early 00's edginess, draped in leather and a cold blue hue, is intoxicatingly nostalgic and camp. Almost The Matrix-lite, just with worse set pieces and distractingly bad CG, Blade is enjoyable if taken for what it is. It doesn't really stand the test of time, but it's overt style makes it charming to look back on.

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I dont know why this is so hated? I really enjoyed it. It brought pouncing action along with great character development and plot. Its what I'd expect horror marvel to be in the 1990s. I can just imagine being in the cinemas on release date, wobbling out all the way home in the leaching dark, crying, terrified, drenched in wee.

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Is it a 10? I don't care lol the movie could suck ehhhhhhh literally and I'd have given it a 10 for the 68 Charger alone ohhhhhhh

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To me the second is superior. It has a better villain and a better story. Better action as well.

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Marvel hero movie before the MCU was cool.
The Daywalker doesn't need an origin film, but his story is told en passant during the actual narration of the film.

This is simple, leader-vampire wants to revive god-vampire, but convincingly staged. The characters are all overdrawn and Blade himself is as cool as the antagonist's last name (Frost).
The 90's music, action, dialogue and unfortunately CGI drip from every scene. Another thing that sets the film apart from similar works of today is that the world, the characters and the characters take the world seriously. The mood is not broken ironically over and over again and every seriousness, no matter how overdone, is not resolved with a joke or a quip.
It is precisely this that makes Blade refreshingly different and worth seeing from today's perspective, given the huge range of superhero films.

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I've watched it multiple times and it's still enjoyable. Granted, the CGI effects are quited dated by today's standards (actually, they're pretty laughable by today's standards! LOL) but it was still a great movie. Some reviews have said that it wouldn't have made sense unless you followed the Marvel comic book; in all honesty, I never realized "Blade" was a Marvel character...and I was a pretty hardcore comics fan back in the day. I say that just to emphasize that the movie is a fun action flick even if you're NOT a fan of superheroes, Marvel comics, etc. It's just a good movie, full of non-stop action, and very easy to watch. Seldom (if ever) dull, there are plenty of fast-acting fight scenes in here. I'll probably watch it again some time; it was actually that good.

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How casual Abraham Whistler just lights a cigarette next to gasoline...

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Fun R rated comic book movie from the 90s

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I love this movie! Except for the CGI it's not dated at all. Wesley Snipes just is Blade and he's so awesome as the character. I wish they would've explored the "pure bloods" a bit more.

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One thing about watching Blade I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.

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somebody's always trying to ice skate uphill

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I am gonna keep this one short, Blade is soooooooooo much fun and it is definitely a product of the late 90s but I think that's why it works so perfectly and why the adaptation is so accurate.

Wesley Snipes (Blade) is so awesome and great as this character, he makes every scene so interesting and yet he has his way of also infusing a little be fun into it with also tonnes of BAD ASSERY!!!!!!

I will say that Stephen Dorff (Deacon Frost) was pretty good in this film playing opposite Blade and also the side characters were pretty good though nothing special. But that's not what you are here for, you are here to watch a badass character hunt vampires and I promise you that you will get it in bucket loads.

The action is handled really we as well with the opening sequence being one of the best in a Marvel film (yes this is technically a Marvel film), but some of the VFX don't hold up and it's super dated.

Otherwise, strap in and great ready to have some badass fun.

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this action flick was great during its time, a true tribute to Marvel comic fans. however, it didn't age so well, even though there were a lot of badass moments it felt drawn out and the plot wasn't captivating enough for someone who never read the comics.

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Blade isn't a bad film for its time, because times were bad but I had good enough time with this. Still, vampires who can walk around in the daylight because they wear motorcycle helmets or sunscreen!? Are you WTF'ing kidding me?

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Blade presents a refreshingly bold vision for the vampire genre. Based on a Marvel comic book character, Blade, a vampire hybrid, wages a war on the vampire world and must stop a coven from raising an ancient blood god. Wesley Snipes delivers a strong performance as Blade, and both Kris Kristofferson and Stephen Dorff provide good supporting performances. The film also presents an intriguing vampire mythology and a distinctive visual style. However, the CGI is remarkable bad and is detrimental to the film. Still, even though Blade falls flat at times, it’s a fun adventure.

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So stupidely over the top and cheesy but I love it.

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It has a lot of over the top action and acting from Wesley Snipes but at least there are some killer lines. This feels very 90s.

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An over the top marvel vampire action movie with Wesley Snipes. This movie sure could use a nice reboot preferably in the mcu but this movie still has one of the coolest openings in any movie I say and it's actually really good. Action is great Wesley Snipes is amazing nobody could play Blade better just a bit over the top at times but besides that can't go wrong watching it.

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From minute number one, I enjoyed this movie. It attractively hooks the audience inside the first few scenes, and produces an urge to see out the rest of the movie and I like that. The special effects are definitely nothing special, but don't ruin the movie by any means. If you can navigate your way through the effects, or, lack thereof, the action and somewhat poor action scenes will satisfy most people.

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Shout by Deleted

A kick-ass film filled with 90's cheese. But in the good way.

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Haven't seen it since it came out so I couldn't remember it. The action is decent even compared to more modern movies. Also a better comic book movie than the vast array of comic book movies coming out now, but that's not saying much. Some of the effects are dated and Blade can be a bit cheesy himself but it's forgivable. It starts as a fun movie but it's lack a really great story, a good villain and p interesting scenes. It slows down a lot with scenes that explain what has already been said before. A lack of ideas and its hard to see what the 45million pound budget went on. It often looks and feels low budget.

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The way a comic book flick should be made.

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Although the special effects are mostly crap (especially the ones in the second part of the movie), Blade succeeded to gain cult status. Some of Snipe's phrases are 'over the top' but its still one of that 'must see' action titles out there.

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Shout by Deleted


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Snipes best movie of his career next to Demolition man

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